- Area:
- North Sea
- Time:
03.07.2015 - 09.07.2015
- Institution:
- Chief scientist:
- Sascha Flögel
The aim of cruise AL459 is to test technology developed in the FlexMoT project. The project has been launched in 2013. It wants to develop flexible monitoring tools, which can be used in the environmental monitoring around offshore oil and gas production platforms and in the surroundings of offshore wind farms. But it can also be used for any other measurement task under water and for long-term measurements or scientific water monitoring.
The aim of the project is the development of a modular system, which is able to cope with different applications and components module requirements. The modular system structure is intended to enable the connection of different sensors and measuring instruments.
The work already under way in the project include, among others, the development of energy-optimized long-term-compatible measurement and sensor technology, the development of sensors for methane and ethane and the testing of suitable underwater cable. The project consortium is made up of several German marine technology companies (Contros, Oktopus, Leoni) and research institutions (IGD, GEOMAR) and is funded by the BMWi.