Dr. rer. nat. Nadine Mengis

Forschungsgruppenleitung - Erdsystem Dynamiken

Forschungsbereich 1: Ozeanzirkulation und Klimadynamik
FE Maritime Meteorologie

Raum: Gebaeude 5, 4.316
Telefon: +49 431 600-4289
E-Mail: nmengis(at)geomar.de


GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
Wischhofstr. 1-3
24148 Kiel

Full CV


  • Rückkopplungen im Erdsystem - physikalisch und biogeochemisch
  • Unsicherheiten in Klimaprojektionen
  • Verbesserung der Bewertung von Climate Engineering
  • Nationale Klimaschutzstrategien
  • Moralische Implikationen ambitionierter Klimaschutzpfade
  • Statistik
  • Wissenschaftskommunikation

Forschungsförderung & Auszeichnungen

2024: Co-Chair der DAM Forschungsmission CDRmare

2024: Consortium Co-Leitung, ASMASYS, gefoerdert innerhalb der DAM Forschungsmission CDRmare des BMBFs

2024: Co-Chair der Lighthouse Aktivitaet des WCRP zur Forschung zu Klima-Interventionen

2023: Mitglied Die Jungen Akademie, gefoerdert durch Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW) und der Deutschen Akademie der Wissenschaften Leopoldina 

2022: Principal Investigator, RESCUE - Response of the Earth System to overshoot, Climate neutrality and negative Emissions, gefoerdert durch das Horizon Europe research and innovation programme der EU

2021: Nachwuchsgruppenleitung, FOOTPRINTS – From carbOn remOval To achieving the PaRIs agreemeNt’s goal: Temperature Stabilisation, gefoerdert durch das Emmy Noether-Programm der DFG

2021: Teilnahme an dem 70. Lindau Nobel Laureate Treffen - Interdisciplinary

2019: Expert Workshop - Progress for carbon budget assessments

2017: Concordia University Conference and Exposition Award

2017-2019: Horizon Postdoctoral Fellowship

2015: SCRiM’s Summer School on Sustainable Climate Risk Management


2023 - dato: Gast-Editor beim Foucs on Carbon Dioxide Removal Special Issue von Environmental Research Letters
2022 - dato: Mitglied des WCRP CMIP7 Scenario Design Task team
2021 - dato: Mitglied der GESAMP Arbeitsgruppe 41: Ocean Interventions for Climate Change Mitigation

2021 - 2022: Mitglied des WCRP Climate Intervention Task team
2021 - 2022: Mitglied des Redaktionsausschusses von Communications Earth & Environment
2021 - 2022: Wissenschaftliche Beraterin von Cooler Future
2019 - 2021: Mitglied des CEC20/21-Lenkungsausschusses - Climate Engineering in Context

Ausbildung und Werdegang


2010: Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.), Physik des Erdsystems: Meteorologie - Ozeanographie - Geophysik, Christian Albrechts University zu Kiel, Bachelorarbeit: "Correlations between changes in wind-stress, sea level and the tilting of density layers in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean with respect to seasonal and inter-annual time scales"

2013: Master of Science (M.Sc.), Climate Physics: Meteorology and Physical Oceanography, Christian Albrechts University zu Kiel, Masterarbeit: "Validation of Bias Correction Methods for RCM Scenarios for Hydrological Impact Modelling"

2016: Dr. rer. nat., Biogeochemische Modellierung, GEOMAR - Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Deutschland, im Schwerpunktprogramm (SPP) 1689 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG): Climate Engineering - Risiken, Herausforderungen, Chancen?, Doktorarbeit: "Towards a comprehensive, comparative assessment of Climate Engineering schemes -- Metrics, Indicators and Uncertainties"

Berufliche Stationen:

2017-2019: Horizon Postdoctoral Fellow mit Prof. Dr. H. Damon Matthews an der Concordia University, Montreal, Kanada

2019 (Mär. - Aug.): Postdoctoral Fellow mit Prof. Dr. Kirsten Zickfeld an der Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Kanada

2019-2021: Wissenschaftlerin bei Prof. Dr. Andreas Oschlies am GEOMAR - Helmholtz-Zentrum für Ozeanforschung Kiel, Deutschland

2021- dato: Nachwuchsgruppenleitung des FOOTPRINTS Projekts gefördert durch das Emmy Noether Program der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)


ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0312-7069

Number of items: 90.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - peer-reviewed

