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FAT | ROVARK | ATA 1&2 | MSM10-3 | M78-2 | CE0913 | M80-3 | M81-2 | SO210 | ARK XXVI/2 | JC66 | JC67 | CE12010 | SO225 | SO229 | INDEX2013-2 | SONNE Test 7 | SO239 | SO242-2 | SO254 | PS108 | SO268 | SO276 | SO288 | SO295 | SO299 | M194 | PS143-1

Expedition JC67 with RRS JAMES COOK: Dragon Vent Field

Chief Scientist: Dr. Jon Copley, University of Southampton, UK

In November 2011, expedition JC67 (being part of JC66) led to the hydrothermally active Dragon Vent Field, which had been discovered at the South-West-Indian Ridge some years ago. Within three days, ROV KIEL 6000 went down to nearly 3000 m three times under the direction of Dr. Jon Copley and Leigh Marsh (both University of Southampton). Numerous inactive chimneys and active vents and associated were discovered and visually documented for the first time.

Photos (unless otherwise noted): ROV-Team GEOMAR; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept GEOMAR or Dr. James Taylor.