Number of items: 250.
Wang, S.,
Ummenhofer, C. C.,
Oppo, D. W.,
Murty, S. A.,
Wagner, P. 
Böning, C. W. 
Biastoch, A. 
Freshwater Contributions to Decadal Variability of the Indonesian Throughflow.

Geophysical Research Letters, 50
Art.Nr. e2023GL103906.
Böning, C. W. 
Wagner, P. 
Handmann, P. 
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Getzlaff, K. 
Biastoch, A. 
Decadal changes in Atlantic overturning due to the excessive 1990s Labrador Sea convection.

Nature Communications, 14
Art.Nr. 4635.
Biastoch, A. 
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Getzlaff, K. 
Rühs, S. 
Martin, T. 
Scheinert, M. 
Schulzki, T. G. 
Handmann, P. 
Hummels, R. 
Böning, C. W. 
Regional Imprints of Changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in the Eddy-rich Ocean Model VIKING20X.

Ocean Science, 17
pp. 1177-1211.
Rühs, S. 
Oliver, E. C. J. 
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Dowd, M.,
Getzlaff, K. 
Martin, T. 
Myers, P. G. 
Changing Spatial Patterns of Deep Convection in the Subpolar North Atlantic.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 126
Art.Nr. e2021JC017245.
Ryan, S.,
Ummenhofer, C. C.,
Gawarkiewicz, G.,
Wagner, P. 
Scheinert, M. 
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Depth structure of Ningaloo Niño/Niña events and associated drivers.

Journal of Climate, 34
pp. 1767-1788.
Tuchen, F. P. 
Lübbecke, J. F. 
Brandt, P. 
Fu, Y.,
Hummels, R. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Böning, C. W. 
The Atlantic Subtropical Cells - mean state and variability inferred from Argo float data.
In: German Argo User Meeting. , 18.02.2021, Online .
Ummenhofer, C. C. 
Ryan, S. 
England, M. H. 
Scheinert, M. 
Wagner, P. 
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Late 20th Century Indian Ocean Heat Content Gain Masked by Wind Forcing.

Geophysical Research Letters, 47
Art.Nr. e2020GL088692.
Tsujino, H. 
Urakawa, L. S.,
Griffies, S. M. 
Danabasoglu, G.,
Adcroft, A. J.,
Amaral, A. E.,
Arsouze, T.,
Bentsen, M. 
Bernardello, R. 
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Chassignet, E. P. 
Danilov, S.,
Dussin, R.,
Exarchou, E.,
Fogli, P. G. 
Fox-Kemper, B. 
Guo, C. 
Ilicak, M.,
Iovino, D. 
Kim, W. M. 
Koldunov, N. 
Lapin, V. 
Li, Y.,
Lin, P.,
Lindsay, K. 
Liu, H. 
Long, M. C. 
Komuro, Y.,
Marsland, S. J. 
Masina, S.,
Nummelin, A.,
Rieck, J. K. 
Ruprich-Robert, Y. 
Scheinert, M.,
Sicardi, V.,
Sidorenko, D.,
Suzuki, T. 
Tatebe, H. 
Wang, Q. 
Yeager, S. G. and
Yu, Z.
Evaluation of global ocean–sea-ice model simulations based on the experimental protocols of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project phase 2 (OMIP-2).

Geoscientific Model Development, 13
pp. 3643-3708.
Hirschi, J. J. ‐. 
Barnier, B. 
Böning, C. W. 
Biastoch, A. 
Blaker, A. T. 
Coward, A. 
Danilov, S. 
Drijfhout, S.,
Getzlaff, K. 
Griffies, S. M. 
Hasumi, H. 
Hewitt, H. 
Iovino, D. 
Kawasaki, T.,
Kiss, A. E. 
Koldunov, N. 
Marzocchi, A. 
Mecking, J. V.,
Moat, B. 
Molines, J.,
Myers, P. G. 
Penduff, T. 
Roberts, M. 
Treguier, A.,
Sein, D. V. 
Sidorenko, D. 
Small, J.,
Spence, P. 
Thompson, L. 
Weijer, W. 
Xu, X. 
The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in High‐Resolution Models.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125
Art.Nr. e2019JC015522.
Tuchen, F. P. 
Lübbecke, J. F. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Hummels, R.,
Böning, C. W. 
Brandt, P. 
Mean state and seasonal to interannual variability of the Atlantic Subtropical Cells inferred from recent observations.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2020. , 16.-21.02.2020, San Diego, USA .
Hirschi, J. J. M.,
Frajka-Williams, E.,
Blaker, A. T.,
Sinha, B.,
Coward, A.,
Hyder, P.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Barnier, B.,
Penduff, T.,
Garcia, I.,
Fransner, F. and
Madec, G.
Loop Current Variability as Trigger of Coherent Gulf Stream Transport Anomalies.

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49
pp. 2115-2132.
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Chanut, J.,
Durgadoo, J. V. 
Getzlaff, K. 
Harlaß, J. 
Rieck, J. K. 
Roth, C.,
Scheinert, M. M. 
Schubert, R.
The INALT family – a set of high-resolution nests for the Agulhas Current system within global NEMO ocean/sea-ice configurations.