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Yao, W. , Morganti, T., Wu, J., Borchers, M., Anschütz, A. A., Bednarz, L. K., Bhaumik, A., Boettcher, M., Burkhard, K., Cabus, T., Sueyi Chua, A., Diercks, I., Esposito, M., Fink, M., Fouqueray, M., Gasanzade, F., Geilert, S. , Hauck, J., Havermann, F., Hellige, I., Hoog, S., Jürchott, M. , Thanveer Kalapurakkal, H., Kemper, J., Kremin, I. , Lange, I., Lencina-Avila, J. M., Liadova, M., Liu, F., Mathesius, S. , Mehendale, N., Nagwekar, T., Philippi, M., Leite Neves da Luz, G., Ramasamy, M., Stahl, F., Tank, L., Vorrath, M. E., Westmark, L., Wey, H. W. , Wollnick, R., Wölfelschneider, M., Bach, W., Bischof, K., Boersma, M., Daewel, U., Fernandez-Mendez, M., Geuer, J., Keller, D. P. , Kopf, A. J., Merk, C., Moosdorf, N., Oppelt, N. M., Oschlies, A. , Pongratz, J., Proelss, A., Rehder, G., Rüpke, L. H. , Szarka, N., Thrän, D., Wallmann, K. and Mengis, N. (In Press / Accepted) Exploring site-specific carbon dioxide removal options with storage or sequestration in the marine environment - The 10 Mt CO2 yr-1 removal challenge for Germany. Open Access Earth's Future . DOI 10.22541/essoar.171650351.11778445/v1.

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Oschlies, A. , Bach, L. T. , Fennel, K., Gattuso, J. P. and Mengis, N. (2025) Perspectives and challenges of marine carbon dioxide removal. Open Access Frontiers in Climate, 6 . Art.Nr. 1506181. DOI 10.3389/fclim.2024.1506181.

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Monteiro, E. A., Silvy, Y., Hohn, D. , Burger, F. A., Frölicher, T. L. and Mengis, N. (2024) FROT: A Framework to comprehensively describe radiative contributions to temperature responses. Open Access Environmental Research Letters, 19 (12). Art.Nr: 124012. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ad8807.

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Silvy, Y., Frölicher, T. L., Terhaar, J., Joos, F., Burger, F. A., Lacroix, F., Allen, M., Bernadello, R., Bopp, L., Brovkin, V., Buzan, J. R., Cadule, P., Dix, M., Dunne, J., Friedlingstein, P., Georgievski, G., Hajima, T., Jenkins, S., Kawamiya, M., Kiang, N. Y., Lapin, V., Lee, D., Lerner, P., Mengis, N. , Monteiro, E. A., Paynter, D., Peters, G. P., Romanou, A., Schwinger, J., Sparrow, S., Stofferahn, E., Tjiputra, J., Tourigny, E. and Ziehn, T. (2024) AERA-MIP: Emission pathways, remaining budgets and carbon cycle dynamics compatible with 1.5 and 2°C global warming stabilization. Open Access Earth System Dynamics, 15 (6). pp. 1591-1628. DOI 10.5194/esd-15-1591-2024.

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Sanderson, B. M., Booth, B. B. B., Dunne, J., Eyring, V., Fisher, R. A., Friedlingstein, P., Gidden, M. J., Hajima, T., Jones, C. D., Jones, C. G., King, A., Koven, C. D., Lawrence, D. M., Lowe, J., Mengis, N. , Peters, G. P., Rogelj, J., Smith, C., Snyder, A. C., Simpson, I. R., Swann, A. L. S., Tebaldi, C., Ilyina, T., Schleussner, C. F., Séférian, R., Samset, B. H., van Vuuren, D. and Zaehle, S. (2024) The need for carbon-emissions-driven climate projections in CMIP7. Open Access Geoscientific Model Development, 17 (22). pp. 8141-8172. DOI 10.5194/gmd-17-8141-2024.

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Köhnke, F., Steuri, B., Baetcke, L., Borchers, M., Brinkmann, T., Dittmeyer, R., Dornheim, M., El Zohbi, J., Förster, J., Gawel, E., Görl, K., Herbst, M., Heß, D., Kalhori, A., Korte, K., Li, Z., Markus, T., Mengis, N. , Monnerie, N., Oschlies, A. , Prats-Salvado, E., Reusch, T. B. H. , Rhoden, I., Sachs, T., Schaller, R., Schill, E., Simon, S., Stevenson, A. , Thoni, T., Thrän, D., Xiao, M. and Jacob, D. (2024) A storyline approach: integrating comprehensive, interdisciplinary research results to create narratives – in the context of the net-zero target in Germany. Open Access Frontiers in Environmental Science, 12 . Art.Nr. 1433491. DOI 10.3389/fenvs.2024.1433491.

