Project Search (ongoing projects)

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Search result (52 hits)

The Arctic Ocean - Ventilation Timescales, Anthropogenic Carbon and Variability in a Changing Environment

January, 2021 - December, 2023

Funding body: DFG

Contact: Toste Tanhua

Integration of biodiversity monitoring data into the Digital Twin Ocean

September, 2023 - February, 2027

Funding body: EU

Contact: Florian Schütte

Ecocentric management for sustainable fisheries and healthy marine ecosystems

September, 2021 - August, 2025

Funding body: EU

Contact: Thorsten B.H. Reusch

Eastern Mediterranean Sea as a model for Future Ocean Research (EMS FORE)

January, 2022 - December, 2026

Funding body: Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

Contact: Eric Achterberg

Improving and Integrating European Ocean Observing and Forecasting Systems for Sustainable use of the Oceans

November, 2019 - December, 2023

Funding body: EU

Contact: Toste Tanhua

FOOTPRINTS: From carbOn remOval To achieving the PaRIs agreemeNt’s goal: Temperature Stabilisation

October, 2021 - September, 2024

Funding body: DFG

Contact: Nadine Mengis

Climate Change and Future Marine Ecosystem Service and Biodiversity

September, 2020 - August, 2024

Funding body: EU

Contact: Ulf Riebesell

Master Programme Climate Change and Marine Sciences

February, 2019 - December, 2023

Funding body: BMBF

Contact: Arne Körtzinger

Gliders for Research, Ocean Observations and Management: Infrastructure and Innovation

October, 2020 - September, 2023

Funding body: EU

Contact: Johannes Karstensen

Isotopic constraints on declining nutrient inventories weakening the soft-tissue biological carbon pump during the last deglaciation

January, 2021 - May, 2025

Funding body: DFG

Contact: Christopher J. Somes

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