Geoscientific Model Development, 12
pp. 3329-3355.
Tuchen, F. P. 
Lübbecke, J. F. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Hummels, R. and
Böning, C. W. 
Characteristics of the Atlantic Subtropical Cells inferred from observations.
In: EGU General Assembly 2019. , 07.-12.04.2019, Vienna, Austria .
Fox-Kemper, B.,
Adcroft, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Chassignet, E. P.,
Curchitser, E.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Eden, C.,
England, M. H.,
Gerdes, R.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Griffies, S. M.,
Hallberg, R. W.,
Hanert, E.,
Heimbach, P.,
Hewitt, H. T.,
Hill, C. N.,
Komuro, Y.,
Legg, S.,
Le Sommer, J.,
Masina, S.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Penny, S. G.,
Qiao, F.,
Ringler, T. D.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Tsujino, H.,
Uotila, P. and
Yeager, S. G.
Challenges and Prospects in Ocean Circulation Models.

Frontiers in Marine Science, 6
Art.Nr. 65.
Tuchen, F. P. 
Lübbecke, J. F. 
Schmidtko, S. 
Hummels, R. and
Böning, C. W. 
The Atlantic Subtropical Cells inferred from observations.
In: VII Seminar of the Bilateral Cooperation DOCEAN-GEOMAR. , 28.10.2019, Recife, Brazil .
Jin, X.,
Kwon, Y. O.,
Ummenhofer, C. C.,
Seo, H.,
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Wright, J. S.
Influences of Pacific Climate Variability on Decadal Subsurface Ocean Heat Content Variations in the Indian Ocean.

Journal of Climate, 31
pp. 4157-4174.
Handmann, P.,
Fischer, J. 
Visbeck, M. 
Karstensen, J. 
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Patara, L. 
The Deep Western Boundary Current in the Labrador Sea From Observations and a High-Resolution Model.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123
pp. 2829-2850.
Gary, S. F.,
Cunningham, S. A.,
Johnson, C.,
Houpert, L.,
Holliday, N. P.,
Behrens, E.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Seasonal Cycles of Oceanic Transports in the Eastern Subpolar North Atlantic.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123
pp. 1471-1484.
Tsujino, H.,
Urakawa, S.,
Nakano, H.,
Small, R. J.,
Kim, W. M.,
Yeager, S. G.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Suzuki, T.,
Bamber, J. L.,
Bentsen, M.,
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Chassignet, E. P.,
Curchitser, E.,
Boeira Dias, F.,
Durack, P. J.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Harada, Y.,
Ilicak, M.,
Josey, S. A.,
Kobayashi, C.,
Kobayashi, S.,
Komuro, Y.,
Large, W. G.,
Le Sommer, J.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Masina, S.,
Scheinert, M.,
Tomita, H.,
Valdivieso, M. and
Yamazaki, D.
JRA-55 based surface dataset for driving ocean–sea-ice models (JRA55-do).

Ocean Modelling, 130
pp. 79-139.
Breckenfelder, T.,
Rhein, M.,
Roessler, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Biastoch, A. 
Behrens, E. and
Mertens, C.
Flow paths and variability of the North Atlantic Current: A comparison of observations and a high-resolution model.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 122
2686-2708 .
Brandt, P. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Kopte, R.,
Toole, J. M.,
Johns, W. E. and
Böning, C. W. 
Annual and semiannual cycle of equatorial Atlantic circulation associated with basin mode resonance.

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 46
pp. 3011-3029.
Griffies, S. M.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Durack, P. J.,
Adcroft, A. J.,
Balaji, V.,
Böning, C. W. 
Chassignet, E. P.,
Curchitser, E.,
Deshayes, J.,
Drange, H.,
Fox-Kemper, B.,
Gleckler, P. J.,
Gregory, J. M.,
Haak, H.,
Hallberg, R. W.,
Heimbach, P.,
Hewitt, H. T.,
Holland, D. M.,
Ilyina, T.,
Jungclaus, J. H.,
Komuro, Y.,
Krasting, J. P.,
Large, W. G.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Masina, S.,
McDougall, T. J.,
Nurser, A. J. G.,
Orr, J. C.,
Pirani, A.,
Qiao, F.,
Stouffer, R. J.,
Taylor, K. E.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Tsujino, H.,
Uotila, P.,
Valdivieso, M.,
Wang, Q.,
Winton, M. and
Yeager, S. G.
OMIP contribution to CMIP6: experimental and diagnostic protocol for the physical component of the Ocean Model Intercomparison Project.

Geoscientific Model Development, 9
pp. 3231-3296.
Ilıcak, M. 
Drange, H.,
Wang, Q.,
Gerdes, R.,
Aksenov, Y.,
Bailey, D.,
Bentsen, M.,
Biastoch, A. 
Bozec, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Cassou, C.,
Chassignet, E.,
Coward, A. C.,
Curry, B.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Danilov, S.,
Fernandez, E.,
Fogli, P. G.,
Fujii, Y.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Iovino, D.,
Jahn, A.,
Jung, T.,
Large, W. G.,
Lee, C.,
Lique, C.,
Lu, J.,
Masina, S.,
George Nurser, A. J.,
Roth, C.,
Salas y Mélia, D.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Spence, P.,
Tsujino, H.,
Valcke, S.,
Voldoire, A.,
Wang, X. and
Yeager, S. G.
An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part III: Hydrography and fluxes.

