GAME-Alumni projects I - II - III
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Name: Mauricio Cifuentes Navarro
Interests: Community ecology; Invasion ecology; Experimental ecology; Fouling communities; Pattern of succession in natural benthic and fouling communities;
Job/Location: Ph.D. candidate at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Links: rfouling.com
GAME-Project: III and IV
Team: Chile
Contact: Primary email address: mcifuent@gmail.com, other contact: mauricio.cifuentes@vuw.ac.nz
Interests: Community ecology; Invasion ecology; Experimental ecology; Fouling communities; Pattern of succession in natural benthic and fouling communities;
Job/Location: Ph.D. candidate at Victoria University, Wellington, New Zealand
Links: rfouling.com
GAME-Project: III and IV
Team: Chile
Contact: Primary email address: mcifuent@gmail.com, other contact: mauricio.cifuentes@vuw.ac.nz
Name: João Canning-Clode
Interests: Global diversity patterns in benthic communities; Biofouling; Antifouling; Modular experiments in community ecology; Estimation techniques of species richness; Functional diversity; Invasion ecology
Job/Location: Postdoc, IMAR - DOP, University of the Azores, Center of Oceanography, University of Lisbon, Portugal and Research Associate at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), USA
Links: www.canning-clode.com
GAME-Project: II, supervisor in GAME VIII, IX, X
Team: Portugal
Contact: jcclode(at)fc.ul.pt
Interests: Global diversity patterns in benthic communities; Biofouling; Antifouling; Modular experiments in community ecology; Estimation techniques of species richness; Functional diversity; Invasion ecology
Job/Location: Postdoc, IMAR - DOP, University of the Azores, Center of Oceanography, University of Lisbon, Portugal and Research Associate at Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC), USA
Links: www.canning-clode.com
GAME-Project: II, supervisor in GAME VIII, IX, X
Team: Portugal
Contact: jcclode(at)fc.ul.pt
Name: Astrid Heidemann
Job/Location: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Katholische Theologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Links: http://www.uni-due.de/katheol/systheol/heidemann.shtml
GAME-Project: II
Team: Chile
Contact: astrid.heidemann@uni-due.de
Job/Location: Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin, Institut für Katholische Theologie, Universität Duisburg-Essen
Links: http://www.uni-due.de/katheol/systheol/heidemann.shtml
GAME-Project: II
Team: Chile
Contact: astrid.heidemann@uni-due.de
Name: Claas Hiebenthal
Interests: Global change, Stress ecology of marine benthos, Interactions in the marine benthos, Marine bivalves, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Characteristics of bivalve shells as proxy for palaeoclimata
Job/Location: Post-Doc, GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany
Links: http://www.geomar.de/de/mitarbeiter/fb3/eoe-b/chiebenthal/
GAME Project: II, supervised GAME IX
Team: South Africa
Contact: chiebenthal@geomar.de
Interests: Global change, Stress ecology of marine benthos, Interactions in the marine benthos, Marine bivalves, Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Characteristics of bivalve shells as proxy for palaeoclimata
Job/Location: Post-Doc, GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany
Links: http://www.geomar.de/de/mitarbeiter/fb3/eoe-b/chiebenthal/
GAME Project: II, supervised GAME IX
Team: South Africa
Contact: chiebenthal@geomar.de
Name: Maya Pfaff
Interests: Benthic ecology, physical-biological coupling, marine virology, phytoplankton, upwelling
Job/Location: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Oceanography/Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Cape Town, South Africa
GAME Project: II
Team: South Africa
Contact: maya.pfaff@gmail.com
Interests: Benthic ecology, physical-biological coupling, marine virology, phytoplankton, upwelling
Job/Location: Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Oceanography/Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Cape Town, South Africa