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Borchers, M., Förster, J., Thrän, D., Beck, S., Thoni, T., Korte, K., Gawel, E., Markus, T., Schaller, R., Rhoden, I., Chi, Y., Dahmen, N., Dittmeyer, R., Dolch, T., Dold, C., Herbst, M., Heß, D., Kalhori, A., Koop‐Jakobsen, K., Li, Z., Oschlies, A. , Reusch, T. B. H. , Sachs, T., Schmidt‐Hattenberger, C., Stevenson, A. , Wu, J., Yeates, C. and Mengis, N. (2024) A Comprehensive Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal Options for Germany. Open Access Earth's Future, 12 (5). Art.Nr. e2023EF003986. DOI 10.1029/2023EF003986.

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Voget-Kleschin, L., Baatz, C., Heyward, C., Van Vuuren, D. and Mengis, N. (2024) Reassessing the need for carbon dioxide removal: moral implications of alternative climate target pathways. Open Access Global Sustainability, 7 . Art.Nr. e1. DOI 10.1017/sus.2023.21.

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De Sisto, M. L., MacDougall, A. H., Mengis, N. and Antoniello, S. (2023) Modelling the terrestrial nitrogen and phosphorus cycle in the UVic ESCM. Open Access Geoscientific Model Development, 16 (14). pp. 4113-4136. DOI 10.5194/gmd-16-4113-2023.

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MacDougall, A. H., Mallett, J., Hohn, D. and Mengis, N. (2022) Substantial regional climate change expected following cessation of CO2 emissions. Open Access Environmental Research Letters, 17 (11). Art.Nr. 114046. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/ac9f59.

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Borchers, M., Thrän, D., Chi, Y., Dahmen, N., Dittmeyer, R., Dolch, T., Dold, C., Förster, J., Herbst, M., Heß, D., Kalhori, A., Koop-Jakobsen, K., Li, Z., Mengis, N. , Reusch, T. B. H. , Rhoden, I., Sachs, T., Schmidt-Hattenberger, C., Stevenson, A., Thoni, T., Wu, J. and Yeates, C. (2022) Scoping carbon dioxide removal options for Germany–What is their potential contribution to Net-Zero CO2?. Open Access Frontiers in Climate, 4 . Art.Nr. 810343. DOI 10.3389/fclim.2022.810343.

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Hadziosmanovic, M., Lloyd, S. M., Bjørn, A., Paquin, R. L., Mengis, N. and Matthews, H. D. (2022) Using cumulative carbon budgets and corporate carbon disclosure to inform ambitious corporate emissions targets and long‐term mitigation pathways. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 26 (5). pp. 1747-1759. DOI 10.1111/jiec.13322.

Förster, J., Beck, S., Borchers, M., Gawel, E., Korte, K., Markus, T., Mengis, N. , Oschlies, A. , Schaller, R., Stevenson, A. , Thoni, T. and Thrän, D. (2022) Framework for Assessing the Feasibility of Carbon Dioxide Removal Options Within the National Context of Germany. Open Access Frontiers in Climate, 4 . Art.Nr. 758628. DOI 10.3389/fclim.2022.758628.

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Mengis, N. , Kalhori, A., Simon, S., Harpprecht, C., Baetcke, L., Prats‐Salvado, E., Schmidt‐Hattenberger, C., Stevenson, A. , Dold, C., Zohbi, J., Borchers, M., Thrän, D., Korte, K., Gawel, E., Dolch, T., Heß, D., Yeates, C., Thoni, T., Markus, T., Schill, E., Xiao, M., Köhnke, F., Oschlies, A. , Förster, J., Görl, K., Dornheim, M., Brinkmann, T., Beck, S., Bruhn, D., Li, Z., Steuri, B., Herbst, M., Sachs, T., Monnerie, N., Pregger, T., Jacob, D. and Dittmeyer, R. (2022) Net‐Zero CO 2 Germany - A Retrospect From the Year 2050. Open Access Earth's Future, 10 (2). Art.Nr. e2021EF002324. DOI 10.1029/2021EF002324.

