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Number of items: 36.


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Blümel, M. , Fisch, K., Franke, D., Frey, T., Froese, R. , Greinert, J. , Gutow, L., Gutt, J., Hain, S., Haroon, A. , Heubel, K., Hoffmann, J., Jegen-Kulcsar, M. D. , Kanwischer, M., Kronfeld-Goharani, U., Kuhn, T., Kühnhold, H., Kunzmann, A., Mark, F., Matz-Lück, N., Mintenbeck, K., Möllmann, C., Oschlies, A. , Ott, K., Poloczanska, E., Pörtner, H. O., Rühlemann, C., Schmidt, J. O., Schrum, C., Schwarzer, K., Tasdemir, D. , Vink, A., Visbeck, M. , Wallmann, K. J. G. , Wichert, U. and Wilckens, J. and Maribus, Ozean der Zukunft - Die Kieler Meereswissenschaften, IOI International Ocean Institute, KDM - Kuratorium Deutsche Meeresforschung, mare (2021) World ocean review: Lebensgarant Ozean – nachhaltig nutzen, wirksam schützen. Open Access . World Ocean Review, 7 . Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 336 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-697-3

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Blümel, M. , Fisch, K., Franke, D., Frey, T. , Froese, R. , Greinert, J. , Gutow, L., Gutt, J., Hain, S., Haroon, A. , Heubel, K., Hoffmann, J., Jegen-Kulcsar, M. D. , Kanwischer, M., Kronfeld-Goharani, U., Kuhn, T., Kühnhold, H., Kunzmann, A., Mark, F., Matz-Lück, N., Mintenbeck, K., Möllmann, C., Oschlies, A. , Ott, K., Poloczanska, E., Pörtner, H. O., Rühlemann, C., Schmidt, J., Schrum, C., Schwarzer, K., Tasdemir, D. , Vink, A., Visbeck, M. , Wallmann, K. J. G. , Wichert, U. and Wilckens, J. and Maribus, Ozean der Zukunft, IOI International Ocean Institute, KDM - Kuratorium Deutsche Meeresforschung, mare (2021) World Ocean Review : The Ocean, Guarantor of Life – Sustainable Use, Effective Protection. Open Access . World Ocean Review, 7 . Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 335 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-698-0

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van Doorn, E., Friedland, R., Jenisch, U., Kronfeld-Goharani, U., Lutter, S., Ott, K., Quaas, M., Rehdanz, K., Rickels, W., Schmidt, J. and Visbeck, M. and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence, IOI International Ocean Institute, mare (2015) World Ocean Review 2015 : Der nachhaltige Umgang mit unseren Meeren - von der Idee zur Strategie. Open Access . World Ocean Review, 4 . Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 151 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-252-4

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van Doorn, E., Friedland, R., Jenisch, U., Kronfeld-Goharani, U., Lutter, S., Ott, K., Quaas, M., Rehdanz, K., Rickels, W., Schmidt, J. and Visbeck, M. and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence, IOI International Ocean Institute, mare (2015) World Ocean Review 2015 : Sustainable use of our oceans - making ideas work. Open Access . World Ocean Review, 4 . Maribus, Hamburg, Germany, 151 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-253-1

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Berveridge, M., Dieckmann, U., Fock, H. O., Froese, R. , Keller, M., Löwenberg, U., Merino, G., Möllmann, C. , Pauly, D., Prein, M., Quaas, M., Schmidt, J. , Schulz, C., Voss, R. and Zimmermann, C. and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence, IOI International Ocean Institute (2013) World Ocean Review 2013 : Die Zukunft der Fische - die Fischerei in der Zukunft. Open Access , ed. by Gelpke, N., Behnam, A. and Visbeck, M.. World Ocean Review, 2 . Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 147 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-200-5

Allison, I., Bindoff, N. L., Bindschadler, R. A., Cox, P. M., de Noblet, N., England, M. H., Francis, J. E., Gruber, N., Haywood, A. M., Karoly, D. J., Kaser, G., Le Quere, C., Lenton, T. M., Mann, M. E., McNeil, B. I., Pitman, A. J., Rahmstorf, S., Rignot, E., Schellnhuber, H. J., Schneider, S. H., Sherwood, S. C., Somerville, R. C. J., Steffen, K., Steig, E. J., Visbeck, M. and Weaver, A. J. (2011) The Copenhagen Diagnosis: Updating the World on the Latest Climate Science. . Elsevier, Oxford, UK, 114 pp. 2. ISBN 9780123869999

