Subpolar North Atlantic
05.08.2011 - 25.08.2011
Chief scientist:
Johannes Karstensen

During the 2nd leg of the expedition M85 (5 - 25 August 2011) scientists on board the German research vessel METEOR will study processes related to water mass transformation and transport in the northern North Atlantic. Working areas will be the the Labrador Sea, the Central Irminger Sea and the Denmark Strait. The highest priority of the work program is on recovery and re-deployment of long term current meter moorings. This work will be complemented by synoptic hydrographic/oxygen/CFC sampling, which allows (in comparison to older data) the detection of variability. The studies will contribute to the BMBF joint program „Nordatlantik“ and to the EU-Project THOR (“THermohaline Overturning - at Risk?“). Chief scientist of cruise M85/2 is Johannes Karstensen of IFM-GEOMAR.