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Martin, M. A. , Sendra, O. A., Bastos, A., Bauer, N., Bertram, C., Blenckner, T., Bowen, K., Brando, P. M., Rudolph, T. B., Büchs, M., Bustamante, M., Chen, D. , Cleugh, H., Dasgupta, P., Denton, F., Donges, J. F., Donkor, F. K., Duan, H., Duarte, C. M., Ebi, K. L., Edwards, C. M. , Engel, A. , Fisher, E., Fuss, S. , Gaertner, J., Gettelman, A., Girardin, C. A. J., Golledge, N. R., Green, J. F., Grose, M. R., Hashizume, M., Hebden, S., Hepach, H., Hirota, M., Hsu, H. H., Kojima, S., Lele, S., Lorek, S., Lotze, H. K., Matthews, H. D., McCauley, D., Mebratu, D., Mengis, N. , Nolan, R. H. , Pihl, E. , Rahmstorf, S., Redman, A. , Reid, C. E., Rockström, J., Rogelj, J., Saunois, M., Sayer, L., Schlosser, P., Sioen, G. B., Spangenberg, J. H., Stammer, D., Sterner, T. N. S., Stevens, N., Thonicke, K., Tian, H., Winkelmann, R. and Woodcock, J. (2021) Ten new insights in climate science 2021 – a horizon scan. Open Access Global Sustainability, 4 (e25). DOI 10.1017/sus.2021.25.

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Dean, J., Kiendler-Scharr, A., Mengis, N. , Rudich, Y. , Schepanski, K. and Zimmermann, R. (2021) Above us only sky. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 2 (1). Art.Nr. 179. DOI 10.1038/s43247-021-00245-0.

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Boettcher, M., Brent, K., Buck, H. J., Low, S., McLaren, D. and Mengis, N. (2021) Navigating Potential Hype and Opportunity in Governing Marine Carbon Removal. Open Access Frontiers in Climate, 3 . Art.Nr. 664456. DOI 10.3389/fclim.2021.664456.

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Damon Matthews, H. , Tokarska, K. B. , Rogelj, J., Smith, C. J. , MacDougall, A. H., Haustein, K. , Mengis, N. , Sippel, S. , Forster, P. M. and Knutti, R. (2021) An integrated approach to quantifying uncertainties in the remaining carbon budget. Open Access Communications Earth & Environment, 2 (1). Art.Nr. 7. DOI 10.1038/s43247-020-00064-9.

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Kvale, K. F. , Koeve, W. and Mengis, N. (2021) Calcifying Phytoplankton Demonstrate an Enhanced Role in Greenhouse Atmospheric CO2 Regulation. Open Access Frontiers in Marine Science, 7 . Art.Nr. 583989. DOI 10.3389/fmars.2020.583989.

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Thoni, T., Beck, S., Borchers, M., Förster, J., Görl, K., Hahn, A., Mengis, N. , Stevenson, A. and Thrän, D. (2020) Deployment of Negative Emissions Technologies at the national level: A need for holistic feasibility assessments. Open Access Frontiers in Climate, 2 . Art.Nr. 590305. DOI 10.3389/fclim.2020.590305.

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Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. , MacDougall, A., Eby, M., Wright, N., Meissner, K. J., Oschlies, A. , Schmittner, A., Matthews, H. D. and Zickfeld, K. (2020) Evaluation of the University of Victoria Earth System Climate Model version 2.10 (UVic ESCM 2.10). Open Access Geoscientific Model Development, 13 . pp. 4183-4204. DOI 10.5194/gmd-13-4183-2020.

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Kreuter, J., Matzner, N., Baatz, C., Keller, D. P. , Markus, T., Wittstock, F., Bernitt, U. and Mengis, N. (2020) Unveiling assumptions through interdisciplinary scrutiny: Observations from the German Priority Program on Climate Engineering (SPP 1689). Open Access Climatic Change, 162 . pp. 57-66. DOI 10.1007/s10584-020-02777-4.

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MacDougall, A. H., Frölicher, T. L. , Jones, C. D. , Rogelj, J. , Matthews, H. D. , Zickfeld, K. , Arora, V. K., Barrett, N. J., Brovkin, V. , Burger, F. A., Eby, M., Eliseev, A. V. , Hajima, T., Holden, P. B. , Jeltsch-Thömmes, A. , Koven, C. , Mengis, N. , Menviel, L. , Michou, M., Mokhov, I. I., Oka, A., Schwinger, J. , Séférian, R. , Shaffer, G., Sokolov, A., Tachiiri, K., Tjiputra, J., Wiltshire, A. and Ziehn, T. (2020) Is there warming in the pipeline? A multi-model analysis of the Zero Emissions Commitment from CO2. Open Access Biogeosciences (BG), 17 (11). pp. 2987-3016. DOI 10.5194/bg-17-2987-2020.