GAME Project: II
Team: South Africa
Contact: maya.pfaff@gmail.com
Name: Christine Güldenzoph
Job/Location: Coordinator GAME, Leibniz-Institut für Meereswissenschaften, Kiel
GAME-Project: I
Team: South Africa
Contact: cgueldenzoph@geomar.de
Name: Uli Kunz
Interests: Artificial reefs in Kiel bay (settlement and fotographic documentation of organisms on and near the structures)
Job/Location: Freiberuflicher Forschungstaucher, Fotograf und Lektor auf Polar-Kreuzfahrtschiffen
Links: www.kunzgalerie.de, http://www.horizonte-zingst.de/fotografen-referenten/detail/profil/kunz.html, http://mexiko.amla-kiel.de/index2.php, http://www.silversea.com/expeditions/meet-team/lecture-staff/?staff=8423
GAME Project: I - experience report by Uli Kunz
Team: Sweden
Contact: uli@kunzgalerie.de
Interests: Artificial reefs in Kiel bay (settlement and fotographic documentation of organisms on and near the structures)
Job/Location: Freiberuflicher Forschungstaucher, Fotograf und Lektor auf Polar-Kreuzfahrtschiffen
Links: www.kunzgalerie.de, http://www.horizonte-zingst.de/fotografen-referenten/detail/profil/kunz.html, http://mexiko.amla-kiel.de/index2.php, http://www.silversea.com/expeditions/meet-team/lecture-staff/?staff=8423
GAME Project: I - experience report by Uli Kunz
Team: Sweden
Contact: uli@kunzgalerie.de
Name: Olivia Langhamer
Interests: Artificial reefs, biofouling, colonization patterns, environmental impact, offshore renewable energy (wind & wave power)
Job/Location: Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Biology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
GAME Project: I
Team: Sweden
Contact: olivia@langhamer.de
Interests: Artificial reefs, biofouling, colonization patterns, environmental impact, offshore renewable energy (wind & wave power)
Job/Location: Postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Biology, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
GAME Project: I
Team: Sweden
Contact: olivia@langhamer.de
Name: Kevin Linnane
Interests: Intertidal ecology, subtidal benthic ecology, fish ecology, marine mammals, nature conservation, marine renewables, ports, wind farms, environmental impact assessment
Job/Location: Marine ecologist working as consultant for RPS Planning and Development, Chepstow, Wales, UK
GAME Project: I
Team: England
Contact: Kevin.Linnane@rpsgroup.com
Interests: Intertidal ecology, subtidal benthic ecology, fish ecology, marine mammals, nature conservation, marine renewables, ports, wind farms, environmental impact assessment
Job/Location: Marine ecologist working as consultant for RPS Planning and Development, Chepstow, Wales, UK
GAME Project: I
Team: England
Contact: Kevin.Linnane@rpsgroup.com
Name: Erasmo Macaya
Interests: Algal ecology, taxonomy and aquaculture, biogeography, DNA barcoding
Job/Location: Departamento de Oceanografía, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, Universidad de Concepción, Concepcion, Chile
Links: www.algalecology.com
GAME Project: I
Team: Chile
Contact: emacaya@oceanografia.udec.cl
Interests: Algal ecology, taxonomy and aquaculture, biogeography, DNA barcoding
Job/Location: Departamento de Oceanografía, Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, Universidad de Concepción, Concepcion, Chile
Links: www.algalecology.com
GAME Project: I
Team: Chile
Contact: emacaya@oceanografia.udec.cl
Name: Ika Neven
Interests: Inorganic carbon uptake of Antarctic phytoplankton in response to climate change / rising atmospheric CO2
Job/Location: completed PhD at University of Groningen, The Netherlands; now coordinator of 2 MSc studies (Biomedical Technology and Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences)
GAME Project: I
Team: England
Contact: i.a.neven@rug.nl
Interests: Inorganic carbon uptake of Antarctic phytoplankton in response to climate change / rising atmospheric CO2
Job/Location: completed PhD at University of Groningen, The Netherlands; now coordinator of 2 MSc studies (Biomedical Technology and Behavioural and Cognitive Neurosciences)
GAME Project: I
Team: England
Contact: i.a.neven@rug.nl