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FAT | ROVARK | ATA 1&2 | MSM10-3 | M78-2 | CE0913 | M80-3 | M81-2 | SO210 | ARK XXVI/2 | JC66 | JC67 | CE12010 | SO225 | SO229 | INDEX2013-2 | SONNE Test 7 | SO239 | SO242-2 | SO254 | PS108 | SO268 | SO276 | SO288 | SO295 | SO299 | M194 | PS143-1

Expedition CE12010 with RV CELTIC EXPLORER: ECO2@NorthSea - Sub-seabed CO2 Storage - Impact on Marine Ecosystems -

Chief Scientist: Dr. Peter Linke, GEOMAR, Kiel

The expedition CE12010 on board the Irish research vessel CELTIC EXPLORER was conducted within the scope o the projects "ECO2" and "Eurofleets" between the 20th of July and the 5th of August 2012. Scientific dives took mainly place around the Sleipner-Oilfield in the Norwegian Sector of the North Sea. In addition the station "Blow Out" in the British sector was sampled.

ROV KIEL 6000 was one of the major tools and 13 scientific dives were successfully completed in water depth between 77 and 120 metres. Instead of the deep sea winch the tether cable and the capstain winch were employed.

Photos (unless otherwise noted): ROV-Team GEOMAR; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept GEOMAR or Dr. James Taylor.