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FAT | ROVARK | ATA 1&2 | MSM10-3 | M78-2 | CE0913 | M80-3 | M81-2 | SO210 | ARK XXVI/2 | JC66 | JC67 | CE12010 | SO225 | SO229 | INDEX2013-2 | SONNE Test 7 | SO239 | SO242-2 | SO254 | PS108 | SO268 | SO276 | SO288 | SO295 | SO299 | M194 | PS143-1

Expedition L'ATALANTE 2007/2008 with N/O L'ATALANTE: HYDROMAR V & MARSouth IV

Chief Scientists: Dr. Sven Petersen (GEOMAR) (1st leg) and Prof. Dr. Colin Devey (GEOMAR) (2nd leg)

The two expeditions HYDROMAR V and MARSouth IV took place between the 27th of November, 2007 and the 2nd of February, 2008 on the French research vessel N/O L'ATALANTE. The first leg led from Toulon (France) to the hydrothermally active vent field Logatchev and hence to Recife (Brasil). The 2nd leg took place between Recife, they hydrothermal Soufth field and finally to Dakar (Senegal). Both expeditions were conducted within the framework of the SPP1144 "From Mantle to Ocean".

ROV KIEL 6000 was one of the main tools and its tasks during the 1st leg (HYDROMAR V) included the deployment and recovery of autonoumous scientific instruments (e.g. OBAs, OBTs and OBPs) at the seafloor: Those instruments installed at the seafloor were intended to conduct long-term measurements. During MARSouth IV the main task of ROV KIEL 6000 was to take specific samples at and in the vicinity of Black Smokers.

In total, 22 scientific dives were conducted in water depths of around 3000 m.

Photos (unless otherwise noted): ROV-Team GEOMAR; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept GEOMAR or Dr. James Taylor.