
Number of items: 30.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review


[thumbnail of OpenCost_Vortrag_Regensburg_2024.pptx] [thumbnail of OpenCost_Vortrag_Regensburg_2024.pptx]

Schmidt, B. and Mehrtens, H. (2024) openCost: The Road to Publication Cost Transparency - The Next Stage. Open Access [Talk] In: „openCost: The Road to Publication Cost Transparency – The Next Stage“. , 07.-09.10.2024, Regensburg, Germany .

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Schmidt, B. and Mehrtens, H. (2024) ORCID Nutzung. Open Access [Invited talk] In: Fachhochschule Kiel. , 31.05.2024, Kiel, Germany .

[thumbnail of Publications and Research Data – crosslinking repositories_final version.pptx] [thumbnail of Abstract]

Schmidt, B. and Mehrtens, H. (2017) Publications and Research Data – crosslinking repositories. Open Access [Talk] In: EURASLIC 17. , 08.-10.05.2017, Bremen, Germany .

[thumbnail of OceanRep_Potsdam.pptx]

Schmidt, B. , Mehrtens, H. and Düpow, H. (. (2013) OceanRep - das Institutional Repository des Helmholtz-Zentrums für Ozeanforschung Kiel, GEOMAR. Open Access [Invited talk] In: 12. Helmholtz Open Access Workshop. , 27.-28.11.2013, Potsdam, Germany .

[thumbnail of Rolle_der_Bibliotheken_im_PubFlow-Projekt.pptx]

Schmidt, B. and Mehrtens, H. and AK-Bibliotheken des PubFlow-Projekts (2012) Die Rolle der Bibliotheken im PubFlow-Projekt. Open Access [Talk] In: 1. PubFlow-Workshop. , 23.03.2012, Kiel, Germany .

[thumbnail of Finke_OA_Intro_ppt.pdf]

Finke, A., Düpow, H., Schmidt, B. and Frost, J. (2010) Open Access - an introduction. [Invited talk] In: Open Access Publishing - How & Why? - An Information and Discussion Seminar for Scientists - Kiel, Integrated School of Ocean Sciences, 19.05.2010. , 19.05.2010, Kiel, Germany .

[thumbnail of Introduction_iamslic2009.pdf]

Gustafson, R. and Schmidt, B. (2009) Introduction. Open Access [Talk] In: EURASLIC 13. , 27.09.-01.10.2009, Brügge, Belgium ; pp. 9-10 . IAMSLIC Conference Series, 2009 .

[thumbnail of Libraries_reloaded.ppt] [thumbnail of Schmidt 2007.pdf]

Schmidt, B. (2007) Libraries reloaded - the joined adventures of two marine science libraries. Open Access [Talk] In: IAMSLIC 33. , 07.-11.10.2007, Sarasota, Florida, USA .

[thumbnail of Schmidt_IAMSLIC_2001.pdf]

Schmidt, B. (2001) Recent developments relevant to the aquatic science libraries, Germany (Germany country report). Open Access [Talk] In: EURASLIC 9. , 14.-19.10.2001, Brest, France ; pp. 275-276 . IAMSLIC Conference Series, 2001 .

[thumbnail of Schmidt_IAMSLIC_1995.pdf]

Schmidt, B. (1995) Networking and computerization for libraries in Germany. Open Access [Talk] In: IAMSLIC 21. , 08.-12.10.1995, Southampton, UK ; pp. 275-276 . IAMSLIC Conference Series, 1995 .

[thumbnail of Schmidt_IAMSLIC_1993.pdf]

Schmidt, B. (1993) The library of the Forschungszentrum für Marine Wissenschaften (GEOMAR), Research Center for Marine Geosciences - Kiel. Open Access [Talk] In: IAMSLIC 18. , 05.-09.10.1995, Bremerhaven, Germany ; pp. 9-10 . IAMSLIC Conference Series, 1992 .

Conference posters

[thumbnail of BIB_Schmidt_23102_Library_3.pdf]

Schmidt, B. , Düpow, H. and Lembke, M. (2022) GEOMAR Libary and Information Center. Open Access [Poster] In: GEOMAR Science Day. , 15.9.2022, Kiel, Germany .

[thumbnail of RSE_at_GEOMAR_deRSE2019.pdf]

Faber, C. , Scheinert, M. and Schmidt, B. (2019) Towards Sustainable Software Engineering and Citable Software Publications at GEOMAR. Open Access [Poster] In: deRSE19 - Konferenz für ForschungssoftwareentwicklerInnen in Deutschland. , 04.-06.06.2019, Potsdam, Germany . DOI 10.3289/Conf_Item_1_2019.

