Marmara Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea
28.04.2015 - 09.05.2015
Chief scientist:
Jörg Bialas

Research objective of the 2nd part of cruise POS484 is the seismic investigation of Palinuro seamount in the Tyrrhenian Sea. Research activities at GEOMAR are dedicated to the test and development of seismic equipment for the detection and mapping of marine massive sulfide deposits. Previous cruises, e.g. POS442, M73/2 and others, confirmed seafloor massive sulfide deposits at Palinuro Seamount in medium water depth. During cruise POS484 high resolution surface streamer and deep towed multichannel streamer are applied to provide images of the structure of Palinuro seamount and to investigate the capabilities of the techniques to map out the lateral extend of sulfide deposits. The expedition is undertaken in close co-operation with the previous expedition POS483, which applies electromagnetic investigations at Palinuro Seamount. Eight long-term OBS deployments moored during cruise POS483 are recovered.