- Area:
- Atlantic
- Time:
11.05.2011 - 19.06.2011
- Institution:
- Chief scientist:
- Peter Brandt
The tropical Atlantic is the working area for the expedition MSM18/2 of the German research vessel MARIA S. MERIAN (11 May - 19 June 2011). The cruise is a joint effort of the BMBF joint projects NORDATLANTIK and SOPRAN as well as of the Kiel Collaborative Research Centre SFB 754 (”Climate - Biogeochemistry Interactions in the Tropical Ocean“). The two main goals of MSM18/2 are the recovery and redeployment of several subsurface moorings as well as a glider swarm experiment within the equatorial cold tongue that is accompanied by hydrographic CTD/LADCP, microstructure and in-situ light station work. Additionally to standard meteorological measurements, different atmospheric parameters will be acquired continuously during the cruise. This work is aimed to observe the physical processes relevant for the evolution of the mixed layer heat and freshwater content. The cruise will in general contribute to the quantification of water mass transport pathways in the shallow and deep tropical Atlantic. This leg is closely related to the following leg, MSM18/3. Both legs are planned to cover the onset as well as the height of the equatorial upwelling.
Chief scientist during MSM 18/2 is Prof. Dr. Peter Brandt of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences IFM-GEOMAR in Kiel (Germany).