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Construction | Presentation | Tests | POS434 | POS438 | AL412 | AL414 | POS469 | POS504 | SO251-2 | POS511 | PS121


Presentation of ROV PHOCA in Kiel

On January 14th, 2011, the brand new ROV PHOCA was introducted to the public after having been manufactured in Scotland by sub-Atlantic during the last year and delivered to Kiel in December 2010. After a short presentation of the MoLab project by Dr Olaf Pfannkuche and some some introductory words regarding ROV PHOCA by ROV team leader Dr Friedrich Abegg, the visitors, comprising journalists and colleagues, were able to watch the ROV "in action", with lights flashing and thrusters turning, as well as to visit the pilots in the control van.

Photos: Maike Nicolai, GEOMAR; for enquiries on utilisation of image material please contact Public Relations Dept GEOMAR or Dr. James Taylor.