Simon-Martin Schröder

Forschungsbereich 2: Marine Biogeochemie
Forschungseinheit Biologische Ozeanographie
Arbeitsgruppe Plankton Biogeochemie und bildgebende Verfahren (BI/PBI)
Projektteam Plankton Biogeochemie und Dynamik (PBD)
Gebäude 5, Turm 1
Room: 4.105
Telefon: +49 431 600 1840
E-Mail: mschroeder(at)
Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel
- Lars Schmarje, Monty Santarossa, Simon-Martin Schröder, Claudius Zelenka, Rainer Kiko, Jenny Stracke, Nina Volkmann & Reinhard Koch (2022). A data-centric approach for improving ambiguous labels with combined semi-supervised classification and clustering. ECCV 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13668. Springer, Cham.
- Eric C. Orenstein, Sakina-Dorothée Ayata, Frédéric Maps, Érica C. Becker, Fabio Benedetti, Tristan Biard, Thibault de Garidel-Thoron, Jeffrey S. Ellen, Filippo Ferrario, Sarah L. C. Giering, Tamar Guy-Haim, Laura Hoebeke, Morten Hvitfeldt Iversen, Thomas Kiørboe, Jean-François Lalonde, Arancha Lana, Martin Laviale, Fabien Lombard, Tom Lorimer, Séverine Martini, Albin Meyer, Klas Ove Möller, Barbara Niehoff, Mark D. Ohman, Cédric Pradalier, Jean-Baptiste Romagnan, Simon-Martin Schröder, Virginie Sonnet, Heidi M. Sosik, Lars S. Stemmann, Michiel Stock, Tuba Terbiyik-Kurt, Nerea Valcárcel-Pérez, Laure Vilgrain, Guillaume Wacquet, Anya M. Waite, Jean-Olivier Irisson (2022). Machine learning techniques to characterize functional traits of plankton from image data. Limnol Oceanogr, 67: 1647-1669.
- Simon-Martin Schröder and Rainer Rainer Kiko (2022). Assessing Representation Learning and Clustering Algorithms for Computer-Assisted Image Annotation—Simulating and Benchmarking MorphoCluster.
Sensors 22:2775. - Lars Schmarje, Johannes Brünger, Monty Santarossa, Simon-Martin Schröder, Rainer Kiko, Reinhard Koch (2021). Fuzzy Overclustering: Semi-Supervised Classification of Fuzzy Labels with Overclustering and Inverse Cross-Entropy. Sensors 21(19), 6661.
- Lars Schmarje, Monty Santarossa, Simon-Martin Schröder and Reinhard Koch (2021). A Survey on Semi-, Self- and Unsupervised Learning for Image Classification. IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 82146-82168.
- Simon-Martin Schröder, Rainer Kiko, Reinhard Koch (2020). MorphoCluster: Efficient Annotation of Plankton images by Clustering. Sensors 20:3060.
- Simon-Martin Schröder, Rainer Kiko, Jean-Olivier Irisson, Reinhard Koch (2019). Low-Shot learning of plankton categories. 40th German Conference on Pattern Recognition (GCPR 2018). Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11269. Springer, Cham.
- Svenja Christiansen, Henk-Jan Hoving, Florian Schütte, Helena Hauss, Johannes Karstensen, Arne Körtzinger, Simon-Martin Schröder, Lars Stemmann, Bernd Christiansen, Marc Picheral, Peter Brandt, Bruce Robison, Reinhard Koch, Rainer Kiko (2018). Particulate matter flux interception in oceanic mesoscale eddies by the polychaete Poeobius sp. Limnology and Oceanography, 63: 2093-2109.