Women's Executive Board

Women in leadership positions at GEOMAR, working in both science and administration, founded the Women’s Executive Board (WEB) in May 2013. (Founding Document)

WEB would like to promote and encourage qualified and motivated women to stay in science. We would like to show ways to contribute in the long term to an equal gender ratio at permanent and leadership positions.

There is already an equal gender ratio at the PhD level and short-term postdoctoral positions; the percentage of women at this stage is at 52% and 54% (status: 30.06.2020).

However, the proportion of women in permanent scientist and professorship positions is heavily underrepresented (25% and 21%, respectively). Currently a new gender equality plan is being worked out.

Mission Statement

The Women‘s Executive Board aims at fostering a modern equal opportunity-oriented culture at GEOMAR through equal participation of men and women at all levels and would also like to promote and encourage qualified and motivated women to stay in science.

This will be achieved through the following:

  • Recognition and presentation of professionally successful women,
  • Support of career paths and perspectives for women,
  • Promotion of transparent decision and communication structures,
  • Assistance to implement the cascade model,
  • Advisory service to GEOMAR decision makers with regard to gender balance.

WEB information flyer English [PDF]

GEOMAR celebrates the International Day for Women and Girls in Science

11. February 2023

International Women's Day 2021.

Video about the WEB (2017)

  • Chairwoman:
    Prof. Dr. Sylvia Sander
    Women's Executive Board
    GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Tel: +49 431 600-1420
    E-Mail: ssander(at)geomar.de

    Dr. Martha Gledhill
    GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Tel: +49 431 600 1293
    E-Mail: mgledhill(at)geomar.de

    Daniela Schmitt
    GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel
    Tel: +49 431 600 1682
    E-Mail: dschmitt(at)geomar.de

    Please contact Sylvia Sander, Martha Gledhill or Daniela Schmitt directly in confidential inquiries.
    For non-confidential requests, please contact our official email-account: womensexecutiveboard(at)geomar.de.