
Die Professoren und Wissenschaftler der Marinen Geodynamik halten im Rahmen des BSc Studiengangs Physik des Erdsystems und in den MSc Studiengängen Master of Geophysics und Master of Marine Geosciences Vorlesungen. Mehr Informationen finden Sie hierzu auf den Webseiten der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Wir betreuen außerdem Abschlussarbeiten (BSc, MSc und Dr. rer. nat.). Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Dozenten oder im Zweifel an Heidrun Kopp (hkopp(at)geomar.de) oder Christian Berndt (cberndt(at)geomar.de).

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Semester: SS 2024 

Segler, P. ; Vanselow, K.H., ; Schlachter, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Kaiser, Frederik ; Schulz, Carsten:
Dietary carbohyrates induce a higher SDA than lipids in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) basend on environmental temperature .
In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B (2023), S. 267

Hasenpusch, Philipp ; Seidel, Anita ; Hasler, Mario ; Thaller durch, Prof. Dr. G.:
Einfluss verschiedener Bodenbeläge auf die Aktivität von Milchkühen .
In: Züchtungskunde 95 (2023), Nr. 6, S. 400-411

Segler, P. ; Vanselow, K.H. ; Schlachter, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Schulz, Carsten:
SDA coeeficient is temperature dependent in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) in a practical approach using group respirometry .
In: Biochemistry and Physiology (2023), S. 265

Segler, P. ; Vanselow, K.H. ; Schlachter, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Kaiser, Frederik ; Schulz, Carsten:
The thermal dependence of the protein-sparing effect in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) .
In: Journal of Fish Biology (2023), Nr. 102, S. 32-43

GIEBICHENSTEIN. J., ; GIEBICHENSTEIN. J., ; Hasler, Mario ; Schulz, Carsten ; Ueberschär, Bernd:
Comparing the performance of four commercial microdiets in an early weaning protocol for European seabass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax) .
In: Aquaculture Research (2022), Nr. 53, S. 2

Horst, A. ; Gertz, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Krieter, Joachim:
Pig Organ Lesions Recorded in Different Abattoirs: A Statistical Approach to Assess the Comparability of Prevalence. .
In: Agriculture (2020), Nr. 10(8), S. 319

MICHL., S.C. ; RATTEN, J-M. ; BEYER, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; LAROCHE, J. ; Schulz, Carsten:
A diet-change modulates the previously established bacterial gut community in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta). .
In: Scientific Reports (2019), Nr. 9, S. 2339

FICKLER, A. ; STAATS, S. ; Hasler, Mario ; MICHL, C., ; Rimbach, Gerald ; Schulz, Carsten:
Combination of dietary Ahiflower oil and equol enhances LC-PUFA levels in rainbow trout tissues. .
In: Lipids (2019), Nr. 53, S. 1069-1083

FICKLER, A ; STAATS, S ; Hasler, Mario ; Rimbach, Gerald ; Schulz, Carsten:
Dietary Buglossoides arvensis oil as a potential candidate to substitute fish oil in rainbow trout diets .
In: Lipids (2018), Nr. 53(8), S. 809-823

Naya, A. ; Traulsen, Imke ; Gertz, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Burfeind, O. ; Grossebeilage, E., ; Krieter, Joachim:
Is tail biting in growing pigs reduced by a prolonged suckling period?
In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2018),

Hasler, Mario ; Hothorn, Ludwig A.:
Multi-arm trials with multiple primary endpoints and missing values .
In: Statistics in Medicine 37 (2018), Nr. 5, S. 710-721
Stichwörter:  correlated endpoints; missing values; multiple contrast tests; multiplicity adjustment; multivariate t distribution

Veit, C. ; Büttner, K. ; Traulsen, Imke ; Gertz, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Burfeind, O. ; große Beilage, E. ; Krieter, Joachim:
The effect of mixing piglets after weaning on the occurrence of tail-biting during rearing .
In: Livestock Science (2017), Nr. 201, S. 70-73

Michl, S.C. ; Ratten, J-M. ; Beyer, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; LaRoche, J. ; Schulz, Carsten:
The Malleable Gut Microbiome of Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Diet-Dependent Shifts of Bacterial Community Structures. .
In: PLOS ONE (2017),

Hasler, Mario:
An illustration to assist in comparing and remembering several multiplicity adjustment methods .
In: Teaching Statistics 39 (2016), Nr. 1, S. 14-15
Stichwörter:  Teaching statistics; Multiple comparisons; Family-wise error type I; Multiplicity adjustment

Hasler, Mario:
Heteroscedasticity: multiple degrees of freedom vs. sandwich estimation .
In: Statistical Papers 57 (2016), S. 55-68
Stichwörter:  Family wise error type I; Heteroscedasticity; Multiple contrast tests; Multivariate t-distribution; Sandwich estimation

Veit, C. ; Traulsen, Imke ; Hasler, Mario ; Tölle, KH. ; Burfeind, O. ; Große-Beilage, E. ; Krieter, Joachim:
Influence of raw material on the occurrence of tail-biting in undocked pigs. .
In: Livestock Science (2016), Nr. 191, S. 125-131

