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Cruise Schedule | Chronology | Statistics | Publications




October 2024: Ammotrace; Baltic Sea

09.02. - 04.03.2024: Expedition MSM126, Jellyweb; North Atlanic off  Madeira


October 2022: Expedition AL583; Baltic Sea

28.06.-13.07.2022: Expedition AL575; North Sea


12.-23.11.2021: Expedition AL568, Southern Norway

01.-15.07.2021: Expedition 64PE475, North Atlantic

30.04.-11.05.2021: Einsatz AL555; Baltic Sea, Kiel Fjord


No expeditions due to pandemic.


10.08.-13.09.2019: PS121, Arctic


29.06. - 08.08.2018: MSM75, North Atlantic


26.09. - 10.10.2017: Expedition POS518-1, North Sea

25.04. - 06.05.2017: Expedition POS512, Aegean Sea, Mediterranean

01.04. - 22.04.2017: Expedition POS511, Santorini, Mediterranean


17.10. - 02.11.2016: Expedition SO 251-2, Japan

September 2016: ROV PHOCA, its winch and the Controlvan are transported to Japan by air freight, as the planned operation of ROV KIEL 6000 off Japan had to be cancelled due to the insolvency of the Hanjin shipping company.

27.08. - 09.09.2016: Expedition POS504, North Sea

15.07. - 29.07.2016: Expedition POS502, North Atlantic


October 2015: Visit of Helmholtz President Wiestler

July 2015: Open House, GEOMAR

June 2015: Open Ship on RV ALKOR, Kiel Week

03.06. – 18.06.2015: Marine Arsenal Kiel: Tests and Traning

Mai 2015: Exhibition, German 2015 Ocean Award 

13.04. - 17.04.2015: Hannover Messe

März 2015: Baltic Sea Conference, Visit of EU Commissioner Vella


November 2014: Open Ship on RV SONNE, Presentation of the new Research Vessel 

August 2014: Visit of the Ambassador of the USA

June 2014: Open Ship on RV ALKOR, Kiel Week

30.04. – 22.05.2014: Expedition POS469, Panarea, Mediterranean Sea

02.03. -12.03.2014: Marine Arsenal Kiel: Tests and Traning


June 2013: Open Ship on RV ALKOR, Kiel Week

02.05. - 08.05.2013: Expedition AL414, Skagerrak

23.03. - 08.04.2013: Expedition AL412, North Sea, Norwegian Sector

March 2013: Visit of the German Federal President Gauck

07.02. - 19.02.2013: Marine Arsenal Kiel: Tests and Traning


10.09. - 28.09.2012: Expedition POS438

26.05. - 15.06.2012: Expedition POS434

05.03. - 30.3.2012: Marine Arsenal Kiel: Test Phase, Installation and Training


28.03. - 15.04.2011: Marine Arsenal Eckernförde: Test Phase, Installation and Training


14.01.2011: Presentation of ROV PHOCA
GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany

June - December 2010: Ordering, Manufacturing, Factory Acceptance Test and Arrival at Kiel
Sub-Atlantic, Aberdeen Scotland