Dr. Kristin Bergauer
Mikrobielle Ozeanographie & Biogeochemie (MOBi)
Junior Gruppenleiterin am Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
RD3: Marine Ökologie
FB: Ökosystembiologie des Ozeans
Raum: 1.429
Tel: +49 431 600-4404
E-Mail: kbergauer(at)geomar.de
GEOMAR | Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel
Wischhofstrasse 1-3,
24148 Kiel, Deutschland
- Marine mikrobielle Ökologie & Biochemie
- Ökologie der Archaeen
- Tiefsee Biologie | Pelagische Kreisläufe
- Nährstoff-Zyklen
- Das marine Metabolom (Genom, Transkriptom, Proteom)
- Vitamine | mikrobielle Interaktionen
Bergauer Lab
Aktuelle Projekte (siehe englische Seite)
- 2010 - 2018: Ph.D in Bio-Oceanography, Department of Limnology & Bio-Oceanogrpahy, University of Vienna, Austria "Hetero and chemoautotrophic substrate utilisation in marine prokaryotic communities"
Mentor: Dr. Gerhard J. Herndl - 2006 - 2008: M.Sc. of Microbial Ecology, University of Vienna, Austria
"Diversity and mode of transmission of Nitrospira in marine sponges"
Mentors: Prof. Mag. Dr. Michael Wagner & Dr. Mike Taylor (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
Beruflicher Werdegang
09/2022 – present Junior research group leader at the Ocean EcoSystems Biology Unit, RD3 | GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany.
- 01/2019 – 09/2022 Post-doctoral researcher at the Ocean EcoSystems Biology Unit, RD3 | GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany. Advisor: Prof. Alexandra Z. Worden
01/2018 – 12/2018 Post-doctoral researcher, at the Microbial ecology research group of Alexandra Z. Worden, at the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), California, USA
- Tiefsee Mikrobiologie
- Marine Archaeen
- Multi-omics' Technologien in der mikrobiellen Ozeanographie
Work days at sea (as of July 2023): ~170.
- RV Atlantic Explorer | Bermuda; BIOS-SCOPE Forschungsprogramm. (5 Tage) July 2023.
- RV Alkor | Baltic Sea; AL594. (8 Tage) April 2023.
- RV Littorina | Baltic Sea (1 Tag) September 2022.
- RV Atlantic Explorer | Bermuda; BIOS-SCOPE Forschungsprogramm. (5 Tage) July 2022.
- RV Western Flyer | Co-Chief Scientist East Pacific; ROV deployment, (10 Tage) September 2019. DVM19
- RV Atlantic Explorer | Bermuda; BIOS-SCOPE Forschungsprogramm. (5 Tage) July 2019.
- RV Western Flyer | Co-Chief Scientist East Pacific; ROV deployment, (5 Tage) April 2019. MMV19
- RV Atlantic Explorer | Bermuda; BIOS-SCOPE Forschungsprogramm. 5 Tage) July 2018.
- RV Western Flyer | East Pacific; ROV deployment, (4 Tage) 2018. FSEL
- RV Western Flyer | East Pacific; ROV deployment, (10 Tage) 2018. DSEL
- RV Melville | Gulf of Alaska, Deep Ocean Refractory Carbon (DORC), SCRIPPS Institution of Oceanography, in the (PI D. Hansell). (3 Wochen) August 2013.
- RV Pelagia | North Atlantic gyre (PI G.J. Herndl), (4 Wochen) 2012.
- RV James Cook | Dutch Geotraces West Atlantic cruise (PI M. Rijkenberg, NIOZ), (6 Wochen) 2011.
- RV Pelagia | North Atlantic gyre (PI G.J. Herndl), (4 Wochen) 2010.
- RV Kilo Moana | Summer course on microbial oceanography (C-MORE at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM), (1 Woche) 2010.
Eckmann, C. A., Eberle, J. S., Wittmers, F., Wilken, S., Bergauer, K., Poirier, C., ... & Worden, A. Z. (2023). Eukaryotic algal community composition in tropical environments from solar salterns to the open sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10, Art-Nr.
Suffridge, C. P., Bolaños, L. M., Bergauer, K., Worden, A. Z., Morré, J., Behrenfeld, M. J., & Giovannoni, S. J. (2020). Exploring vitamin B1 cycling and its connections to the microbial community in the North Atlantic Ocean. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, 606342.
Biller, S. J., Berube, P.M., Dooley, K., Williams, M., Satinsky, B.M., Hackl, T., Hogle, S.L., Coe, A., Bergauer, K., Bouman, H.A., Browning, T.J., De Corte, D., Hassler, C., Jacquot, J.E., Maas, E.W., Reinthaler, T., Sintes, E., Yokokawa, T., and Chisholm, S.W., 2018. Marine microbial metagenomes sampled across space and time. Scientific Data Nature.
Berube, P. M., Biller, S. J., Hackl, T., Hogle, S. L., Satinsky, B. M., Becker, J. W., Braakman, R., Collins, S. B., Kelly, L., Berta-Thompson, J., Coe, A., Bergauer, K., Bouman, H. A., Browning, T. J., De Corte, D., Hassler, C., Hulata, Y., Jacquot, J. E., Maas, E., Reinthaler, T., Sintes, E., Yokokawa, T., Lindell, D., Stepanauskas R., and Chisholm, S. W., 2018. Single cell genomes of Prochlorococcus, Synechococcus, and sympatric microbes from diverse marine environments. Scientific Data Nature.
Bergauer, K., Fernández-Guerra, A., Garcia, JA., Sprenger, RR., Stepanauskas, R., Pachiadaki, M., Jensen, ON., Herndl, GJ., 2017. Organic matter processing by microbial communities throughout the Atlantic water column as revealed by metaproteomics. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA.
Pachiadaki, M., Sintes, E., Bergauer, K., Swan, B., Hallam, S., Record, N., Lopez-Garcia, P., Herndl, G., Stepanauskas, R., 2017. Major role of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria in dark ocean carbon fixation. Science 358: 1046-1051.
Frade, P.R., Roll, K.R., Bergauer, K., Herndl, G.J., 2016. Archaeal and bacterial communities associated with the surface mucus of Caribbean corals differ in their degree of host specificity and community turnover over reefs. PLoS ONE 11(1): e0144702. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144702, 2011.
Bergauer, K., Sintes, E., van Bleijswijk, J., Witte, H., Herndl, GJ., 2013. Abundance and distribution of archaeal acetyl-CoA/propionyl-CoA carboxylase genes indicative for putatively chemoautotrophic Archaea in the tropical Atlantic's interior. FEMS Journal 84:461-473.
Sintes, E., Bergauer, K., De Corte, D., Yokokawa, T., Herndl, GJ., 2013. Archaeal amoA gene diversity points to distinct biogeography of ammonia-oxidizing Crenarchaeota in the ocean. Environmental Microbiology 15:1647-1658.
Grote, J., Bayindirli, C., Bergauer, K., de Moraes, PC., Chen, H., D'Ambrosio, L., Edwards, B., Fernandez-Gomez, B., Hamisi, M., Logares, R., Nguyen, D., Rii, YM., Schutte, C., Widner, B., Church, MJ., Steward, GF., Karl, DM., DeLong, EF., Eppley, JM., Schuster, SC., Kyrpides, NC., Rappe, MS., 2011. Draft genome sequence of strain HIMB100, a cultured representative of the SAR116 clade of marine Alphaproteobacteria. SIGS (Standards in Genomic Sciences) Journal 5:269-278.