Hasler, Mario:
Comment on multiple comparisons with a control under heteroscedasticity .
In: Journal of Applied Statistics 42 (2015), Nr. 8, S. 1757–1758
Stichwörter:  Multiple comparisons; Heteroscedasticity; Multivariate t-distribution

Svoboda, Nikolai ; Taube, Friedhelm ; Kluß, Christof ; Wienforth, Babette ; Sieling, Klaus ; Hasler, Mario ; Kage, Henning ; Ohl, Susanne ; Hartung, Eberhard ; Herrmann, Antje:
Ecological Efficiency of Maize-Based Cropping Systems for Biogas Production .
In: BioEnergy Research (2015),

Geilfus, Christoph-Martin ; Niehaus, Karsten ; Gödde, Victoria ; Hasler, Mario ; Zörb, Christian ; Gorzolka, Karin ; Jezek, Mareike ; Senbayram, Mehmet ; Ludwig-Müller, Jutta ; Mühling, Karl H.:
Fast responses of metabolites in Vicia faba L. to moderate NaCl stress .
In: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 92 (2015), S. 19-29

Geilfus, C.-M. ; Niehaus, K. ; Gödde, V. ; Hasler, Mario ; Zörb, C. ; Gorzolka, K. ; Jezek, M. ; Senbayram, M. ; Ludwig-Müller, J. ; Mühling, Karl H.:
Fast responses of metabolites in Vicia faba L. to moderate NaCl stress. .
In: Plant Physiology and Biochemnistry (2015), Nr. 92, S. 19-29

Hasler, Mario:
Multiple Contrast Tests for Multiple Endpoints in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity .
In: The International Journal of Biostatistics 10 (2014), Nr. 1, S. 17-28
Stichwörter:  multiple contrast tests; multiple endpoints; heteroscedasticity; multivariate t-distribution; simultaneous confidence intervals

Zörb, Christian ; Mühling, Karl H. ; Hasler, Mario ; Gödde, Victoria ; Niehaus, Karsten ; Becker, Dirk ; Geilfus, Christoph-Martin:
Metabolomic responses in grain, ear, and straw of winter wheat under increasing sulfur treatment .
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176 (2013), Nr. 6, S. 964–970

Zörb, C. ; Mühling, Karl H. ; Hasler, Mario ; Gödde, V. ; Niehaus, K. ; Becker, D. ; Geilfus, C.-M. :
Metabolomic responses in grain, ear, and straw of winter wheat under increasing sulphur fertilization rates. .
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (2013), Nr. 176, S. 964-970

Hasler, Mario ; Böhlendorf, Kathrin :
Multiple comparisons for multiple endpoints in agricultural experiments .
In: Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 18 (2013), Nr. 4, S. 578–593
Stichwörter:  Correlated endpoints; Multiple contrast tests; Multiplicity adjustment; Simultaneous confidence intervals

Hasler, Mario:
Multiple contrasts for repeated measures .
In: The International Journal of Biostatistics 9 (2013), Nr. 1, S. 49-61
Stichwörter:  repeated measures; multiple contrasts; sandwich estimator; multivariate t-distribution; familywise error type I

Zörb, Christian ; Becker, Dirk ; Hasler, Mario ; Mühling, Karl H. ; Gödde, Victoria ; Niehaus, Karsten ; Geilfus, Christoph-Martin:
Silencing of the sulfur rich a-gliadin storage protein family in wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L.) causes no unintended side-effects on other metabolites .
In: Frontiers in Plant Science 4 (2013), Nr. 369, S. 1-7

Zörb, C. ; Becker, D. ; Hasler, Mario ; Mühling, Karl H. ; Gödde, V. ; Niehaus, K. ; Geilfus, C.-M. :
Silencing of the sulphur rich a-gliadin storage protein family in wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L.) causes no unintended side-effects on other metabolites. .
In: Frontiers in Plant Science (2013), Nr. 4, S. 369

Hasler, Mario ; Hothorn, Ludwig A.:
Simultaneous confidence intervals on multivariate non-inferiority .
In: Statistics in Medicine 32 (2013), Nr. 10, S. 1720–1729

Hasler, Mario ; Hothorn, Ludwig A.:
A multivariate Williams-type trend procedure .
In: Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 4 (2012), S. 57-65

Hasler, Mario:
Multiple comparisons to both a negative and a positive control .
In: Pharmaceutical Statistics 11 (2012), S. 74-81

Hasler, Mario ; Hothorn, Ludwig A.:
A Dunnett-type procedure for multiple endpoints .
In: The International Journal of Biostatistics 7 (2011), Nr. 1, S. Article 3

Hasler, Mario:
Multiple contrast tests for multiple endpoints .
Kiel : CAU. 2010
(01). - Interner Bericht. 16 Seiten

Bohne, Heike ; Hasler, Mario:
Relation between growth and nutrient content of field-grown tree nursery crops .
In: European Journal of Horticulture Science 74 (2009), Nr. 5, S. 227–233

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