Copyright Questions / Re-use of Texts and Graphics

Our Services

  • Guidance on copyright issues

  • Licenses (e.g. Creative Commons)

  • Re-Use of texts and figures

Just ask us, we may help in many cases! Bibliotheksleitung(at)

Literatur und Informationsmaterial

Urheberrecht leicht gemacht : Karten und Geodaten für Unterricht, Wissenschaft und Beruf nutzen und publizieren / Leitfaden zum Urheberrecht der Gemeinsame Kommission Recht und Geodatenvon DGfK, DGPF und DVW. [PDF, 652 KB]



Creative Commons: CC-BY -

What does it mean?

Citation, name of the work, i.e. citation of the work, in accordance with good sci-entific practice

When can I use it?

For example: Your thesis (Bachelor, Master, PhD....).

More about Creative Commons: Creative Commons

IMPORTANT: The new Creative Commons Version 4.0 is ready to use!

A "Practical guide to using Creative Commons Licences" can be found at the Wikimedia Website.

Overview on open licenses for software

Re-Use of texts and figures

Use of tables und graphs from other publications Please check copyright if you include tables or graphs from other publications. There is no global right to do this, copyright holders are to be considered. See "Permissions" on publishers websites. You will find publishers who allow the reuse of illustrations without further asking (Examples: Seismological Society of America, AGU). Others expect you to ask for permission, but help you with a form.

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    Wischhofstr. 1-3
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