Mengis, N. and Matthews, H. D. (2020) Non-CO2 forcing changes will likely decrease the remaining carbon budget for 1.5°C. Open Access npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 3 (1). Art.Nr. 19. DOI 10.1038/s41612-020-0123-3.

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Matthews, H. D., Tokarska, K. B. , Nicholls, Z. R. J. , Rogelj, J., Canadell, J. G. , Friedlingstein, P. , Frölicher, T. L. , Forster, P. M., Gillett, N. P. , Ilyina, T. , Jackson, R. B. , Jones, C. D. , Koven, C. , Knutti, R. , MacDougall, A. H., Meinshausen, M. , Mengis, N. , Séférian, R. and Zickfeld, K. (2020) Opportunities and challenges in using remaining carbon budgets to guide climate policy. Nature Geoscience, 13 (12). pp. 769-779. DOI 10.1038/s41561-020-00663-3.

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Jones, C. D. , Frölicher, T. L. , Koven, C. , MacDougall, A. H., Matthews, H. D. , Zickfeld, K., Rogelj, J., Tokarska, K. B. , Gillett, N. P. , Ilyina, T. , Meinshausen, M. , Mengis, N. , Séférian, R., Eby, M. and Burger, F. A. (2019) The Zero Emissions Commitment Model Intercomparison Project (ZECMIP) contribution to C4MIP: quantifying committed climate changes following zero carbon emissions. Open Access Geoscientific Model Development, 12 (10). pp. 4375-4385. DOI 10.5194/gmd-12-4375-2019.

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Chavaillaz, Y., Roy, P. , Partanen, A. I., Da Silva, L., Bresson, É., Mengis, N. , Chaumont, D. and Matthews, H. D. (2019) Exposure to excessive heat and impacts on labour productivity linked to cumulative CO2 emissions. Open Access Scientific Reports, 9 (1). Art.Nr. 13711. DOI 10.1038/s41598-019-50047-w.

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Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. and Oschlies, A. (2018) Systematic Correlation Matrix Evaluation (SCoMaE) – a bottom–up, science-led approach to identifying indicators. Open Access Earth System Dynamics, 9 (1). pp. 15-31. DOI 10.5194/esd-9-15-2018.

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Mengis, N. , Partanen, A. I., Jalbert, J. and Matthews, H. D. (2018) 1.5°C carbon budget dependent on carbon cycle uncertainty and future non-CO2 forcing. Open Access Scientific Reports, 8 (1). Art.Nr. 5831. DOI 10.1038/s41598-018-24241-1.

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Oschlies, A. , Held, H., Keller, D. P. , Keller, K., Mengis, N. , Quaas, M., Rickels, W. and Schmidt, H. (2017) Indicators and metrics for the assessment of climate engineering. Open Access Earth's Future, 5 (1). pp. 49-58. DOI 10.1002/2016EF000449.

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Mengis, N. , Martin, T. , Keller, D. P. and Oschlies, A. (2016) Assessing climate impacts and risks of ocean albedo modification in the Arctic. Open Access Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121 (5). pp. 3044-3057. DOI 10.1002/2015JC011433.

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. , Eby, M. and Oschlies, A. (2015) Uncertainty in the response of transpiration to CO2 and implications for climate change. Open Access Environmental Research Letters, 10 (9). 094001. DOI 10.1088/1748-9326/10/9/094001.

Articles in a Scientific Journal - without review

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Mengis, N. (2024) Overshooting global-warming limits is a risky idea. Nature, 634 (8033). pp. 299-300. DOI 10.1038/d41586-024-03052-7.

Mengis, N. , Bernitt, U. and Oschlies, A. (2022) Klima retten mit Kohlendioxid-Entnahme?. Promet, 105 . Art.Nr. 9.

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Mengis, N. , Bernitt, U. and Oschlies, A. (2022) Klima retten mit Kohlendioxid-Entnahme?. Open Access Promet - Meteorologische Fortbildung, 105 . pp. 69-75. DOI 10.5676/DWD_pub/promet_105_09.

Book chapters

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Oschlies, A. , Mengis, N. , Rehder, G., Schill, E., Thomas, H., Wallmann, K. and Zimmer, M. (2024) Mögliche Beiträge geologischer und mariner Kohlenstoffspeicher zur Dekarbonisierung. Open Access In: Klimawandel in Deutschland. , ed. by Brasseur, G. P., Jacob, D. and Schuck-Zöller, S.. Springer, Cham, pp. 449-458. ISBN 978-3-662-66695-1 DOI 10.1007/978-3-662-66696-8_35.

