03.02.2014: FB2-Seminar

Irene Stemmler, Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie/ZMAW, Hamburg: "Numerical modelling of halocarbon cycling in the open ocean"

13.00 c.t., Hörsaal, Düsternbrooker Weg 20



Volatile organic halogenated substances (halocarbons) of marine origin contribute to the transfer of halogens from the ocean to the atmosphere.

Upon volatilization they transform into reactive halogen species and alter the atmospheric oxidative capacity: depending of their lifetime in air they can play an important role in tropospheric and stratospheric ozone depletion.

In the talk, a numerical model of halocarbon cycling in the open ocean is introduced. Production and degradation processes implemented in a marine biogeochemistry model are used to assess regional and global concentration patterns of two halocarbons, methyl iodide and bromoform.

Model simulated concentrations are compared to observed concentrations and spatiotemporal emission patterns are discussed.