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Semester: SS 2024 

International Development (VWLieIDev-02a) (030099)

Prof. Dr. Tobias Heidland

Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS-Studium
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Di 16:15 - 17:45, OHP2 - Otto-Hahn-Hörsaal
vom 14.4.2024 bis zum 14.7.2024
1. Prüfungstermin (Klausur am Ende der Vorlesungszeit eines Semesters): 18.7.2024, 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr, Raum OHP2 - Otto-Hahn-Hörsaal
Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Tuesday 16:15-17:45, in person if possible. First lecture on April 16; Exercise: Wednesday 14:15-15:45, every second week, in person if possible.

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Module Code: VWLieIDev-02a
Module Number: 3069401
Exam Number: 3069410
Exam type according to FPO: Module Exam (Modulprüfung)
Specific exam type in summer term 2024:

The number of ECTS Credits as well as the admission to the examination for this module is determined by the information regarding this module in the FPO (Examination Regulations) of your program (possibly only in the Appendix of the German version). If this module is not explicitly listed in your FPO, please check at the beginning of the semester about admission options. Typically, admission to the examination of this module is not possible in this case. An overview for all programs which can choose modules of the Institute of Economics can also be found here: Nebenfach Volkswirtschaftslehre – Handbuch für Exportmodule (Minor in Economics - Handbook of Export Modules). You can also check in advance in QIS whether you can find this module listed there in the overview for exam registration, with the exam number mentioned in univis. Registration to the exam is only possible during the registration period. If you still have questions after reviewing these documents, please contact your student advisor (Studienfachberater).

Lecturers: Prof. Dr. Tobias Heidland mailto:tobias.heidland@ifw-kiel.de
Time and place: Lecture: Tuesday 16:15-17:45, in person if possible. First lecture on April 16; Exercise: Wednesday 14:15-15:45, every second week, in person if possible.
Details: 2 SWS, 5 ECTS
Assessment: A compulsory written exam (100 points). A compulsory written exam plus a non-compulsory assignment from which you can earn extra points on the exam.

Prerequisites: Basic microeconomics and macroeconomics, econometric, basic international economics
Overview: This course uses economic theory and empirical evidence to explore the most important aspects of international development. Why do some countries grow rich, while others remain poor? In this course, we will take a global perspective and analyze development issues focusing on their international dimension. Thus, a central theme will be the availability and returns to factors of production such as labor, capital, and knowledge.
Course outline:

  • Introduction
  • Theories of Economic Growth
  • Institutions and Political Economy
  • Labor and Migration
  • Capital, Capital Flows, and Foreign Aid
  • Land
  • Trade, Technology, and Industrial Policy

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 50

Zugeordnete Lehrveranstaltungen
UE: Übung zu "International Development" (VWLieIDev-02a) (030015)
Dozentinnen/Dozenten: Prof. Dr. Tobias Heidland, Malte Becker
Zeit und Ort: jede 2. Woche Mi 14:15 - 15:45, OHP2 - Otto-Hahn-Hörsaal; Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Lecture: Tuesday 16:15-17:45, in person if possible. First lecture on April 9; Exercise: Wednesday 14:15-15:45, every second week, in person if possible

Übung zu "International Development" (VWLieIDev-02a) (030015)

Prof. Dr. Tobias Heidland, Malte Becker

Übung, 1 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits: 5
Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: jede 2. Woche Mi 14:15 - 15:45, OHP2 - Otto-Hahn-Hörsaal
vom 24.4.2024 bis zum 10.7.2024
Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Lecture: Tuesday 16:15-17:45, in person if possible. First lecture on April 9; Exercise: Wednesday 14:15-15:45, every second week, in person if possible

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Die LP für diese Veranstaltung ergeben sich aus den Angaben der für Sie gültigen FPO. Die Zulassung zur Prüfung ergibt sich aus den Angaben der für Sie gültigen FPO. Ist diese Veranstaltung in Ihrer FPO nicht explizit wählbar, informieren Sie sich bitte zu Beginn des Semesters bei Ihrem/Ihrer Studienfachberater/in über Zulassungsoptionen und Teilnahmemöglichkeiten.

LP/ECTS depend on the degree-specific examination regulations of your study program. Admission to exam depends on the degree-specific examination regulations of your study program. In case this module is not explicitly mentioned in these regulations, please ask your study advisor prior to semester start about participation and admission to exam.

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 50

Zugeordnet zu: International Development (VWLieIDev-02a) (030099)

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