DSM MitarbeiterInnen

Prof. Dr. Jens Greinert
geologist, geochemist
group leader

Room: 8A-103
Phone: +49 431 600-2590
E-Mail: jgreinert(at)geomar.de


Astrid Ulbrich
European executive secretary
group assistance

Room: 8A-104
Phone: +49 431 600-2507
e-mail: aulbrich(at)geomar.de


Dr. Inken-Marie Preuss
environmental scientist
research coordination & group assistance
MMinE-SwEEPER project

e-mail: ipreuss(at)geomar.de


Dr. Daniela Henkel
marine biologist
scientific project manager
ProBaNNt  and  CONMAR  project

Room: 8A-214
Phone: +49 431 600-2111
e-mail: dhenkel(at)geomar.de


M.A. Torsten Frey
business economist
ValidITy, ProBaNNt  and  CONMAR  project (before BASTA project)

Room: 8A-010
Phone: +49 431 600-2599 / +49 341 97-33872
e-mail: tfrey(at)geomar.de


Dr. Samar Ensenbach
ecologist/environmental manager
data analysis, stakeholder workshops, economic evaluation
CONMAR  project

Room: 8A-104
Phone: +49 431 600-2506
e-mail: sensenbach(at)geomar.de


Dr. Marc Seidel

SAM project
(before BASTA project)

Room: 8A-209
Phone: +49 431 600-2561
e-mail: mseidel(at)geomar.de


Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Tim Weiß
software engineer

Room: 01-038
Phone: +49 431 600-1648
e-mail: tweiss(at)geomar.de


M.Sc. Marcus Krüger
CONMAR  project

Room: 8A-104
Phone: +49 431 600-2506
e-mail: mkrueger(at)geomar.de


Stephan Meyer
IT project manager
ValidITy  project

Room: 8C-114
Phone: +49 431 600-2643
e-mail: smeyer(at)geomar.de

Valentin Buck
information engineer

(before DIGITAL EARTH and BASTA project)

Room: 8C-115
Phone: +49 431 600-2593
e-mail: vbuck(at)geomar.de

M.Sc. Anne Hennke

ValidITy project
Data Science Unit

Phone: +49 431 600 2890
e-mail: ahennke(at)geomar.de


Josephine Brauer
software developer
ValidITy  project

Room: 8C-114
Phone: +49 431 600-2596
e-mail: jbrauer(at)geomar.de

Toni Schulze Dieckhoff
software developer
SAM project

Room: 8C-113
Phone: +49 431 600-2471
e-mail: tdieckhoff@geomar.de

B.Eng Gabriel Nolte
mechanical engineer

Room: 14-116
Phone: +49 431 600-1480
e-mail: gnolte(at)geomar.de

Flemming Stäbler
information engineer

(before DIGITAL EARTH and BASTAproject)

Room: 8C-115
Phone: +49 431 600-2593
e-mail: fstaebler(at)geomar.de

M.Eng. Luca Lelie
electromechanical engineer

SAM project

Room: 01-38a
Phone: +49 431 600-
e-mail: llelie(at)geomar.de

Matthias Wieck
precision machinist

Room: 14-018
Phone: +49 431 600-1679
e-mail: mwieck(at)geomar.de

Regina Surberg
geochemical technician (ICP-OES, GC, GC-MS)

Room: 8D-031
Phone: +49 431 600-2211
e-mail: rsurberg(at)geomar.de

Andrea Bodenbinder
geochemical technician (GC, GC-MS)

Room: 8D-031
Phone: +49 431 600-2211
e-mail: abodenbinder(at)geomar.de


M.Sc. Mareike Kampmeier
geologist, PhD student
multibeam data processing
CONMAR  project (before UDEMM and REEBUS project)

Room: 8A-209
Phone: +49 431 600-2418
e-mail: mkampmeier(at)geomar.de

M.Sc. Jochen Mohrmann
computer scientist, PhD student
ProBaNNt  project (before ROBUST project)

Room: 8A-210
Phone: +49 431 600-2597
e-mail: jmohrman(at)geomar.de


M.Sc. Iason-Zois Gazis
marine scientist, PhD student

(before COMPASS and MiningImpact project)

Room: 8A-104
Phone: +49 431 600-2562
e-mail: igazis(at)geomar.de

Benson Mbani
PhD student
semantic seafloor mapping

Room: 8A-010
Phone: +49 431 600-2595
e-mail: bmbani(at)geomar.de


M.Sc. Tim Benedikt von See
electrical engineer, PhD student
Navigation and real-time sensor fusion for automated observation and data assimilation,

Room: 8A-210
Phone: +49 431 600-2595
e-mail: tkupke(at)geomar.de


M.Sc. Christian Kanarski
electrical engineer, PhD student
Real-time Autonomous Hydroacoustic Bubble Detection

Phone: +49 431 880-6144
email: ckanarski(at)geomar.de


Hiwis, Interns & Volunteers

Pia Knischewski
FJN Volunteer

B.Sc. Rakesh Kumar Swain
geoscientist, Master student Marine Geosciences
student assistant for multibeam and image processing

Room: 8A-210
Phone: +49 431 600-2418
e-mail: rswain(at)geomar.de


Dr. Mario Veloso
acoustical engineer
development of hydroacoustic techniques for detection, monitoring and quantification of underwater gas emissions

(Thesis title: Determining the flow rate of free gas in the water column using hydroacoustic systems 03/2015-03/2017 )



