FB 1: Ozeanzirkulation und Klimadynamik
FE Paläo-Ozeanographie
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
Curriculum Vitae
since 07/2024: PostDoc
GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, RD 1, Paleo-Oceanography
Project: CoWIO – Cold-water corals in the West Indian Ocean (BMBF Project) | Project Website
2020 – 2024: PhD
Institute for Geoscience, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt a.M., Germany
Project: VeWA – Vergangene Warmzeiten als natürliche Analoge unsere ‘hoch CO2’ Klimazukunft / Past warm periods as natural analogues for our ‘high’ CO2 future (LOEWE Project) | Project Website
2017 – 2020: M.Sc. in Earth Sciences – Georesources and the Environment
Institute for Geography and Geology, University Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
Project: Devonian contourites in oceanic passageways between Gondwana and Laurussia (DFG-Project) | Project Website
2013 – 2017: B.Sc. in Geology and Palaeontology
Institute for Geography and Geology, University Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany
Seegoing Expeditions
SO309 - Cold-water coral biology & geology off Aotearoa New Zealand (CoralNewZ), Wellingtion - Wellington, Jan. - Feb. 2025, RV Sonne
SO306 - Cold-water corals in the West Indian Ocean (CoWIO), Port Louis (Mauritius) - Durban (South Africa), Aug. - Sep. 2024, RV Sonne
“Bioclastic bottom-current deposits of a Devonian contourite terrace: Facies variability and depositional architecture (Tafilalt Platform, Morocco)” – Heiko Hüneke, M. Arwed Gibb, Oliver Mayer, Jorit F. Kniest, Paul Mehlhorn, Laura M. Gibb, Z. Sarah Aboussalam, R. Thomas Becker, Ahmed El Hassani, Lahssen Baidder (2023); Sedimentology, 5, 70; doi: 10.1111/sed.13089
“Dual clumped isotopes from Mid-Eocene bivalve shell reveal a hot and summer wet climate of the Paris Basin” – Jorit F. Kniest, Amelia J. Davies, Julia Brugger, Jens Fiebig, Miguel Bernecker, Jonathan A. Todd, Thomas Hickler, Silke Voigt, Alan Woodland, Jacek Raddatz (2024); Communications Earth & Environment 5, 330; doi: 10.1038/s43247-024-01491-8
“Assessment of chalk as an archive for the lithium isotope composition of seawater” – Sandra J. Huber, Vanessa Schlidt, H. Michael Seitz, Jorit F. Kniest, Jacek Raddatz, Horst R. Marschall, Silke Voigt (2024); Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 2, 25; doi: 10.1029/2023GC011150
“Accurate measurement of K/Ca in low [K] carbonate samples using LA-SF-ICP-MS” – Romi Nambiar, Jorit F. Kniest, Alexander Schmidt, Jacek Raddatz, Wolfgang Müller, David Evans (2024); Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 38; doi: 10.1002/rcm.9692
Conference contributions (selected)
“Reconstructing regional to local scale patterns of fresh water input into the Eocene North Sea Basin” – Jorit F. Kniest, Amelia J. Davies, David Evans, Jens Fiebig, Axel Gerdes, Wolfgang Müller, Jonathan A. Todd, Julia D. Sigwart, Johan Vellekoop, Silke Voigt, Jacek Raddatz (2024); EGU General Assembly, Vienna; doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-15713
“Identifying the seasonal variability of the isotopic composition of seawater by combined stable oxygen and dual clumped isotopes in marine bivalves” – Jorit F. Kniest, Amelia Davies, Jonathan A. Todd, Jens Fiebig, Jacek Raddatz (2023); GeoBerlin 2023, Berlin; doi: 10.48380/0bq0-6663
“Resolving Eocene seasonal temperature amplitude of the mid-latitudes by combing stable oxygen and dual clumped isotope thermometry from marine bivalve shells” – Jorit F. Kniest, Amelia Davies, Jonathan A. Todd, Jens Fiebig, Jacek Raddatz (2023); 6th International Sclerochronology Conference, Tokyo
“Assessing Eocene hydrological pattern by reconstructing seasonally enhanced fluvial discharge into marginal seas” – Jorit F. Kniest, David Evans, Amelia Davies, Jens Fiebig, Jonathan A. Todd, Julia D. Sigwart, Wolfgang Müller, Silke Voigt, Jacek Raddatz (2022); GeoMinKöln, Cologne; doi: 10.48380/qq61-r396
“Disentangling Eocene seasonal temperature and fresh water signal from shallow marine bivalve shells” – Jorit F. Kniest, David Evans, Amelia Davies, Jens Fiebig, Jonathan A. Todd, Julia D. Sigwart, Wolfgang Müller, Silke Voigt, Jacek Raddatz (2022); 12th International Conference on Climatic and Biotic Events of the Paleogene (CBEP12), Bremen
“Eocene seasonality resolved by coupled Ba/Ca and stable oxygen isotope ratios in bivalve shell” – Jorit F. Kniest, Amelia Davies, Jonathan A. Todd, Julia D. Sigwart, David Evans, Jens Fiebig, Silke Voigt, Jacek Raddatz (2022); EGU General Assembly, Vienna; doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu22-4815