- Area:
- Time:
09.08.2011 - 02.09.2011
- Institution:
- Chief scientist:
- Olaf Pfannkuche
On 9 August 2011 the 419th expedition of the German research vessel POSEIDON started in Tromsø (Norway). From there POSEIDON will sail to the west coast of Svalbard. There the scientists on board the POSEIDON will study biological and biochemical processes caused by the massiv release of methane from melting gas hydrates in the deep sea sediments. Chief scientist of the cruise is Dr Olaf Pfannkuche of IFM-GEOMAR. Scientists from the EU-Project HERMIONE, the Cluster of Excellence „Future Ocean“, IFM-GEOMAR, NIOZ (Netherlands) and the University of Tromsø (Norway) are participating in the expedition. On 2 September the POSEIDON will return to Tromsø.