Begutachtete Publikationen 2011 (Maritime Meteorologie)

Number of items: 25.

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Bader, J. and Latif, M. (2011) The 1983 drought in the West Sahel: a case study. Climate Dynamics, 36 (3-4). pp. 463-472. DOI 10.1007/s00382-009-0700-y.

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Bader, J., Mesquita, M. D. S., Hodges, K. I., Keenlyside, N. S., Osterhus, S. and Miles, M. (2011) A review on Northern Hemisphere sea-ice, storminess and the North Atlantic Oscillation: Observations and projected changes. Atmospheric Research, 101 (4). pp. 809-834. DOI 10.1016/j.atmosres.2011.04.007.

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Beal, L. M., De Ruijter, W. P. M., Biastoch, A. , Zahn, R., Cronin, M., Hermes, J., Lutjeharms, J., Quartly, G., Tozuka, T., Baker-Yeboah, S., Bornman, T., Cipollini, P., Dijkstra, H., Hall, I., Park, W. , Peeters, F., Penven, P., Ridderinkhof, H. and Zinke, J. and SCOR/WCRP/IAPSOWorking Group 136 (2011) On the role of the Agulhas system in ocean circulation and climate. Nature, 472 (7344). pp. 429-436. DOI 10.1038/nature09983.

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Bengtsson, L., Hodges, K. I., Koumoutsaris, S., Zahn, M. and Keenlyside, N. S. (2011) The changing atmospheric water cycle in Polar Regions in a warmer climate. Open Access Tellus A: Dynamic meteorology and oceanography, 63 (5). pp. 907-920. DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2011.00534.x.

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Biastoch, A. , Treude, T. , Rüpke, L. H. , Riebesell, U. , Roth, C., Burwicz, E. B. , Park, W. , Latif, M. , Böning, C. W. , Madec, G. and Wallmann, K. (2011) Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 38 (8). L08602. DOI 10.1029/2011GL047222.

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Butchart, N., Charlton-Perez, A. J., Cionni, I., Hardiman, S. C., Haynes, P. and Krüger, K. (2011) Multi-model climate and variability of the stratosphere. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116 . D05102. DOI 10.1029/2010JD014995.

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Champion, A. J., Hodges, K. I., Bengtsson, L. O., Keenlyside, N. S. and Esch, M. (2011) Impact of increasing resolution and a warmer climate on extreme weather from Northern Hemisphere extratropical cyclones. Open Access Tellus A: Dynamic meteorology and oceanography, 63 (5). pp. 893-906. DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0870.2011.00538.x.

Dommenget, D. and Flöter, J. (2011) Conceptual understanding of climate change with a globally resolved energy balance model. Climate Dynamics, 37 (11-12). pp. 2143-2165. DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1026-0.

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Gleßmer, M., Park, W. and Oschlies, A. (2011) Simulated reduction in upwelling of tropical oxygen minimum waters in a warmer climate. Open Access Environmental Research Letters, 6 (4). 045001. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/6/4/045001.

Hawkins, E., Robson, J., Sutton, R., Smith, D. and Keenlyside, N. S. (2011) Evaluating the potential for statistical decadal predictions of sea surface temperatures with a perfect model approach. Climate Dynamics, 37 (11-12). pp. 2495-2509. DOI 10.1007/s00382-011-1023-3.

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Jones, A., Qin, G., Strong, K., Walker, K. A., McLinden, C. A., Toohey, M. , Kerzenmacher, T., Bernath, P. F. and Boone, C. D. (2011) A global inventory of stratospheric NOy from ACE-FTS. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116 (D17). D17304. DOI 10.1029/2010JD015465.

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Krebs-Kanzow, U., Park, W. and Schneider, B. (2011) Pliocene aridification of Australia caused by tectonically induced weakening of the Indonesian throughflow. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 309 (1-2). pp. 111-117. DOI 10.1016/j.palaeo.2011.06.002.

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Latif, M. (2011) Uncertainty in climate change projections. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 110: Sustainability of Geochemical Cycling, 19th International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry "Environmental Changes and Sustainability of Biogeochemical Cycling" (1). pp. 1-7. DOI 10.1016/j.gexplo.2010.09.011.

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Latif, M. and Keenlyside, N. (2011) A Perspective on Decadal Climate Variability and Predictability . Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58 (17-18). pp. 1880-1894. DOI 10.1016/j.dsr2.2010.10.066.

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Lee, S. K., Park, W. , van Sebille, E., Baringer, M. O., Wang, C., Enfield, D. B., Yeager, S. and Kirtman, B. P. (2011) What Caused the Significant Increase in Atlantic Ocean Heat Content Since the mid-20th Century?. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 38 . L17607. DOI 10.1029/2011GL048856.

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Lehmann, A., Getzlaff, K. and Harlaß, J. (2011) Detailed assessment of climate variability of the Baltic Sea area for the period 1958-2009. Open Access Climate Research, 46 . pp. 185-196. DOI 10.3354/cr00876.

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Mehta, V., Meehl, G., Goddard, L., Knight, J., Kumar, A., Latif, M. , Lee, T., Rosati, A. and Stammer, D. (2011) Decadal Climate Predictability and Prediction: Where Are We?. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 92 (5). pp. 637-640. DOI 10.1175/2010BAMS3025.1.

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Müller, M. N., Kısakürek, B., Buhl, D., Gutperlet, R., Kolevica, A., Riebesell, U. , Stoll, H. and Eisenhauer, A. (2011) Response of the coccolithophores Emiliania huxleyi and Coccolithus braarudii to changing seawater Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations: Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca ratios and δ44/40Ca, δ26/24Mg of coccolith calcite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 75 (8). pp. 2088-2102. DOI 10.1016/j.gca.2011.01.035.

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Park, T., Jang, C. J., Jungclaus, J. H., Haak, H., Park, W. and Oh, I. S. (2011) Effects of the Changjiang river discharge on sea surface warming in the Yellow and East China Seas in summer. Continental Shelf Research, 31 . pp. 15-22. DOI 10.1016/j.csr.2010.10.012.

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Toohey, M. , Krüger, K., Niemeier, U. and Timmreck, C. (2011) The influence of eruption season on the global aerosol evolution and radiative impact of tropical volcanic eruptions. Open Access Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 11 . pp. 12351-12367. DOI 10.5194/acp-11-12351-2011.

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Torge, A., Macke, A., Heinold, B. and Wauer, J. (2011) Solar radiative transfer simulations in Saharan dust plumes: particle shapes and 3-D effect. Open Access Tellus B: Chemical and physical meteorology, 63 (4). pp. 770-780. DOI 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2011.00560.x.

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Tozuka, T., Doi, T., Miyasaka, T., Keenlyside, N. S. and Yamagata, T. (2011) Key factors in simulating the equatorial Atlantic zonal sea surface temperature gradient in a coupled general circulation model. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 116 (C6). C06010. DOI 10.1029/2010JC006717.

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Wahl, S. , Latif, M. , Park, W. and Keenlyside, N. (2011) On the Tropical Atlantic SST warm bias in the Kiel Climate Model. Climate Dynamics, 36 (5-6). pp. 891-906. DOI 10.1007/s00382-009-0690-9.

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Yeh, S. W., Kirtman, B. P., Kug, J. S., Park, W. and Latif, M. (2011) Natural variability of the central Pacific El Niño event on multi-centennial timescales. Open Access Geophysical Research Letters, 38 . L02704. DOI 10.1029/2010GL045886.

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