2014 Networking Workshop, Kiel


September 17th-19th, 2014 in Kiel, Germany

17. September 2014, 6pm (then ice breaker)
18. September 2014, 9am-9:30pm
19. September 2014, 9am-6pm

This two-day international workshop on communication and networking skills and career development targets women working in all STEM disciplines from later PhD level up to junior professors. Regular ESWN workshops take place every year and mostly exclusively in the US. This will be the first international ESWN Networking and Career Building workshop in Europe.

The overarching goals of the proposed workshop are:

  • to provide participants with improved communication and networking skills and learn how to use them successfully
  • to empower women working in Earth Sciences to critically reflect their career path and help them to successfully progress into leadership positions

The workshop will provide practical skills for successfully communicating and networking to overcome common setbacks (e.g. approaching potential collaborators, writer’s block, confrontation, conflict, etc.). In addition, the workshop will provide tools for women to define their career goals and implement strategies for career building (e.g. identifying peers and mentors in their existing networks and categorizing them according to their strengths).

Workshop tasks

  • Bringing women in the diverse fields of Earth Sciences to meet face to face to build first-hand personal connections
  • Critically assessing the networks of the individual participants and strengthening their networks through targeted exercises
  • Creating a written statement of their personal career goals, including the connections needed to further their agenda
  • Learning effective ways of reaching out for support, collaboration, and feedback
  • Establishing a shared commitment among the workshop participants (“accountability”)
  • Chairwoman

    Prof. Dr. Mirjam Perner
    Women's Executive Board
    GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum
    für Ozeanforschung Kiel
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    24148 Kiel
    Tel: +49 431 600-2837
    E-Mail: mperner@geomar.de

    Please contact Mirjam Perner (mperner@geomar.de) directly in confidential inquiries.


    E-Mail: womensexecutiveboard@geomar.de