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Bosch, T., Colijn, F., Ebinghaus, R., Körtzinger, A. , Latif, M. , Matthiessen, B., Melzner, F., Oschlies, A. , Petersen, S. , Proelß, A., Quaas, M., Requate, T., Reusch, T. B. H. , Rosenstiel, P., Schrottke, K., Sichelschmidt, H., Siebert, U., Soltwedel, R., Sommer, U., Stattegger, K., Sterr, H., Sturm, R., Treude, T. , Vafeidis, A., van Bernem, C., van Beusekom, J., Visbeck, M. , Wahl, M. , Wallmann, K. J. G. , Weinberger, F. , Bollmann, M., Froese, R. , Khalilian, S., Reichenbach, J., Schmidt, J. and Voss, R. and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence, IOI, International Ociean Insitute (2010) World Ocean Review 2010 : Living with the oceans. Open Access , ed. by Gelpke, N. and Visbeck, M.. World Ocean Review, 1 . Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 234 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1

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Bosch, T., Colijn, F., Ebinghaus, R., Körtzinger, A. , Latif, M. , Matthiessen, B., Melzner, F., Oschlies, A. , Petersen, S. , Proelß, A., Quaas, M., Requate, T., Reusch, T. B. H. , Rosenstiel, P., Schrottke, K., Sichelschmidt, H., Siebert, U., Soltwedel, R., Sommer, U., Stattegger, K., Sterr, H., Sturm, R., Treude, T. , Vafeidis, A., van Bernem, C., van Beusekom, J., Visbeck, M. , Wahl, M. , Wallmann, K. J. G. , Weinberger, F. , Bollmann, M., Froese, R. , Khalilian, S., Reichenbach, J., Schmidt, J. and Voss, R. and Maribus, Future Ocean - Cluster of Excellence (2010) World Ocean Review 2010 : Mit den Meeren leben. Open Access , ed. by Gelpke, N. and Visbeck, M.. World Ocean Review, 1 . Mare, Hamburg, Germany, 234 pp. ISBN 978-3-86648-000-1

Visbeck, M. (2009) Progress Report on the Implementation of the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC 2004-2008. . GCOS, 129 . World Meteorological Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, 104 pp.

Hurrell, J. W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. and Visbeck, M., eds. (2003) The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climate Significance and Environmental Impact. . Geophysical Monograph Series, 134 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, 279 pp.

Book chapters

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Handmann, P., Visbeck, M. and Kanzow, T. (2021) Ocean current changes. In: Climate Change. . Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 219-249. 3.ed. ISBN 978-0-12-821575-3 DOI 10.1016/B978-0-12-821575-3.00012-8.

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Visbeck, M. and Keiser, S. (2021) Climate Change and its Impact on the Ocean. Open Access In: Transitioning to Sustainable Life below Water. , ed. by Hornidge, A. K. and Ekau, W.. Transitioning to Sustainability . MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 1-21. DOI 10.3390/books978-3-03897-877-0-4.

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Reitz, A., Visbeck, M. and Fischer, A. (2018) Opportunities, challenges and requirements of ocean observing. In: Challenges and Innovations in Ocean in-Situ Sensors. . Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands, pp. 14-26. ISBN 978-0-12-809886-8

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Visbeck, M. (2017) Der Ozean im Wandel: Herausforderung für die Zukunft der Menschheit. In: Laudato Si': Wissenschaftler antworten auf die Enzyklika von Papst Franziskus. , ed. by George, W.. Psychosozial-Verlag, Gießen, Germany, pp. 55-68. ISBN 978-3-8379-2642-2

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Visbeck, M. (2016) Unser Ozean der Zukunft : Kieler integrative Meeresforschung im Kontext der nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Open Access In: Die SDGs in Schleswig-Holstein - Nachhaltigkeit von Küste zu Küste. . BEI Bündnis Eine Welt Schleswig-Holstein, Kiel, Germany, pp. 37-39.

Kanzow, T., Visbeck, M. and Krebs-Kanzow, U. (2016) Ocean Current Changes. In: Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth. , ed. by Letcher, T. M.. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 253-269. 2. Edition ISBN 978-0-444-63524-2 DOI 10.1016/B978-0-444-63524-2.00017-8.

