20.01.2016: ISOS Discussion

"Research Integrity: Black or White?"

Prof. Dr. Eric Achterberg, GEOMAR
Prof. Dr. Christian Berndt, Ombudsman Good Scientific Practice GEOMAR
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Hasselbring, CAU, Ombudsman Graduate Center CAU

Cases of outright fraud are rare in science, but what about every day decisions for
which the fine line between misconduct and integrity does not become so clear?
Imagine you have done several experiments and not all confirm your hypothesis.
Do you report them all? Somebody suggests that your paper has a higher chance
to be published if you add a leading expert to the author list – what do you do?

In this interactive discussion round we will identify typical areas for questionable
research practices and find solutions together with the invited experts.

This participatory discussion is open to all researchers and students.

16:00 - 17:30 Uhr, Gr. Konferenzraum, Düsternbrooker Weg 20

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ISOS Doing Science