
Benedikt Bauer

FB 4: Dynamik des Ozeanbodens
FE Marine Geodynamik

+49 431 600 1998

Wischhofstraße 1-3
24148 Kiel


  • seit 09/2024: Doktorand am GEOMAR
    FB4, Marine Geodynamik im Projekt "T-SECTOR: Testing Solid Earth Climate Connections Through mid Ocean Ridge Time Series", ERC Synergy Grant in Kooperation mit Harvard University.
  • 2021 - 2024: M.Sc. in Geophysik
    Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Abschlussarbeit: "Numerical modeling of potential landslide generated tsunamis offshore Santorini, Greece'", Center for Ocean and Society, Kiel, Deutschland.
  • 2018 - 2021: B.Sc. in Physik
    Universität Augsburg. Abschlussarbeit: ''Investigating an air-coupled ultrasonic method to measure the elastic modulus of snow'', WSL-Institut für Schnee- und Lawinenforschung SLF, Davos, Schweiz.


  • 09/2024, M204:      RV Meteor, North Atlantic, Mid Atlantic Ridge (24 days)
  • 07/2024, SO305/2: RV Sonne, Indian Ocean, Central Indian Ridge (21 days)
  • 11/2023, SO301:    RV Sonne, Indian Ocean, Rodrigues triple junction (44 days)
  • 10/2023, MSM122: RV Maria S. Merian, North Atlantic, Mid Atlantic Ridge (22 days)
  • 08/2023, MSM120: RV Maria S. Merian, Hudson Bay (37 days)
  • 02/2023, SO297:    RV Sonne, Eastern Pacific, Chilean subduction zone (49 days)
  • 12/2022, JC228:     RRS James Cook, Eastern Pacific, Guatemala Basin (48 days)
  • 08/2022, AL579:     RV Alkor, Baltic Sea, Blinkerwall (9 days)