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FAT | ROVARK | ATA 1&2 | MSM10-3 | M78-2 | CE0913 | M80-3 | M81-2 | SO210 | ARK XXVI/2 | JC66 | JC67 | CE12010 | SO225 | SO229 | INDEX2013-2 | SONNE Test 7 | SO239 | SO242-2 | SO254 | PS108 | SO268 | SO276 | SO288 | SO295 | SO299 | M194 | PS143-1

Expedition M80-3 with RV METEOR: Cape Verde Seamounts

Chief Scientist: PD Dr. Thor Hansteen, IfM-Geomar, Kiel

Expedition M80-3 with RV METEOR took place between the 29th of December, 2009 and the 1st of February, 2010 and led from Dakar, Senegal, to the surrounding s of the Cape Verde Archipelago. The mission ended in Gran Canaria. The objective of the expedition was to gain knowledge on the evolution of the Cape Verde seamounts. For this purpose, geological, biological and geo-physical methods and technologies were employed.

ROV KIEL 6000 was once again one of the main tools for (straitgraphically) defined sampling and completed 14 scientific dives in water depths of up to 5000 m.

Photos (unless otherwise noted): ROV-Team GEOMAR; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept GEOMAR or Dr. James Taylor.