Tropical Atlantic
17.10.2010 - 13.11.2010
Chief scientist:
Martin Visbeck

From 14 October to 13 November 2010 26 scientists of the Leibniz Institute of Marine Sciences IFM-GEOMAR (Kiel, Germany) together with colleagues of the Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento das Pescas (INDP, Mindelo, Republic of Cape Verde) study with German research vessel METEOR the Oxygen Minimum Zone (OMZ) in the northeastern tropical Atlantic. Aim of the cruise is to better understand the variability of tropical oxygen minimum zones within the framework of the SFB 754 (Climate – Biogeochemical interac-tions in the tropical Oceans). The main goal of the cruise M83/1 is to resurvey a purposeful tracer release patch about 2.5 years after its injection in April 2008. Secondary objectives include water mass variability and oxy-gen/nutrient distributions in the survey region. The cruise will also help to delineate water mass transport pathways within the shallow subtropical cell with a particular focus on the exchanges between the Guinea upwelling region and the tropical ocean interior. Chief scientist ist Professor Martin Visbeck of IFM-GEOMAR.