The GAME Alumni Network

Within 14 years a comprehensive alumni network has formed that connects GAME alumni and research institutions around the globe. The overview below indicates who worked where as a GAME student and adds his/her current affiliation. Entries are sorted alphabetically by surname.

Our list is not complete. We strongly encourage all alumni who do not find their names here to provide us information about their current affililation and professional interests. For further questions, suggestions and updates on your profile please send an e-mail to mlenz(at)


List of GAME alumni:

                                                  From                 with GAME in

Arsad, Shukri

Astudillo, Juan Carlos

Atalah, Javier

Benvenuti, Laura

Bischoff, Roland

Carvalho, Catia

Cerda, Osvaldo

Contardo-Jara, Valeska

Cruz, Joana

Diaz, Eliecer

Dzeha, Thomas

Dzubisnka, Ania

Eidens, Corvin

Gaonkar, Chetan

Gröner, Frederike

Guarino, Glaucia

Hampl, Svenja


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