Data and samples

The Data and Sample management as part of data technologies of the ORTC supports scientists in implementing the GEOMARS FAIR data policy for data and samples. Along the research data lifecycle, we offer support and advice in the standardized collection of data, sample curation of sediment cores and rocks and biological samples, as well as data publication.

Key topics are the development of a metadata standard, especially for transit oceanography and seismic data in cooperation with the German Marine Research Alliance (DAM). Furthermore, we establish standardized and automatized processes for the visibility and citable publication of data in repositories such as PANGAEA, model data and data from large devices in projects and publications. We create, expand and maintain the necessary interfaces to institutional repositories and research software, such as OceanRep, OSIS or the biosample information system (BIS).


Geological and biological samples

The basis of modern sample management is the usee of a digital sample registration (OSIS and BIS), which allows digital access to the sample collection and persistent identification of the samples, increases their visibility and thus enables FAIR and open use and sustainable use of samples at GEOMAR.

Geosamples and biosamples are made citable by assigning a persistent identification, i.e., registering IGSNs (International Generic Sample Number).

Publication of research data

Long-term archiving and accessibility of research data is ensured by publishing in data repositories with provides persistent identifier for the data. To find the right repository, re3data offers the option of a repository index search.

Please, feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Earth & Environmental Science - WDC PANGAEA

Data curation and publication at PANGAEA

Long-term archiving and accessibility of research data of Earth & Environmental Science is ensured by the World Data Center PANGAEA.

Members of the GEOMAR data and sample management team are active PANGAEA data curators and participate at the World Data Center. Observational data in particular can be published with a DOI.

Data portal