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Keller, D. P. , Mengis, N. , Reith, F. and Oschlies, A. (2014) The UVic Earth System Climate Model. Open Access In: Modelling in Climate Engineering Research: Significance and Uncertainties. . Kiel Earth Institute, Kiel, Germany, pp. 15-17.


Yao, W. , Morganti, T., Jiajun, W. U., Borchers, M., Wollnik, R., Anschütz, A. A. and Mengis, N. (2024) The 10 Mt CO2 removal per year challenge for marine Carbon Dioxide Removal options for Germany-creating compariablility for the mCDR implementations. [Talk] In: Ocean Sciences Meeting 2024. , 18.-23.02.2024, New Orleans, USA .

Hohn, D. , Martin, T. , Mengis, N. and Monteiro, E. (2023) Possible causes for regional zero emissions commitment signals. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2023. , 24.-28.4.2023, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7493.

Monteiro, E. and Mengis, N. (2023) Does net-zero CO2 stabilize the climate? - On the contributions of the remaining climate forcing. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2023. , 24.-28.4.2023, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu23-1240.

Mengis, N. (2021) How much more carbon can we emit? Defining a German Carbon Budget & Ways how Germany can keep it. [Talk] In: Seminar at Centre for Climate System Modelling, ETH Zuerich. , 05.2021, Online .

Mengis, N. and Oschlies, A. (2021) The need for clearer climate target definitions - illustrating ambiguities of net zero CO2-eq targets. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2021. , 19.-30.03.2021, Online . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu21-12998.

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Mengis, N. and Matthews, H. D. (2020) Non-CO2 forcing changes will likely decrease the remaining carbon budget for 1.5°C. Open Access [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2020. , 03.05.-08.05.2020, Online . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-2194.

Chavaillaz, Y., Roy, P., Partanen, A. I., Da Silva, L., Bresson, E., Mengis, N. , Chaumont, D. and Matthews, H. D. (2019) Exposure to Excessive Heat and Impacts on Labour Productivity Linked to Cumulative CO2 Emissions. [Talk] In: IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Mengis, N. (2019) On the non-linearity of the effective transient climate response to cumulative emissions - Implications for carbon budget estimates. [Talk] In: Seminar Series Geography Department, Concordia University, Montreal. , 04.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. and Oschlies, A. (2019) Climate Change induced Alterations in Correlations between Earth System Variables - Implications for appropriate Indicator Selection. [Talk] In: IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Mengis, N. , Partanen, I. , Jalbert, J. and Matthews, H. R. (2019) 1.5 °C carbon budget dependent on carbon cycle uncertainty and future non-CO2 forcing. [Talk] In: IUGG General Assembly 2019. , 08.-18.07.2019, Montreal, Canada .

Mengis, N. (2018) Non-CO2 Forcing Pathways and their Implications for the 1.5°C Fossil Fuel Carbon Budget. [Talk] In: The Morality and Policy of Negative Emissions for Climate Change Mitigation. , 17.-18.05.2018, Frankfurt a. M., Germany .

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Mengis, N. (2018) Carbon cycle and scenario uncertainty of the 1.5 ºC carbon budget. Open Access [Other] In: Colloquium on the Occasion of the Appointment for Assistant Professorship at the GEOMAR, Kiel. , 26.10.-03.11.2018, Kiel, Germany .

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Mengis, N. (2017) CE assessment metrics - Comparative, Integrative, Comprehensive. Open Access [PICO] In: Climate Engineering Conference 2017. , 09.-10.10.2017, Berlin, Germany .

Mengis, N. , Jalbert, J., Partanen, A. I. and Matthews, D. (2017) Effect of Carbon-Cycle Uncertainty on Estimates of the 1.5°C Carbon Budget . [Talk] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2017. , 11.12 - 15.12.2017, New Orleans, USA .

Mengis, N. , Partanen, A. I. and Matthews, D. (2017) Effect of carbon-cycle uncertainty on estimates of the 1.5°C carbon budget. [Talk] In: Canadian Meteorology and Oceanography Society (CMOS) Congress 2017. , 04.-08.06.2017, Toronto, Canada .

Mengis, N. and Rickels, W. (2016) Introduction, definitions, open questions and state of research on indicator selection in the Climate Engineering context. [Talk] In: Workshop: Metrics and Uncertainty Quantification in the context of Climate Engineering. , 13.04.2016, Kiel, Germany .