Ocean Modelling, 100
pp. 141-161.
Wang, Q.,
Ilicak, M.,
Gerdes, R.,
Drange, H.,
Aksenov, Y.,
Bailey, D.,
Bentsen, M.,
Biastoch, A. 
Bozec, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Cassou, C.,
Chassignet, E.,
Coward, A. C.,
Curry, B.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Danilov, S.,
Fernandez, E.,
Fogli, P. G.,
Fujii, Y.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Iovino, D.,
Jahn, A.,
Jung, T.,
Large, W. G.,
Lee, C.,
Lique, C.,
Lu, J.,
Masina, S.,
Nurser, A. J. G.,
Rabe, B.,
Roth, C.,
Salas y Melia, D.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Spence, P.,
Tsujino, H.,
Valcke, S.,
Voldoire, A.,
Wang, X. and
Yeager, S. G.
An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part I: Sea ice and solid freshwater.
Ocean Modelling, 99
pp. 110-132.
Wang, Q.,
Ilicak, M.,
Gerdes, R.,
Drange, H.,
Aksenov, Y.,
Bailey, D.,
Bentsen, M.,
Biastoch, A. 
Bozec, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Cassou, C.,
Chassignet, E.,
Coward, A. C.,
Curry, B.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Danilov, S.,
Fernandez, E.,
Fogli, P. G.,
Fujii, Y.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Iovino, D.,
Jahn, A.,
Jung, T.,
Large, W. G.,
Lee, C.,
Lique, C.,
Lu, J.,
Masina, S.,
Nurser, A. J. G.,
Rabe, B.,
Roth, C.,
Salas y Melia, D.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Spence, P.,
Tsujino, H.,
Valcke, S.,
Voldoire, A.,
Wang, X. and
Yeager, S. G.
An assessment of the Arctic Ocean in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations. Part II: Liquid freshwater.
Ocean Modelling, 99
pp. 86-109.
Danabasoglu, G.,
Yeager, S. G.,
Kim, W. M.,
Behrens, E.,
Bentsen, M.,
Bi, D.,
Biastoch, A. 
Bleck, R.,
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Canuto, V. M.,
Cassou, C.,
Chassignet, E.,
Coward, A. C.,
Danilov, S.,
Diansky, N.,
Drange, H.,
Farneti, R.,
Fernandez, E.,
Fogli, P. G.,
Forget, G.,
Fujii, Y.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Gusev, A.,
Heimbach, P.,
Howard, A.,
Ilicak, M.,
Jung, T.,
Karspeck, A. R.,
Kelley, M.,
Large, W. G.,
Leboissetier, A.,
Lu, J.,
Madec, G.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Masina, S.,
Navarra, A.,
Nurser, A. J. G.,
Pirani, A.,
Romanou, A.,
Salas y Mélia, D.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Scheinert, M. 
Sidorenko, D.,
Sun, S.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Tsujino, H.,
Uotila, P.,
Valcke, S.,
Voldoire, A.,
Wang, Q. and
Yashayaev, I.
North Atlantic simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part II: Inter-annual to decadal variability.
Ocean Modelling, 97
pp. 65-90.
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Brandt, P. 
Dengler, M. 
Fischer, J. 
Karstensen, J. 
Latif, M. 
Visbeck, M. 
BMBF-Verbundvorhaben "RACE - Beobachtungen, Simulation und Synthese (multi-)dekadischer Schwankungen der Atlantikzirkulation" : Abschlussbericht der Teilprojekte am GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel : TP 1.1 Die Rolle des tropischen Atlantiks für Klimaschwankungen im atlantischen Raum, TP 1.4 Mechanismen für Zirkulationsschwankungen im Nordatlantik in gekoppelten Ozean-Atmosphäre Modellen, TP 2.2 Die veränderliche Ozeanzirkulation am Westrand des subpolaren Nordatlantiks, TP 3.1 Veränderungen der atlantischen Zirkulationssysteme in hochauflösenden Ozeanmodellen: Ursachen und regionale Auswirkungen.

GEOMAR Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 1 Online-Ressource (31 Seiten, 8,99 MB), 31 pp.
Brandt, P. 
Claus, M. 
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Kopte, R.,
Toole, J. M.,
Johns, W. E. and
Böning, C. W. 
Annual and semi-annual cycle of equatorial Atlantic circulation associated with basin mode resonance.

