- Area:
- Eastern Central Atlantic
- Time:
14.01.2014 - 31.01.2014
- Institution:
- Chief scientist:
- Ulf Riebesell (70 attendees)
On her 463th cruise, the German research vessel POSEIDON brings scientific equipment for the KOSMOS 2014 GC experiment on ocean acidification to Gran Canaria and deploys the mesocosms at Melenara Bay.
In the beginning of February, the nine mesocosms - each of them enclosing 55 cubic metres of sea water - will be brought to different pH levels. Until mid-April, a team af 70 scientists from Spain, Germany, France, Sweden, Great Britain and the US will sample these giant test tubes every second day and measure various paramaters. The 5th experiment with the KOSMOS mesocosms is conducted in an oligotrophic ecosystem representing the major part of the oceans.