Keller, D. , Reith, F., Feng, Y., Mengis, N. and Oschlies, A. (2015) An Earth System model evaluation of multiple climate engineering approaches. [Invited talk] In: Invited seminar, University of Victoria. , 06.05.2015, Victoria, Canada .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. , Eby, M. and Oschlies, A. (2015) Uncertainty in the response of transpiration to CO2 and implications for climate change. [Talk] In: EGU General Assembly 2015. , 12.–17.04.2015 , Vienna, Austria .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. , Eby, M. and Oschlies, A. (2015) Uncertainty in the response of transpiration to CO2 and implications for climate change. [Talk] In: Max Planck Institute for Meteorology Seminar. , 17.06.2015 , Hamburg, Germany .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. , Eby, M. and Oschlies, A. (2014) Large impact on simulated terrestrial precipitation due to uncertainties in plant stomata sensitivity to rising atmospheric CO2 concentrations. [Talk] In: 5th Early Career Scientists Conference for Marine and Climate Research: Natural and Social Aspects of the Earth System. , 21.-24.09.2014, Bremen, Germany .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. and Oschlies, A. (2014) Arctic Bubbles - Using Microbubbles to Increase the Surface Albedo of the Arctic Ocean. [Talk] In: Climate Engineering Conference 2014. , 18.-21.08.2014, Berlin, Germany .

Conference posters

Hohn, D. , Monteiro, E. , Tran, G. and Mengis, N. (2024) Closing in on Zero Emissions Commitment (ZEC) uncertainty. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2024. , 14.–19.04.2024, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-16992.

Monteiro, E. and Mengis, N. (2024) How your aerosol implementation choices affect your model’s climate system response. [Poster] In: EGU General Assembly 2024. , 14.–19.04.2024, Vienna, Austria . DOI 10.5194/egusphere-egu24-8690.

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Mengis, N. and Matthews, D. (2018) On the non-proportionality of the effective transient climate response to cumulative emissions. Open Access [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2018. , 10.-14.12.2018, Washington, D.C., USA .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. and Oschlies, A. (2018) Climate Change induced alterations in correlations between Earth system variables - Implications for appropriate indicator selection. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2018. , 10.-14.12.2018, Washington, D.C., USA .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. , Rickels, W., Quaas, M. and Oschlies, A. (2017) Climate Engineering (CE) induced correlation changes between Earth system variables - Implications for appropriate indicator selection. [Poster] In: Climate Engineering Conference 2017. , 10.10.2017, Berlin, Germany .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. , Rickels, W., Quaas, M. and Oschlies, A. (2017) Climate Engineering (CE) induced correlation changes between Earth system variables - Implications for appropriate indicator selection. [Poster] In: Gordon Research Conference - Climate Engineering: Radiation Management Climate Engineering: Technology, Modeling, Efficacy and Risks. , 23.-27.07.2017, Newry, USA .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. and Oschlies, A. (2015) Comparative assessment of detectability and robustness of Climate Engineering impacts. [Poster] In: Climate Engineering Research Symposium 2015. , 07.-10.07.2015, Berlin, Germany .

Mengis, N. , Keller, D. P. , Oschlies, A. and Martin, T. (2015) Assessing the potential and side effects of ocean albedo modification in the Arctic. [Poster] In: AGU Fall Meeting 2015. , 14.-18.12.2015, San Francisco, USA .

Mengis, N. , Rickels, W., Keller, D. P. and Oschlies, A. (2015) Selecting Indicators from Earth System Metrics to assess Solar Radiation Management and Afforestation. [Poster] In: Climate Engineering Research Symposium 2015. , 07.-10.07.2015, Berlin, Germany .

Theses - not published by a publisher

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Mengis, N. (2016) Towards a comprehensive, comparative assessment of Climate Engineering schemes - Metrics, Indicators and Uncertainties. Open Access (PhD/ Doctoral thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 130, XIX pp.

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Mengis, N. (2013) Validation of Bias Correction Methods for RCM Simulations for Hydrological Impact Modelling. (Master thesis), Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel, Kiel, Germany, 66 pp.

Reports - other reports

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Mengis, N. and IdeenLauf: Citizen Panel, IdeenLauf: Science Panel, IdeenLauf: Jury (2022) Ideenlauf: Gesellschaftliche Impulse für Wissenschaft und Forschungspolitik - Ergebnispapier. Open Access . BMBF, 104 pp.

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Förster, J., Mengis, N. , Schill, E., Xiao, M. and Thran, D. (2021) Avoided and removed emissions, Version #2. Open Access . Project Briefing, 3 . UFZ, Leipzig, Germany, 10 pp.

