
Current Projects

Temporal and spatial extent of hypoxic and sulfidic bottom waters in Kiel Bight (PrimePrevention, Third DAM Misssion, BMBF) 2024-2026

The Impact of Microbes for Seafloor Massive Sulfide Formation, Transformation and Dissolution (DFG Priority Programme “Dynamics of Ore Metals
Enrichment – DOME, SPP 2238) 2023-2025

Microbially influenced corrosion of Fe and possible corrosion protection measures in monopiles of offshore wind turbines (MiCorFe, BMWK) 2023-2026

Enhanced benthic weathering of carbonate and olivine in the Baltic Sea (RETAKE I, CDRMare, DAM MIssion, BMBF) ends 2024



Associated Projects

Geomicrobiology Home

  • Head of the group:


    Prof. Dr. Mirjam Perner

    GEOMAR | Helmholtz-Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Eastshore Campus, Building 12
    Wischhofstrasse 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Phone: ++49-431 600-2837
    Fax:++49-431 600-2941

    Personal Assistant:

    Marion Liebetrau
    Phone: ++49-431 600-2847
    Fax: ++49-431 600-2941


  • !!! Bachelor and Master Theses !!!
    There are numerous exciting projects available in our working group raising questions that can also be investigated in the context of bachelor and master theses. Feel free to contact us and find a suitable topic for your thesis together with us!