In: EGU General Assembly 2016. , 17.-22.04.2016, Vienna, Austria .
Rühs, S. 
Getzlaff, K. 
Durgadoo, J. V. 
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
On the suitability of North Brazil Current transport estimates for monitoring basin-scale AMOC changes.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2016. , 21.-26.02.2016, New Orleans, USA .
Tseng, Y. h.,
Lin, H.,
Chen, H. c.,
Thompson, K.,
Bentsen, M.,
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Cassou, C.,
Chassignet, E.,
Chow, C. H.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Danilov, S.,
Farneti, R.,
Fogli, P. G.,
Fujii, Y.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Ilicak, M.,
Jung, T.,
Masina, S.,
Navarra, A.,
Patara, L. 
Samuels, B. L.,
Scheinert, M. 
Sidorenko, D.,
Sui, C. H.,
Tsujino, H.,
Valcke, S.,
Voldoire, A.,
Wang, Q. and
Yeager, S. G.
North and equatorial Pacific Ocean circulation in the CORE-II hindcast simulations.
Ocean Modelling, 104
pp. 143-170.
Downes, S. M.,
Farneti, R.,
Uotila, P.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Bailey, D.,
Behrens, E.,
Bentsen, M.,
Bi, D.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Canuto, V. M.,
Chassignet, E.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Danilov, S.,
Diansky, N.,
Drange, H.,
Fogli, P. G.,
Gusev, A.,
Howard, A.,
Ilicak, M.,
Jung, T.,
Kelley, M.,
Large, W. G.,
Leboissetier, A.,
Long, M.,
Lu, J.,
Masina, S.,
Mishra, A.,
Navarra, A.,
George Nurser, A. J.,
Patara, L. 
Samuels, B. L.,
Sidorenko, D.,
Spence, P.,
Tsujino, H.,
Wang, Q. and
Yeager, S. G.
An assessment of Southern Ocean water masses and sea ice during 1988–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations.
Ocean Modelling, 94
pp. 67-94.
Farneti, R.,
Downes, S. M.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Behrens, E.,
Bentsen, M.,
Bi, D.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Canuto, V. M.,
Chassignet, E.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Danilov, S.,
Diansky, N.,
Drange, H.,
Fogli, P. G.,
Gusev, A.,
Hallberg, R. W.,
Howard, A.,
Ilicak, M.,
Jung, T.,
Kelley, M.,
Large, W. G.,
Leboissetier, A.,
Long, M.,
Lu, J.,
Masina, S.,
Mishra, A.,
Navarra, A.,
George Nurser, A. J.,
Patara, L.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Sidorenko, D.,
Tsujino, H.,
Uotila, P.,
Wang, Q. and
Yeager, S. G.
An assessment of Antarctic Circumpolar Current and Southern Ocean meridional overturning circulation during 1958–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations.
Ocean Modelling, 93
pp. 84-120.
Steinle, L.,
Graves, C. A.,
Treude, T. 
Ferré, B.,
Biastoch, A. 
Bussmann, I.,
Berndt, C. 
Krastel, S.,
James, R. H.,
Behrens, E.,
Böning, C. W. 
Greinert, J. 
Sapart, C. J.,
Scheinert, M. 
Sommer, S.,
Lehmann, A. F. and
Niemann, H.
Water column methanotrophy controlled by a rapid oceanographic switch.
Nature Geoscience, 8
pp. 378-382.
Fischer, J. 
Karstensen, J. 
Zantopp, R. J. 
Visbeck, M. 
Biastoch, A. 
Behrens, E.,
Böning, C. W. 
Quadfasel, D.,
Jochumsen, K.,
Valdimarsson, H.,
Jónsson, S.,
Bacon, S.,
Holliday, N. P.,
Dye, S.,
Rhein, M. and
Mertens, C.
Intra-seasonal variability of the DWBC in the western subpolar North Atlantic.
Progress in Oceanography, 132
pp. 233-249.
Barnier, B.,
Blaker, A. T.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Coward, A.,
Deshayes, J.,
Duchez, A.,
Hirschi, J.,
Le Sommer, J.,
Madec, G.,
Maze, G.,
Molines, J. M.,
New, A.,
Penduff, T.,
Scheinert, M. 
Talandier, C. and
Treguier, A. M.
DRAKKAR: developing high resolution ocean components for European Earth system models.

CLIVAR Exchanges, 65
pp. 18-21.
Biastoch, A. 
Curchitser, E.,
Small, R. J. and
Böning, C. W. 
Nested Ocean Modeling.

CLIVAR Exchanges, 65
pp. 52-55.
Mertens, C.,
Rhein, M.,
Walter, M.,
Böning, C. W. 
Behrens, E.,
Kieke, D.,
Steinfeldt, R. and
Stöber, U.
Circulation and transports in the Newfoundland Basin, western subpolar North Atlantic.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119
pp. 7772-7793.
McGregor, S.,
Spence, P.,
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
England, M. H.,
Santoso, A.,
Kessler, W. S.,
Timmermann, A. and
Böning, C. W. 
ENSO-driven interhemispheric Pacific mass transports.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119
pp. 6221-6237.
Griffies, S. M.,
Yin, J.,
Durack, P. J.,
Goddard, P.,
Bates, S. C.,
Behrens, E.,
Bentsen, M.,
Bi, D.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Chassignet, E.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Danilov, S.,
Domingues, C. M.,
Drange, H.,
Farneti, R.,
Fernandez, E.,
Greatbatch, R. J. 
Holland, D. M.,
Ilicak, M.,
Large, W. G.,
Lorbacher, K.,
Lu, J.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Mishra, A.,
George Nurser, A. J.,
Salas y Mélia, D.,
Palter, J. B.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Schröter, J.,
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Sidorenko, D.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Tseng, Y. h.,
Tsujino, H.,
Uotila, P.,
Valcke, S.,
Voldoire, A.,
Wang, Q.,
Winton, M. and
Zhang, X.
An assessment of global and regional sea level for years 1993–2007 in a suite of interannual CORE-II simulations.
Ocean Modelling, 78
pp. 35-89.
van Sebille, E.,
Sprintall, J.,
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Sen Gupta, A.,
Santoso, A.,
England, M. H.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Pacific-to-Indian Ocean connectivity: Tasman leakage, Indonesian Throughflow, and the role of ENSO.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 119
pp. 1365-1382.
Baltazar-Soares, M. 
Biastoch, A. 
Harrod, C.,
Hanel, R.,
Marohn, L.,
Prigge, E.,
Evans, D.,
Bodles, K.,
Behrens, E.,
Böning, C. W. 
Eizaguirre, C.
Recruitment collapse and population structure of the European eel shaped by local ocean current dynamics.