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Mehrtens, H. and Schmidt, B. (2018) ORCID integration with OceanRep. Open Access [Poster] In: 3. ORCID DE Workshop - Perspektiven und Technik. , 08.11.2018, Bielefeld, Germany .

[thumbnail of GEOMAR Library_Neu.pdf]

Schmidt, B. , Finke, A. and Düpow, H. (2014) GEOMAR Library : a place - a portal - a partner. [Poster] In: Personalize your PhD. , 24.01.2014, Kiel, Germany .

[thumbnail of GEOMAR-Library.pdf]

Schmidt, B. , Finke, A. and Düpow, H. (2012) GEOMAR-Library : a place - a portal - a partner. [Poster] In: Personalize your PhD. , 16.11.2012, Kiel, Germany .

[thumbnail of 1040_Roßmann_2010_OceanrepIfmgeomarRepository_Talk_pubid13328.pdf]

Schmidt, B. , Roßmann, C., Düpow, H. and Finke, A. (2010) "OceanRep" - IFM-GEOMAR Repository. [Poster] In: Future Ocean: Cluster Retreat. , 22.-23.03, Schleswig .

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Schmidt, B. , Haspeslagh, J. and Goossens, B. (2007) EURASLIC. Open Access [Poster] In: 33. Annual IAMSLIC Conference. , 6.-12.10.2007, Sarasota, Florida .

Conference pico

[thumbnail of GEOMAR_DM_Library_MarDATA_2021.pdf]

Schmidt, B. and Mehrtens, H. (2021) My data - my publication - my rights?. Open Access [PICO] In: MARDATA Online Lecture Series (MOLS). , 25.03.2021, Kiel, Germany .

[thumbnail of GEOMAR_DM_Library_ISOS_2019-06-17.pdf]

Schmidt, B. and Mehrtens, H. (2019) My data - my publication - my rights?. Open Access [PICO] In: ISOS Workshop. , 17.06.2019, Kiel, Germany .

[thumbnail of GEOMAR_DM_Library_ISOS_2018-12-10_fin.pdf]

Schmidt, B. and Mehrtens, H. (2018) My data - my publication - my rights?. Open Access [PICO] In: ISOS Workshop. , 10.12.2018, Kiel, Germany .

Schmidt, B. (2016) My Publication - My Rights?. [PICO] In: ISOS Workshop. , 11.03.2016, Kiel, Germany .

Schmidt, B. (2015) My Publication - My Rights?. [PICO] In: ISOS Workshop. , 28.10.2015, Kiel, Germany .

Theses - not published by a publisher

Reports - other reports

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Hasselbring, W., Adolf, M., Brauer, P. C., Faber, C. , Farrenkopf, S., Mehrtens, H. , Plumhoff, A., Scherp, G., Schmidt, B. , Schultze, R. and Wetzenstein, T. (2017) Publikationsprozesse für Forschungsdaten mit PubFlow : von der Erhebung und Verarbeitung zur Archivierung und Publikation. Open Access , Dezember . Bericht / Institut für Informatik der Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, 1704 . Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel. Institut für Informatik, Kiel, Germany, pp. 1-20, 20 pp.

[thumbnail of FSR5_engl.pdf] [thumbnail of FSR5_deutsch.pdf]

Schmidt, B. (2016) Eindeutige Autorenidentifikation (PAI - Persistant Author Identification) ORCID, ResearcherID & Co. . FSR: Für Sie Recherchiert, 5 . GEOMAR-Bibliothek, Kiel, Germany, 10 pp. DOI 10.3289/FSR_5.

[thumbnail of FSR_3.pdf] [thumbnail of FSR_3_engl.pdf]

Schmidt, B. , Düpow, H. and Finke, A. (2010) Plagiat. . FSR: Für Sie Recherchiert, 3 . IFM-GEOMAR-Bibliothek, Kiel, 12 pp. DOI 10.3289/FSR_3.

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Düpow, H., Finke, A. and Schmidt, B. (2008) Copyright / Urheberrecht. . FSR: Für Sie Recherchiert, 1 . IFM-GEOMAR-Bibliothek, Kiel, 17 pp. DOI 10.3289/FSR_1.

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Finke, A., Schmidt, B. and Düpow, H. (2008) Open Access Journals / Institutional Repositories. Open Access . FSR: Für Sie Recherchiert, 2 . IFM-GEOMAR-Bibliothek, Kiel, Germany, 43 pp. DOI 10.3289/FSR_2.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 23 22:20:27 2025 CET.