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Visbeck, M. , Bernitt, U., van Dorn, E. and Schäfer, K. (2016) Meere: Herausforderung Ozean. In: Handbuch Umweltethik. , ed. by Ott, K., Dierks, J. and Voget-Kleschin, L.. Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 273-280. ISBN 978-3-476-05193-6 DOI 10.1007/978-3-476-05193-6.

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Visbeck, M. , Marshall, P. and Douvere, F. (2016) Marine World Heritage and climate change: Challenges and opportunities. Open Access In: The future of the World Heritage Convention for marine conservation : celebrating 10 years of the World Heritage Marine Programme. , ed. by Casier, R. and Douvere, F.. World Heritage Papers, 45 . UNESCO, Paris, France, pp. 23-33. ISBN 978-92-3-100194-9

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Visbeck, M. and Schneider, R. (2015) Exzellenzcluster Ozean der Zukunft. In: Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel: 350 Jahre Wirken in Stadt, Land und Welt. , ed. by Auge, O.. Wachholtz, Kiel, pp. 724-735. ISBN 978-3-529-05905-6

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Gould, J., Sloyan, B. and Visbeck, M. (2013) In-situ Ocean Observations: A brief history, present status and future directions. In: Ocean Circulation and Climate: A 21st Century Perspective. , ed. by Siedler, G., Griffies, S. M., Gould, J. and Church, J. A.. International Geophysics Series, 103 . Academic Pr., Oxford, UK, pp. 59-82. 2. ISBN 978-0-12-391851-2

Theisen, S. and Visbeck, M. (2011) Physikalische Ozeanografie. In: Abenteuer Weltmeere. . Cornelsen, Berlin, Germany, pp. 18-29.

Visbeck, M. (2011) Keeping a watchful eye on the ocean through the generations - a drama in three acts. In: The Ocean Is Our Future : Kiel Marine Scientists On a Time Trip To 2100. . Cluster of Excellence "The Future Ocean", Kiel, pp. 4-9. ISBN 978-3-00-036928-5

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Zenk, W. and Visbeck, M. (2011) Abyssal temperature fluctuations in the Vema Channel. Open Access In: The Expedition of the Research Vessel "Polarstern" to the Antarctic in 2010 (ANT-XXVI/4). , ed. by Körtzinger, A.. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 631 . Alfred Wegener Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany, pp. 47-48.

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Böning, C. W. , Eden, C., Latif, M. , Stramma, L. , Brandt, P. , Fischer, J. , Oschlies, A. and Visbeck, M. (2010) Nordatlantik I - 1.1 Die Bedeutung des Süßwasserhaushalts für die zukünftige Entwicklung der thermohalinen Zirkulation; 1.2 Rolle des äquatorialen Atlantiks als Schlüsselregion für Klimaschwankungen im atlantischen Raum; 2.2 Schwankungen der tiefen Randstromzirkulation am Ausgang des Labradorsee; 3.2 Schwankungen der thermohalinen Zirkulation in hoch auflösenden Modellen : Schlussbericht. Open Access In: Der Nordatlantik als Teil des Erdsystems: vom System-Verständnis zur Analyse regionaler Auswirkungen : BMBF Verbundvorhaben als Beitrag zur nationalen und internationalen Erdsystemforschung ; Abschlußbericht Nordatlantik-Projekt. . BMBF / IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 1-15. DOI 10.2314/GBV:639459536.

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Testor, P., Meyers, G., Pattiaratchi, C., Bachmayer, R., Hayes, D., Pouliquen, S., Petit de la Villeon, L., Carval, T., Ganachaud, A., Gourdeau, L., Mortier, L., Claustre, H., Taillandier, V., Lherminier, P., Terre, T., Visbeck, M. , Karstensen, J. , Krahmann, G. , Alvarez, A., Rixen, M., Poulain, P., Osterhus, S., Tintore, J., Ruiz, S., Garau, B., Smeed, D., Griffiths, G., Merckelbach, L., Sherwin, T., Schmid, C., Barth, J., Schofield, O., Glenn, S., Kohut, J., Perry, M., Eriksen, C., Send, U., Davis, R., Rudnick, D., Sherman, J., Jones, C., Webb, D., Lee, C. and Owens, B. (2010) Gliders as a Component of Future Observing Systems . In: Proceedings of the "OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society". ; 2 , ed. by Hall, J., Harrison, D. E. and Stammer, D.. ESA Publication, WPP-306 . OceanObs'09, Venice, Italy.

