Dr. Anja Wenzel

Direktorat | Forschungsförderung und Transfer

Forschungsförderung EU

Büro: 5-4.113
Tel.: 0431 600 4243
E-Mail: awenzel(at)geomar.de

GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstrasse 1-3
24148 Kiel

Beruflicher Werdegang

  • seit 06/2023: EU-Referentin | GEOMAR
  • 03/23 - 08/23: wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin OceanNETs | GEOMAR
  • 09/21 - 05/23: wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin RETAKE | GEOMAR
  • 04/17 - 12/19: wissenschaftliche Koordinatorin SFB754 | GEOMAR
  • 01/19 - 08/21: Elternzeitvertretung/stellv. Teamleitung Drittmittelmanagement | GEOMAR
  • 06/15 - 08/21: Sachbearbeiterin Drittmittelmanagement, EU-Projekte | GEOMAR
  • 09/07 - 12/07: Biologisch-Technische Assistentin | Leibniz-Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemünde


  • 2008 - 2013: Promotion in der Aquatischen Ökologie | Universität Umeå, Schweden
    Thema: The Role of Terrestrial and Phytoplankton-derived Organic Matter in Pelagic Food Webs
  • 2006: Diplomarbeit | University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australien
    Thema: What is the Relationship between Damage to Algae by Herbivores and subsequent Growth Rates?
  • 2003 - 2004: Auslandspraktika | National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Lauder, Neuseeland und Leigh Marine Laboratory, University of Auckland, Neuseeland (1 Jahr)
  • 2000 - 2006: Studium Marine Umweltwissenschaften | Carl-von-Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg


  • Wenzel, A., Vrede, T., Jansson, M. and Bergström, A.-K. 2021. Daphnia performance on diets containing different combinations of high-quality algae, heterotrophic bacteria and allochthonous particulate organic matter. Freshwater Biology 66(1): 157-168
  • Faithfull, C.L., Mathisen, P., Wenzel, A., Bergström A.-K. and Vrede, T. 2015. Food web efficiency differs between humic and clear water lake communities in response to nutrients and light. Oecologia 177(3): 823-835
  • Wenzel, A., Bergström, A.-K., Jansson, M. and Vrede, T. 2012. Survival, growth and reproduction of Daphnia galeata feeding on single and mixed Pseudomonas and Rhodomonas diets. Freshwater Biology 57(4): 835-846
  • Wenzel, A., Bergström, A.-K., Jansson, M. and Vrede, T. 2012. Poor direct exploitation of terrestrial particulate organic material by Daphnia galeata. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 69: 1870-1880
  • Faithfull, C. L., Wenzel, A., Vrede, T. and Bergström, A.-K. 2011. Testing the light:nutrient hypothesis in an oligotrophic boreal lake. Ecosphere 2(11): 123
  • Barr, N. G., Kloeppel, A., Rees, T. A. V., Scherer, C., Taylor, R. B. and Wenzel, A. 2008. Wave surge increases rates of growth and nutrient uptake in the green seaweed Ulva pertusa maintained at low bulk flow velocities. Aquatic Biology 3(2): 179-186