Study Areas

T-SECTOR: Testing Solid Earth Climate connections Through mid Ocean Ridge time series

Study areas

The rate at which ridges spread is a primary physical control on their composition and structure.  We will explore the relationships between spreading rate and glacial cycles by carrying out cruises across a factor of seven change in spreading rate, from 2.2cm/yr on the mid-Atlantic ridge to 15 cm/yr on the southern East Pacific Rise.  The sea-going program plans to make use of both the German and US research fleets.

In order to recover detailed time series of MOR chemistry and hydrothermal activity and variations in bathymetry and crustal thickness, ship cruises are planned to three MOR segments to cover the entire range of spreading rates on Earth, the primary control on MOR processes. Each area has low sedimentation rates (~1cm/ka), so that up to 1.5Ma old basement can be reached with gravity coring.
The areas select3ed for detailed stdudies are 1) Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MARR97 segment) at 33.5°N with a slow full spreading rate (~2cm/a), 2) Cleft Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge at ~45°N with intermediate full spreading rate (~6cm/a), and 3) South East Pacific Rise (SEPR) at ~15°S with fast full spreading rate (~15cm/a).


Reykjanes Ridge

Chief Scientist: Prof. Achim Kopf (MARUM)

Research Vessel: METEOR

dates: will be updated

Cleft Segement, Juan-de-Fuca-Ridge

Chief Scientist: Prof. Charles Langmuir (Harvard)

Research Vessel: Sally Ride

Newport Oregon April 28th - Newport Oregon May 12th 2025


Chief Scientist: Prof. Heidrun Kopp (GEOMAR)

Research Vessel: SONNE

in 2026


Chief Scientist: Prof. Charles Langmuir (Harvard)

Research Vessel: tba

in 2026

South East Pacific Rise (SEPR)

Chief Scientist: Prof. Martin Frank (GEOMAR)

Research Vessel: SONNE (SO314)

Papeete Aug 13th - Balboa Oct 5th 2025







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