Kanzow, T. and Visbeck, M. (2009) Ocean Current Changes as an Indicator of Global Change. In: Climate Change: Observed Impacts on Planet Earth. , ed. by Letcher, T.. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 349-367. ISBN 978-0-444-53301-2

Haine, T., Böning, C. W. , Brandt, P. , Fischer, J. , Funk, A., Kieke, D., Kvaleberg, E., Rhein, M. and Visbeck, M. (2008) North Atlantic Deep Water Formation in the Labrador Sea, Recirculation through the Subpolar Gyre, and Discharge to the Subtropics. In: Arctic-Subarctic Ocean Fluxes, Defining the Role of the Northern Seas in Climate. , ed. by Dicksen, R. R., Meincke, J. and Rhines, P.. Springer, Dordrecht, pp. 653-702. ISBN 978-1-4020-6773-0

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Zantopp, R. J. , Fischer, J. , Visbeck, M. , Stramma, L. , Funk, A., Dengler, M. , Brandt, P. and Schott, F. (2007) Heating up the Labrador Sea. Open Access In: IFM-GEOMAR Report: From the Seafloor to the Atmosphere - Marine Sciences at IFM-GEOMAR Kiel -. ; 2006 , ed. by Villwock, A.. IFM-GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, pp. 23-24.

Simon, P. C., Hollingsworth, A., Carli, B., Källén, E., Rott, H., Partington, K., Moreno, J., Schaepman, M., Mauser, W., Flemming, N. C., Visbeck, M. , Vermeersen, B. L. A., Van Dam, T., Reigber, C. and Rémy, F. (2006) The Changing Earth: New Scientific Challenges for ESA's Living Planet Programme. In: ESA SP-1304, Earth Observation Mission Science Division. , ed. by Battrick, B.. ESA, Noordwijk, 83 pp.

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Hurrell, J. W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. and Visbeck, M. (2003) An Overview of the North Atlantic Oscillation. In: The North Atlantic Oscillation: climatic significance and environmental impact. , ed. by Hurrell, J. W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. and Visbeck, M.. Geophysical Monograph Series, 134 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 1-36. DOI 10.1029/134GM01.

Visbeck, M. , Chassignet, E., Curry, R., Delworth, T., Dickson, B. and Krahmann, G. (2003) The Ocean's Response to North Atlantic Oscillation Variability. In: The North Atlantic Oscillation: Climate Significance and Environmental Impact. , ed. by Hurrell, J. W., Kushnir, Y., Ottersen, G. and Visbeck, M.. Geophysical Monograph Series, 134 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, DC, pp. 113-146.

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Stocker, T. F., Willebrand, J., Böning, C. W. , Visbeck, M. , Timmermann, A. and Lemke, P. (2001) Physical Climate Processes and Feedbacks. In: Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernemental Panel on Climate Change. , ed. by Houghton, J. T., Ding, Y. and Griggs, D. J.. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom, pp. 417-470. ISBN 0521-01495-6

Visbeck, M. , Reverdin, G., Schott, F., Carton, J., Clarke, A., Owens, B. and Stammer, D. (2001) Atlantic Climate Variability Experiment. In: Observing the Oceans in the 21st Century. , ed. by Koblinsky, C. J. and Smith, N. R.. GODAE project office, Melbourne, Australia, pp. 445-452.

Peacock, S., Visbeck, M. and Broecker, W. (2000) Deep water formation rates inferred from global tracer distributions: An inverse approach. In: Inverse Methods in Global Biogeochemical Cycles.. , ed. by Kasibhatla, P., Heimann, M., Rayner, P., Mahowald, N., Prinn, R. G. and Hartley, D. E.. AGU Geophysical Monograph, 114 . AGU (American Geophysical Union), Washington, pp. 185-195.

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Send, U., Visbeck, M. and Krahmann, G. (1995) Aspects of acoustic transponder surveys and acoustic navigation. In: OCEANS '95. MTS/IEEE. Challenges of Our Changing Global Environment. Conference Proceedings. . IEEE, San Diego, Calif., pp. 1631-1642. DOI 10.1109/OCEANS.1995.528730.

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Schott, F., Visbeck, M. and Send, U. (1994) Open ocean deep convection, Mediterranean and Greenland Seas. Open Access In: Ocean processes in climate dynamics: Global and Mediterranean examples. , ed. by Rizzoli, P. and Robinson, A.. Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands, pp. 203-225. ISBN 978-94-010-4376-2

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