
Die Professoren und Wissenschaftler der Marinen Geodynamik halten im Rahmen des BSc Studiengangs Physik des Erdsystems und in den MSc Studiengängen Master of Geophysics und Master of Marine Geosciences Vorlesungen. Mehr Informationen finden Sie hierzu auf den Webseiten der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Wir betreuen außerdem Abschlussarbeiten (BSc, MSc und Dr. rer. nat.). Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich bitte an den jeweiligen Dozenten oder im Zweifel an Heidrun Kopp (hkopp(at)geomar.de) oder Christian Berndt (cberndt(at)geomar.de).

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Semester: SS 2024 

Colloquium Milestones in International Jurisprudence (ICJ Jurisprudence) (020118)

Dr. jur. Liv Christiansen

Kolloquium, 2 SWS, benoteter Schein, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits: 6
für ERASMUS-/Austauschstudierende geeignet, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mo 12:15 - 13:45, WR400 - R.03.19
vom 15.4.2024 bis zum 8.7.2024

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
This colloquium offers room to discuss important international jurisprudence. It will be structured in the following way: If enough participants volunteer, two cases will be discussed during each session. At the beginning of the lecture, a gut feeling round will be held, where students voice their initial opinions and/or questions on the cases. All participants are expected to read indicated parts of the cases in preparation for the colloquy to meet the objective of actively discussing the court’s decision. Two students will give a short presentation (max. 15 minutes) on the two cases. Afterwards, a discussion will ensue based on the gut feeling round and the presentations looking for similarities or differences in the reasoning of these cases and/or trying to answer questions which arose during the gut feeling round. A guest lecturer will also be present at each lecture to give input on the cases. The lecture is directed to law students, particularly those participating in the Schwerpunktbereich 6: Völker- und Europarecht and requires a basic knowledge of public international law. The course is open to students participating in level 4 of the Law Faculty’s Fachspezifische Fremdsprachenausbildung (FFA). The lecture is also open to students enrolled in the master programme Internationale Politik und Internationales Recht and Erasmus and Master of Law Students. There is the opportunity to either obtain a certificate of regular attendance or a graded certificate. A graded certificate will be given when at least two presentations are held over the course of the summer term. If a graded certificate is desired, the presentations will be graded.

Please register on Open Olat for this course:

Content: The colloquy offers the opportunity to read, discuss and analyse some of the international cases that have had a lasting impact on the development of international law in a seminar-like atmosphere. In contrast to a lecture series, the main focus of the colloquy is to engage into a discourse with all participants on the relevant legal questions. With a short student presentation on each case as the starting point, the main legal problems and the solutions provided by the Court or Tribunal shall be discussed in the plenary to shed light on the case’s impact upon the understanding and further development of the law. If possible, one session will involve two presentations in order to contrast the decisions. By putting such ‘milestones’ in international jurisprudence into context, the participants deepen their understanding of substantive public international law but likewise of procedural law in dispute settlement. As the working language of the colloquy is English, the class serves to improve the participants’ language and discussions skills that are indispensable (not only) for internationally oriented lawyers.

Empfohlene Literatur
Cases and Materials:
All cases are available online at the ruling Court's or Tribunal's websites. Comprehensive summaries of the judgments are available online as well.

For further reading, please consider relevant articles concerning the cases published in the Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law, available via the University’s Network at www.mpepil.com.

Klabbers, International Law, 4th Edt., 2024

Shaw, International Law, 9th Edt., 2021

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 30

Introduction to European Union Law (EU Law) (020063)

Dr. jur. Liv Christiansen

Vorlesung, 2 SWS
Praesenzveranstaltung, für ERASMUS-/Austauschstudierende geeignet, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Mi 14:15 - 15:45, WR400 - R.03.71
vom 17.4.2024 bis zum 10.7.2024
1. Prüfungstermin (Klausur am Ende der Vorlesungszeit eines Semesters): 24.7.2024, 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
This lecture will give an overview of the European Union, including its historical developments, organs, and legal acts, specifically the distinction between primary and secondary law. Additionally, the supranational structure of the EU with its implications on Member States will be discussed. This course is open for LL.M., Erasmus, FFA (Fachspezifische Fremdsprachenausbildung) and Schwerpunkt Students (Schwerpunktbereich 6: Völker- und Europarecht). A written Exam will be offered at the end of the summer term.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20

Legal Writing (Legal Writing) (020165)

Dr. jur. Liv Christiansen

Vorlesung, 2 SWS, benoteter Schein
für ERASMUS-/Austauschstudierende geeignet, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Do 12:15 - 13:45, WR400 - R.03.19
vom 18.4.2024 bis zum 19.7.2024

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
This course is designed to help law students with research projects, essays, etc. The course will be similar to a writing workshop. Topics like structure, applying research findings to your writing, correct referencing and using feedback to improve your writing performance will be discussed and implemented. The second half of the term will be used by students to write a short essay, which must be handed in at the end of the term and will then be graded. The course if open to LL.M. Students, Erasmus Students, Schwerpunkt Students ( Schwerpunktbereich 6: Völker- und Europarecht ) and FFA (Fachspezifische Fremdsprachenausbildung ) Students

Please register at Open OLAT for this course:

Empfohlene Literatur
Lisa Webley, Legal Writing, 5th Edt., 2024

Sharon Hanson, Learning Legal Skills and Reasoning, 5th Edt., 2022

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 10

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