Room 5.506
Turm 5, Floor 5
Phone: +49 431 600–4039
E-Mail: vsauerland(at)
GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstraße 1–3
24148 Kiel
I am working on algorithms for discrete and continuous optimization problems and their adaptation for the calibration (parameter optimization) and evaluation of biogeochemical ocean models.
Currently, I am working on the EU project OceanICU "Understanding Ocean Carbon."
04/2021–02/2022 and since 11/2022: Scientist in the Biogeochemical Modeling Research Unit at GEOMAR.
2013–2020: Postdoctoral Researcher and Scientist in the Discrete Optimization Research Group at CAU.
2005–2012: PhD Candidate and Research Associate in the Discrete Optimization Research Group at CAU.
2003: Diploma, Discrete Optimization Research Group, CAU.
Number of items: 20.
Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed
Kriest, I. ,
Getzlaff, J.,
Landolfi, A. ,
Sauerland, V.,
Schartau, M. and
Oschlies, A.
Exploring the role of different data types and timescales for the quality of marine biogeochemical model calibration.
Biogeosciences (BG), 20
pp. 2645-2669.
Kriest, I. ,
Kähler, P.,
Koeve, W. ,
Kvale, K. F. ,
Sauerland, V. and
Oschlies, A.
One size fits all? Calibrating an ocean biogeochemistry model for different circulations.
Biogeosciences (BG), 17
pp. 3057-3082.
Ruckelt, J.,
Sauerland, V. ,
Slawig, T.,
Srivastav, A.,
Ward, B. and
Patvardhan, C.
Parameter optimization and uncertainty analysis in a model of oceanic CO2 uptake using a hybrid algorithm and algorithmic differentiation.
Nonlinear Analysis-Real World Applications, 11
pp. 3993-4009.
Kriest, I. ,
Kähler, P.,
Khatiwala, S.,
Koeve, W. ,
Kvale, K. F. ,
Sauerland, V. and
Oschlies, A.
One size fits all? - Optimising ocean biogeochemistry for different circulations.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. , 16.-21.02.2020, San Diego, USA .
Theses - not published by a publisher
Reports - other reports
Rückelt, J.,
Sauerland, V. ,
Slawig, T.,
Srivastav, A.,
Ward, B. and
Patvardhan, C.
Parameter Optimization and Validation of a
Marine Biogeochemical Model using a Hybrid
Bericht / Institut für Informatik der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 0919
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Institut für Informatik , Kiel, Germany, 32 pp.
This list was generated on Thu Dec 26 05:04:53 2024 CET.