Current Biology, 24
pp. 104-108.
Danabasoglu, G.,
Yeager, S. G.,
Bailey, D.,
Behrens, E.,
Bentsen, M.,
Bi, D.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Bozec, A.,
Canuto, V. M.,
Cassou, C.,
Chassignet, E.,
Coward, A. C.,
Danilov, S.,
Diansky, N.,
Drange, H.,
Farneti, R.,
Fernandez, E.,
Fogli, P. G.,
Forget, G.,
Fujii, Y.,
Griffies, S. M.,
Gusev, A.,
Heimbach, P.,
Howard, A.,
Jung, T.,
Kelley, M.,
Large, W. G.,
Leboissetier, A.,
Lu, J.,
Madec, G.,
Marsland, S. J.,
Masina, S.,
Navarra, A.,
George Nurser, A. J.,
Pirani, A.,
y Mélia, D. S.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Scheinert, M. 
Sidorenko, D.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Tsujino, H.,
Uotila, P.,
Valcke, S.,
Voldoire, A. and
Wang, Q.
North Atlantic simulations in Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments phase II (CORE-II). Part I: Mean states.
Ocean Modelling, 73
pp. 76-107.
Deshayes, J.,
Tréguier, A. M.,
Barnier, B.,
Lecointre, A.,
Sommer, J. L.,
Molines, J. M.,
Penduff, T.,
Bourdallé-Badie, R.,
Drillet, Y.,
Garric, G.,
Benshila, R.,
Madec, G.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Scheinert, M. 
Coward, A. C. and
Hirschi, J. J. M.
Oceanic hindcast simulations at high resolution suggest that the Atlantic MOC is bistable.

Geophysical Research Letters, 40
pp. 3069-3073.
Ummenhofer, C. C.,
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Meyers, G.,
Behrens, E.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Pacific Ocean Contribution to the Asymmetry in Eastern Indian Ocean Variability.

Journal of Climate, 26
pp. 1152-1171.
Fischer, J. 
Karstensen, J. 
Zantopp, R. J. 
Visbeck, M. 
Biastoch, A. 
Behrens, E.,
Böning, C. W. 
Quadfasel, D.,
Jochumsen, K.,
Valdimarson, H.,
Bacon, S.,
Holliday, P.,
Dye, S.,
Rhein, M. and
Mertens, C.
Intra-seasonal variability of the DWBC in the western subpolar North Atlantic.
In: International Joint conference EU THOR and BMBF North Atlantic projects. , 24.-26.09.2012, Hamburg, Germany .
Rüpke, L. H. 
Biastoch, A. 
Treude, T. 
Riebesell, U. 
Roth, C.,
Burwicz, E. B. 
Park, W. 
Latif, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Wallmann, K. 
Madec, G.
Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification.
In: Arctic Frontiers 2012 – ‘Energies of the High North’. , 22. - 27.01.2012, Tromsø, Norway .
Biastoch, A. 
Treude, T. 
Rüpke, L. H. 
Riebesell, U. 
Roth, C.,
Burwicz, E. B. 
Park, W. 
Latif, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Madec, G. and
Wallmann, K. 
Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification.

Geophysical Research Letters, 38
Feng, M.,
Böning, C. W. 
Biastoch, A. 
Behrens, E.,
Weller, E. and
Masumoto, Y.
The reversal of the multi-decadal trends of the equatorial Pacific easterly winds, and the Indonesian Throughflow and Leeuwin Current transports.

Geophysical Research Letters, 38
Rhein, M.,
Kieke, D.,
Hüttl-Kabus, S.,
Roessler, A.,
Mertens, C.,
Meissner, R.,
Klein, B.,
Böning, C. W. 
Yashayaev, I.
Deep water formation, the subpolar gyre, and the meridional overturning circulation in the subpolar North Atlantic.
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, 58
pp. 1819-1832.
Rüpke, L. 
Biastoch, A. 
Treude, T. 
Riebesell, U. 
Roth, C.,
Burwicz, E. 
Park, W. 
Latif, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Wallmann, K. 
Madec, G.
Rising Arctic Ocean temperatures cause gas hydrate destabilization and ocean acidification.
In: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH2011), Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom, July 17-21, 2011.
HWU, Edinburgh, p. 6.
Biastoch, A. 
Treude, T. 
Roth, C.,
Rüpke, L. 
Burwicz, E. 
Park, W. 
Latif, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Madec, G. and
Wallmann, K. 
Evolution of Arctic Ocean temperatures and fate of marine gas hydrates under global warming.
In: EGU General Assembly 2010. , 02.-07.05.2010, Vienna, Austria .
Böning, C. W. 
Eden, C.,
Latif, M. 
Stramma, L. 
Brandt, P. 
Fischer, J. 
Oschlies, A. 
Visbeck, M. 
Nordatlantik I - 1.1 Die Bedeutung des Süßwasserhaushalts für die zukünftige Entwicklung der thermohalinen Zirkulation; 1.2 Rolle des äquatorialen Atlantiks als Schlüsselregion für Klimaschwankungen im atlantischen Raum; 2.2 Schwankungen der tiefen Randstromzirkulation am Ausgang des Labradorsee; 3.2 Schwankungen der thermohalinen Zirkulation in hoch auflösenden Modellen : Schlussbericht.

