Our Values: Talent Support
GEOMAR qualifies and strengthens its early career employees for future challenges both in science and other fields of work. This includes a close internal integration and structural support for doctoral and postdoctoral researchers, covering all relevant areas of professional development. For doctoral researchers, supervision and a research and career plan ensure efficient completion of thesis projects. Postdoctoral students are enabled to take a career decision latest in their fourth year. Scientific qualification is provided for leadership positions in academia, building on central strategic tools as part of the GEOMAR 2030 strategy. Vocational training and management are aligned with the personnel succession planning at GEOMAR.
Strategic aims
- Enabling efficient finishing of doctoral projects in a timely manner and offering best pre-conditions for follow-on employment.
- Postdocs have taken a career decision latest 4 years after doctoral degree has been received
- Qualifying young scientific leaders for the challenges of the future
- Professionalise vocational training and management according to personnel succession needs/regulations
More informationen about support of doctoral students
More informationen about support of postdocs