26.04.2021: Online Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics Colloquium

Dr. Jeff Carpenter, Head of Small-Scale Physics and Turbulence, Institute of Coastal Ocean Dynamics, Helmholtz Centre Hereon (Germany): "New insights into the turbulent ocean response to storms"

online 11 am

Where?    ZOOM meeting room: https://geomar-de.zoom.us/j/82055584853?pwd=S2tMTXlZQ2ZZQXRUbHdsVTNPYlk3QT09
Meeting-ID: 820 5558 4853
Kenncode: 547551

Storm-driven turbulence is either known, or suspected, to have large impacts in the overall budgets of various quantities, such as nutrients, suspended sediment, and heat.  However, the measurement of turbulent fluxes in storms can be difficult, if not impossible, using traditional techniques.  In this talk I will describe new insights into storm-driven turbulence, and the turbulent restratification process, that have come from measurements using autonomous ocean gliders.  An important role is played by shear instability in enhancing turbulent fluxes and in affecting energy transfers.


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