In: Der Nordatlantik als Teil des Erdsystems: vom System-Verständnis zur Analyse regionaler Auswirkungen : BMBF Verbundvorhaben als Beitrag zur nationalen und internationalen Erdsystemforschung ; Abschlußbericht Nordatlantik-Projekt.
BMBF / IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 1-15.
Lübbecke, J. F. 
Böning, C. W. 
Keenlyside, N. and
Xie, S. P.
On the connection between Benguela and Equatorial Atlantic Ninos.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2010 "Oxygen Minimum Zones and Climate Change: Observations and Prediction IV". , 22.02.-26.02.2010, Portland, Oregon, USA .
Park, W. 
Latif, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Scheinert, M. 
Behrens, E.,
Masson, S. and
Madec, G.
Report of ECHAM/NEMO-DRAKKAR coupling in Kiel.
In: DRAKKAR 2010 Annual Workshop. , 01.02.2010, Grenoble, France .
Rattan, S.,
Myers, P. G.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Theetten, S.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Towards an understanding of Labrador Sea salinity drift in eddy-permitting simulations.
Ocean Modelling, 35
pp. 77-88.
Griffies, S. M.,
Böning, C. W. 
Biastoch, A. 
Bryan, F.,
Danabasoglu, G.,
Chassignet, E.,
England, M.,
Gerdes, R.,
Haak, H.,
Hallberg, R. W.,
Hazeleger, W.,
Jungclaus, J.,
Large, W. G.,
Madec, G.,
Pirani, A.,
Samuels, B. L.,
Scheinert, M. 
Gupta, A. S.,
Severijns, C. A.,
Simmons, H. A.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Winton, M.,
Yeager, S. and
Yin, J.
Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs).
Ocean Modelling, 26
pp. 1-46.
Scheinert, M. 
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
The Agulhas System as a Prime Example for the Use of Nesting Capabilities in Ocean Modelling.
In: High Performance Computing on Vector Systems 2009.
, ed. by
Resch, M.,
Roller, S.,
Benkert, K.,
Galle, M.,
Bez, W. and
Kobayashi, H..
Springer, Berlin, pp. 191-198.
ISBN 978-3642039126
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Scheinert, M. 
Lutjeharms, J. R. E.
The Agulhas System as a Key Region of the Global Oceanic Circulation.
In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '08.
, ed. by
Nagel, W. E..
Springer, Berlin [u.a.], pp. 459-469.
Biastoch, A. 
Lütjeharms, J. R. E.,
Scheinert, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Siedler, G.
The Importance of Small-scale Dynamics on the Agulhas Leakage.
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 02.-07.03, Orlando, FL, USA .
Böning, C. W. 
Dispert, A.,
Visbeck, M. 
Rintoul, S. R. and
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change.
In: Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. , 24.09.2008, Princeton, USA .
Böning, C. W. 
Dispert, A.,
Visbeck, M. 
Rintoul, S. R. and
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change.
In: AGU Fall Meeting 2008. , 15.-19.12.2008, San Francisco, USA .
Böning, C. W. 
Dispert, A.,
Visbeck, M. 
Rintoul, S. R. and
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Response of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current to recent climate change.
In: AGU Fall Meeting. , 14.12.2008, San Francisco, California, USA .
Böning, C. W. 
Dispert, A.,
Visbeck, M. 
Rintoul, S. R. and
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Multi-decadal warming and freshening of the ACC.
In: International Symposium "Effects of Climate Change on the World's Oceans". , 20.05.2008, Gijón, Spain .
Böning, C. W. 
Dispert, A.,
Visbeck, M. 
Rintoul, S. R. and
Schwarzkopf, F. U. 
Antarctic Circumpolar Current response to recent climate change.
In: National Center for Atmospheric research. , 06.10.2008, Princeton, USA .
Brandt, P. 
Böning, C. W. 
Latif, M. 
Stramma, L. 
Hormann, V.,
Hüttl, S.,
Funk, A.,
Keenlyside, N.,
Wahl, S. 
Ding, H.
BMBF North Atlantic - Subproject 1.2: Role of the equatorial Atlantic as key region for Atlantic climate variability.
In: Statusseminar des Projekts "Nordatlantik". , 20.02, Hamburg .
Haine, T.,
Böning, C. W. 
Brandt, P. 
Fischer, J. 
Funk, A.,
Kieke, D.,
Kvaleberg, E.,
Rhein, M. and
Visbeck, M. 
North Atlantic Deep Water Formation in the Labrador Sea, Recirculation through the Subpolar Gyre, and Discharge to the Subtropics.
In: Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes, Defining the Role of the Northern Seas in Climate.
, ed. by
Dicksen, R. R.,
Meincke, J. and
Rhines, P..
Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 653-702.
ISBN 978-1-4020-6773-0
Lorbacher, K.,
Dengg, J.,
Böning, C. W. 
Visbeck, M. 
Karstensen, J. 
Neumann, U.
Manifestation of oceanic mass transport changes in sea surface height and ocean bottom pressure changes - simulations and observations.
In: 2. SPP1257-Kolloquium. , 06.-08.10, München .
Stammer, D.,
Köhler, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Dengg, J.,
Visbeck, M. 
Karstensen, J. 
Combined Ocean-Geodetic Analysis of Global and Regional Ocean Mass-, and Freshwater Transport Divergences.
In: 2. SPP1257-Kolloquium. , 06.-08.10, München .
Barnier, B.,
Brodeau, L.,
Le Sommer, J.,
Molines, J. M.,
Penduff, T.,
Theetten, S.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Madec, G.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Dengg, J.,
Gulev, S.,
Bourdalle Badie, R.,
Chanut, J.,
Garric, G.,
Alderson, S.,
Coward, A.,
de Cuevas, B.,
New, A.,
Haines, K.,
Smith, G.,
Drijfhout, S.,
Hazeleger, W.,
Severijns, C. and
Myers, P.
Eddy-Permitting Ocean Circulation Hindcasts of Past Decades.

