GAME-Alumni projects VIII - IX
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Name: Muhammad Reza Cordova
Interests: Marine pollution, marine biology, marine ecology, toxicology, fisiology, benthos, environmental stress
Job/Location: Marine Hidrobiology Lab, Dept. of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Links: http://itk.fpik.ipb.ac.id/, rezacordova.blogspot.com
GAME-Project: IX
Team: Indonesia
Contact: mrezacordova@gmail.com
Interests: Marine pollution, marine biology, marine ecology, toxicology, fisiology, benthos, environmental stress
Job/Location: Marine Hidrobiology Lab, Dept. of Marine Science and Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia
Links: http://itk.fpik.ipb.ac.id/, rezacordova.blogspot.com
GAME-Project: IX
Team: Indonesia
Contact: mrezacordova@gmail.com
Name: Benjamin Weigel
Interests: marine benthic ecology, influences of climate change and anthropogenic induced stressors on marine communities, foodweb interactions, behavioral ecology
Job/Location: Phd student at Åbo Akademi University, Turku/Åbo, Finland position within the framework of the Nordic Center for Research on Marine Ecosystems and Resources under Climate Change (NorMER)
Links: http://www.abo.fi/institution/biovetmiljoochmarinbiologi, http://www.normer.uio.no
GAME Project: IX
Team: Finland
Contact: benjamin.weigel(at)abo.fi
Interests: marine benthic ecology, influences of climate change and anthropogenic induced stressors on marine communities, foodweb interactions, behavioral ecology
Job/Location: Phd student at Åbo Akademi University, Turku/Åbo, Finland position within the framework of the Nordic Center for Research on Marine Ecosystems and Resources under Climate Change (NorMER)
Links: http://www.abo.fi/institution/biovetmiljoochmarinbiologi, http://www.normer.uio.no
GAME Project: IX
Team: Finland
Contact: benjamin.weigel(at)abo.fi
Name: Mareike Huhn
Interests: Tropical marine ecology, anthropogenic impacts on coastal communities, invasion ecoology, conservation biology, biology and protection of sharks
Job/Location: PhD student GEOMAR Kiel & Agricultural University Bogor, Indonesia
GAME Project: VIII
Team: Indonesia
Contact: mareike.huhn@gmx.de
Interests: Tropical marine ecology, anthropogenic impacts on coastal communities, invasion ecoology, conservation biology, biology and protection of sharks
Job/Location: PhD student GEOMAR Kiel & Agricultural University Bogor, Indonesia
GAME Project: VIII
Team: Indonesia
Contact: mareike.huhn@gmx.de
Name: Anne Phillip
Interests: Marine Conservation, Coastal Ecology, Marine Invertebrates, Community Dynamics, Alternative Energy, MPAs, Invasive Species, Long-term Baseline Studies, mediating and documenting anthropogenic impacts such as overharvesting of the marine environment
Job/Location: BSc Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA
GAME Project: VIII
Team: USA
Contact: annemphillip@gmail.com
Interests: Marine Conservation, Coastal Ecology, Marine Invertebrates, Community Dynamics, Alternative Energy, MPAs, Invasive Species, Long-term Baseline Studies, mediating and documenting anthropogenic impacts such as overharvesting of the marine environment
Job/Location: BSc Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA
GAME Project: VIII
Team: USA
Contact: annemphillip@gmail.com