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Mengis, N. , Simon, S., Thoni, T., Stevenson, A. , Goerl, K., Steuri, B. and Oschlies, A. (2021) NET-ZERO-2050 Cluster: Defining the german carbon budget, Version #2. Open Access . Project Briefing, 2 . GEOMAR, Kiel, Germany, 7 pp.

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Rhoden, I., Vögele, S., Ball, C., Kuckshinrichs, W., Simon, S., Mengis, N. , Baetcke, L., Yeates, C., Steuri, B., Manske, D. and Thrän, D. (2021) Spatial heterogeneity - challenge and opportunity for NET-ZERO Germany. Open Access . FZJ, Jülich, Germany, 19 pp.

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Simon, S., Mengis, N. , Goerl, K., Borchers, M., Steuri, B. and Oschlies, A. (2021) Defining the scenario approach, Version #2. Open Access . Project Briefing, 4 . DLR, Köln, Germany, 6 pp.

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Matthews, H. D., Rogelj, J., Redman, A., Mengis, N. , Hebden, S., Nolan, R., Hepach, H. , Donges, J. F., Martin, M. A., Büchs, M., Edwards, C., Lorek, S., Redman, A., Green, J. F., Pihl, E., Fuss, S., Gärtner, J., Lotze, H., Bowen, K., Sioen, G. B., Woodcock, J., Alcaraz Sedra, O., Bastos, A., Bauer, N., Bertram, C., Blenckner, T., Brando, P. M., Brodie Rudolph, T., Dasgupta, P., Donkor, F. K., Duan, H., Duarte, C. M., Engel, A. , Gettelman, A., Girardin, C. A. J., Golledge, N. R., Grose, M. R., Hashizume, M., Hirota, M., Kojima, S., Lele, S., McCauley, D., M'ebratu, D., Rahmstorf, S., Reid, C. E., Saunois, M., Spangenberg, J. H., Sterner, T. N. S., Stevens, N., Thonicke, K., Tian, H. and Winkelmann, R. and Future Earth, The Earth League, WCRP (2021) 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2021. Open Access . UNSPECIFIED, Stockholm, Sweden, 53 pp. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5639539.

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Mengis, N. , Simon, S., Thoni, T., Stevenson, A., Goerl, K., Steuri, B. and Oschlies, A. (2020) Project Briefing #2 Defining the German Carbon Budget. Open Access . Helmholtz, 7 pp.

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Ammann, T., Baatz, C., Bauer, N., Beck, S., Boysen, L., Gerten, D., Goeschl, T., Hartmann, J., Janich, N., Karstens, K., Keller, D. P. , Kriegler, E., Lawrence, M., Leisner, T., Mengis, N. , Merk, C., Oschlies, A. , Ott, K., Pfrommer, T., Pongratz, J., Popp, A., Proelß, A., Quaas, J., Quaas, M., Rickels, W., Schmidt, H., Sonntag, S., Stelzer, H. and Strefler, J. (2019) Climate engineering and our climate targets - a long-overdue debate. Open Access , ed. by Bernitt, U.. DFG, Bonn, Germany, 75 pp.

Reports - Data reports

Mathesius, S. , Wright, N., Mengis, N. , MacIsaac, A., Nzotungicimpaye, C. M., Keller, D. P. , Giang, T. T. and Zickfeld, K. (2024) CMIP6 scenarios' radiative forcing of non-CO2 greenhouse gases and aerosols for UVic ESCM simulations (1850-2500). Open Access . UNSPECIFIED. DOI 10.5281/zenodo.11061150.


Mengis, N. (2021) Emmy Noether Grant (DFG). [Award]


Mengis, N. (2023) Die Junge Akademie / Membership. 2023-2028 [Committee]

Mengis, N. (2022) WCRP Task Team on CMIP7 Strategic Ensemble Design / Member. 2022 - 2024 [Committee]

Mengis, N. (2022) WCRP Task Team on Climate Interventions / Member. 2022 - 2023 [Committee]

This list was generated on Wed Mar 26 19:32:45 2025 CET.

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Klimagipfel in Glasgow: Ist das unsere letzte Chance? – mit Klimaforscherin Dr. Nadine Mengis, funk - der Podcast

Panel discussion - 70th Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting (Jun. 2021): Energy and Climate

TEDxESMTBerlin talk (Feb. 2021): How much more CO2 can we emit? - A stroll down uncertainty-lane

KlimaTaucher (Jul. 2016): Fernreisen mit gutem Gewissen? Wie wir das Klima beeinflussen können