CLIVAR Exchanges, 42
(12 (3)).
pp. 8-10.
Latif, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Willebrand, J.,
Biastoch, A. 
Alvarez, F. and
Keenlyside, N.
Decadal to Multidecadal Variability of the Atlantic MOC: Mechanisms and Predictability.
In: Ocean Circulation: Mechanisms and Impacts - Past and Future Changes of the Ocean's Meridional Overturning.
, ed. by
Schmittner, A.,
Chiang, J. and
Hemming, S..
AGU Monograph, 173
AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington D.C., pp. 149-166.
ISBN 978-0-87590-438-2
Stammer, D.,
Köhler, A.,
Siegismund, F.,
Romanova, V.,
Böning, C. W. 
Dengg, J.,
Karstensen, J. 
Lorbacher, K.,
Neumann, U. and
Visbeck, M. 
Combined Ocean-Geodetic Analysis of Global and Regional Ocean Mass-, and Freshwater Transport Divergences.
In: Joint International Symposium: GRACE Science Team Meeting (GSTM) + DFG-SPP Symposium. , 15.-17.10, Potsdam .
Barnier, B.,
Madec, G.,
Penduff, T.,
Molines, J. M.,
Treguier, A. M.,
Le Sommer, J.,
Beckmann, A.,
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Dengg, J.,
Derval, C.,
Durand, E.,
Gulev, S.,
Remy, E.,
Talandler, C.,
Theetten, S.,
Maltrud, M.,
McClean, J. and
De Cuevas, B.
Impact of partial steps and momentum advection schemes in a global ocean circulation model at eddy permitting resolution.
Ocean Dynamics, 56
pp. 195-230.
Biastoch, A. 
Böning, C. W. 
Czeschel, L.,
Getzlaff, J.,
Madec, G.,
Molines, J. M. and
Müsch, K.
Interannual to decadal variability in the North Atlantic Ocean: meridional overturning circulation and its manifestation at the western boundary.
[Invited talk]
In: Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 23.02.2006, Honolulu, USA .
Böning, C. W. 
Scheinert, M. 
Biastoch, A. 
Dengg, J.,
Funk, A.,
Brandt, P. 
Czeschel, L.
Causes of changes in the subpolar North Atlantic gyre transport.
In: EGU General Assembly 2006. , 03.04, Vienna, Austria .
Latif, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Willebrand, J.,
Biastoch, A. 
Dengg, J.,
Keenlyside, N.,
Schweckendiek, U. and
Madec, G.
Is the thermohaline circulation changing?.

Journal of Climate, 19
pp. 4631-4637.
Tanhua, T. 
Biastoch, A. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Lüger, H.,
Böning, C. W. 
Wallace, D. W. R.
Changes of anthropogenic CO2 and CFCs in the North Atlantic between 1981 and 2004.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 20
Tanhua, T. 
Biastoch, A. 
Körtzinger, A. 
Lüger, H.,
Böning, C. W. 
Wallace, D. W. R.
Decadal variations in ocean interior circulation and biogeochemistry: results from the CLIVAR/CO2 Repeat Hydrography Program.
In: 13. Ocean Sciences Meeting. , 20.02.-24-02, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA .
Treguier, A. M.,
Goureuff, C.,
Lherminier, P.,
Mercier, H.,
Barnier, B.,
Madec, G.,
Molines, J. M.,
Penduff, T.,
Czeschel, L. and
Böning, C. W. 
Internal and forced variability along a section between Greenland and Portugal in the CLIPPER Atlantic model.
Ocean Dynamics, 56
pp. 568-580.
Brandt, P. 
Funk, A.,
Czeschel, L.,
Eden, C. and
Böning, C. W. 
A rapid exit pathway of convectively formed water in the Labrador Sea boundary current.
In: Seminar. , 06.12, Hamburg .
Stramma, L. 
Rhein, M.,
Brandt, P. 
Dengler, M. 
Böning, C. W. 
Walter, M.
Upper ocean circulation in the western tropical Atlantic in boreal fall 2000.
Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers, 52
pp. 221-240.
Treguier, A. M.,
Thetten, S.,
Chassignet, E.,
Penduff, T.,
Smith, R.,
Talley, L.,
Beismann, J. O. and
Böning, C. W. 
The North Atlantic subpolar gyre in four high resolution models.

Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35
pp. 757-774.
Barnier, B.,
Reynaud, T.,
Beckmann, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Molines, J. M.,
Barnard, S. and
Jia, Y.
On the seasonal variability and eddies in the North Brazil Current: insights from model intercomparison experiments.
Progress in Oceanography, 48
pp. 195-230.
Böning, C. W. 
Semtner, A.
High-resolution modelling of the thermohaline and wind-driven circulation.
In: Ocean Circulation and Climate.
, ed. by
Siedler, G.,
Church, J. and
Gould, J..
International Geophysics Series, 77
Academic Press, San Diego, USA, pp. 59-77.
ISBN 0-12-641351-7
Redler, R.,
Beismann, J. O.,
Czeschel, L.,
Völker, C.,
Dengg, J. and
Böning, C. W. 
Hindcasting the uptake of anthropogenic trace gases with an eddy-permitting model of the Atlantic Ocean.
In: High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering '01.
, ed. by
Krause, E. and
Jäger, W..
Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 396-405.
ISBN 3-540-42675-2
Stocker, T. F.,
Willebrand, J.,
Böning, C. W. 
Visbeck, M. 
Timmermann, A. and
Lemke, P.
Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks.
In: Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernemental Panel on Climate Change.
, ed. by
Houghton, J. T.,
Ding, Y. and
Griggs, D. J..
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 417-470.
ISBN 0521-01495-6
Willebrand, J.,
Barnier, B.,
Böning, C. W. 
Dieterich, C.,
Killworth, P.,
LeProvost, C.,
Yia, J.,
Molines, J. M. and
New, A. L.
Circulation Characteristics in Three Eddy-Permitting Models of the North Atlantic.
Progress in Oceanography, 48/2-3
pp. 123-162.
Griffies, S. M.,
Böning, C. W. 
Bryan, F. O.,
Chassignet, E. P.,
Gerdes, R.,
Hasumi, H.,
Hirst, A.,
Treguier, M. and
Webb, D.
Developments in ocean climate modelling.
Ocean Modelling, 2
pp. 123-192.
Schott, F.,
Böning, C. W. 
Bryden, H.,
Molinari, R.,
Schlosser, P.,
Wunsch, C. and
Stramma, L. 
Report of the WOCE North Atlantic Workshop,
Institut für Meereskunde, Universität Kiel, Germany, 23–27 August 1999.

, 169
WOCE Report, 169
WOCE International Project Office, 110 pp.
Schott, F.,
Böning, C. W. 
Bryden, H.,
Molinari, R.,
Schlosser, P.,
Wunsch, C. and
Stramma, L. 
The WOCE North Atlantic Workshop.

International WOCE Newsletter, 37
pp. 34-35.
Stammer, D.,
Bleck, C.,
Böning, C. W. 
DeMey, P.,
Hurlburt, H.,
Fukumori, I.,
LeProvost, C.,
Tokmakian, R. and
Webb, D.
Global ocean modeling and state estimation in support of climate research.

In: Proceedings OCEANOBS 99, 18 - 22 octobre / October 1999, Saint Raphael, France.
, ed. by
Koblinsky, C. J. and
Smith, N. R..
Böning, C. W. 
Dengg, J.,
Ketelsen, K. and
Redler, R.
A high-resolution numerical model for the circulation of the Atlanic Ocean.
In: 4.CRAY-SGI MPP Workshop. , 10.-12.09.1998, Garching, München, Germany . Contribution to the 4th CRAY-SGI MPP Workshop. .
Eden, C.,
Redler, R.,
Böning, C. W. 
Dengg, J. and
Dieterich, C.
Schwankungen der thermohalinen Zirkulation in Modellen des Atlantiks mit unterschiedlicher horizontaler Auflösung.

In: Deutsche Meteorologen-Tagung. , 14.-18.09.1998, Leipzig, Germany ; pp. 509-510 .
Annalen der Meteorologie, 37
Barnard, S.,
Barnier, B.,
Beckmann, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Coulibaly, M.,
De Cuevas, D. A.,
Dengg, J.,
Dieterich, C.,
Ernst, U.,
Herrmann, P.,
Jia, Y.,
Killworth, P. D.,
Kröger, J.,
Lee, M. M.,
Le Provost, C.,
Molines, J. M.,
New, A. L.,
Oschlies, A. 
Reynaud, T.,
West, L. J. and
Willebrand, J.
Dynamics of North Atlantic Models: Simulation and assimilation with resolution models.
Barnard, S.,
Barnier, B.,
Beckmann, A.,
Böning, C. W. 
Coulibaly, M.,
DeCuevas, D.,
Dengg, J.,
Dietrich, C.,
Ernst, U.,
Herrmann, P.,
Jia, Y.,
Killworth, P. D.,
Kröger, J.,
Lee, M. M.,
LeProvost, C.,
Molines, J. M.,
New, A. L.,
Oschlies, A. 
Reynaud, T.,
West, L. J. and
Willebrand, J.
and DYNAMO Group
DYNAMO : dynamics of North Atlantic models : simulation and assimilation with high resolution models.

Berichte aus dem Institut für Meereskunde an der Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, 294
Institut für Meereskunde, Kiel, Germany, 334 pp.
Böning, C. W. 
Bryan, F. O. and
Holland, W. R.
Modelling the subpolar North Atlantic.

In: The North Atlantic Current System: a scientific report.
, ed. by
Malanotte-Rizzoli, P. and
Rossby, T..
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, USA, pp. 53-64.
Böning, C. W. 
Wirbelauflösende Modellierung der nordatlantischen Zirkulation.

In: Deutsche Meteorologen-Tagung 1989 vom 16. bis 19. Mai 1989 in Kiel : Atmosphäre, Ozeane, Kontinente.
; 26
Annalen der Meteorologie, 26
Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach am Main, Germany, pp. 118-119.
ISBN 978-3-88148-247-9
Böning, C. W. 
Lagrangian eddy statistics.
Theory of the general ocean circulation. University of Washington, Seattle
UNSPECIFIED, pp. 3-11.
This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 15:56:16 2025 CET.