Prof. Dr. Kevin Köser
CAU Marine Data Science
Emmy Noether research group leader Oceanic Machine Vision
visual monitoring methods, underwater machine vision, photogrammetry



Dr. David Nakath
computer scientist

CAU Marine Data Science
Oceanic Machine Vision



Dr. Xiangyu Weng
computer scientist

CAU Marine Data Science
Oceanic Machine Vision


M.Sc. Yifan Song
computer scientist, PhD student

CAU Marine Data Science
Oceanic Machine Vision



M.Sc. Patricia Schöntag
electrical and information engineer, PhD student
Learning Underwater Visual Appearance for Robust Seafloor Mapping

CAU Marine Data Science
Oceanic Machine Vision


Dipl.-Ing. Everardo Gonzalez
computer scientist
machine learning and data analysis
ProBaNNt  and  CONMAR  project (before DIGITAL EARTH project)

e-mail: egonzalez(at)geomar.de


M.Sc. Anna Jäkle
electrical engineer

Phone: +49 431 600-1683
e-mail: ajaekle(at)geomar.de

Dr. Timm Schoening
informatics engineer

Leitung Data Science Unit
IDRZ (Informations, Daten und Rechenzentrum)

Room: 4/304
Phone: +49 431 600-2320
e-mail: tschoening(at)geomar.de

M.Sc. Karl Heger
B.Sc. thesis: Localization of remotely operated underwater vehicles by merging position data from both ultra-short baseline system and Doppler velocity log. Hochschule Bremerhaven, Maritime Technologies (2016); Otto-Krümmel-Förderpreis 2017

Marispace X project

Phone: +49 431 600-1825
e-mail: kheger(at)geomar.de

M.Sc. Nikolaj Diller
software engineer
MOSES project

Room: 14-004
Phone: +49 431 600-1686
e-mail: ndiller(at)geomar.de


Dr. Amir Haroon

Room: 8A-215
Phone: +49 431 600-2563
e-mail: aharoon(at)geomar.de


Thorsten Schott
electronic technician



Lasse Petersen
Master's student, software engineer
Oceanic Machine Vision (before COMPASS project)

Room: 8A-010
Phone: +49 431 600-2596
e-mail: lppetersen(at)geomar.de


Dr. Patrick Michaelis
data scientist / statistician

07/2018 - 12/2021



Dipl.-Ing. Peter Urban
electrical engineer, PhD student

05/2013 -06/2021

M.Sc. Mia Schumacher

team assistance for DSM group



M.Sc. Furkan Elibol
computer scientist
Deep Quanticams - Visual Deep Sea Mapping and quantitative Imaging using Cameras
Oceanic Machine Vision




Mareike Paul
team assistance for DSM group and UDEMM-Hiwi


Hongbo Liu
optical engineer, PhD student from Ocean College at Zhejiang University.
Underwater hyper/multi-spectral imaging


M.Sc. Florian Gausepohl
data management


Dr. Evangelos Alevizos

Thesis title: Examination of the spatial resolution and discrimination capability of various acoustic seafloor classification techniques based on MBES backscatter data.


Dr. Cuiling Xu

Thesis title: Methane Seepages and Their Impacts on Landsliding on the Upper Bulgairan Slope, Black Sea.


Alumni StudentInnen und PraktikantInnen

Leonard Gerhardus
FJN Volunteer


B.A. Sophie Baban
environmental economist
Master student Environmental and Resource Economics 

Room: 8A-010
e-mail: sbaban(at)geomar.de

B.Sc. Viktoriia Boichenko
Master's thesis related internship


B.Sc. Alexander Pilz

CONMAR  project intern


B.Sc. Svenja Ehlers
geoscientist, Master student environmental management


B.Sc. Anina-Kaja Hinz
geoscientist, Master student Geophysics
student assistant for multibeam processing and geophysical methods


Nele Vesely
marine geosciences Master student
photo & video analysis

Franziska Rupf
student physics of the earth system

Nikhitha Shivaswamy
Master student and software engineer



Jenny Friedrich
marine geosciences Master student


Julia Zindel
Fachhochschule Kiel, Maschinenbau
Bachelor thesis: Entwicklung und Konstruktion einer mechanisch justierbaren Laser-Halterung zur Skalierung optischer Bilder am Meeresboden (2020)

Petersen-Preis der Technik 2020, 1.Bachelorpreis


Mariliza Thomadaki
student marine geosciences



Inga Krel
Master student of Geosciences

Ilmar Leimann
student of physics of the earth system: oceanography
UDEMM Project

Jana Katherina Kröger
Fachhochschule Kiel: project on a video summary for video material taken by underwater vehicles

Ole Wagenknecht
Fachhochschule Kiel, Informatik und Elektrotechnik
Bachelor thesis: Analyse und Evaluation einer Visual-Data-Mining-Erweiterung für eine Web-Anwendung zur manuellen Annotation von Bildern im maritimen Umfeld (2018)

Andrea Schütt
TU Munich
Master thesis: Towards hierarchical classification of taxonomic datasets (2017)

Bertrand Beunaiche
ENSTA Bretagne, Hydrography & Oceanography

Master thesis: Multifrequency approach in angular range analysis for habitat mapping in a mine dump area (2017)

Sergei Zorin
HafenCity Universität Hamburg

Master thesis: AUV-based multibeam echo sounder data processing: workflows and specific considerations for artifact removal by means of open source software (2017)

Eva Peschke
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel

Bachelor thesis: Modellierung von beampattern-/ positionsabhängigen Veränderungen von Gasblasensignalen in Multibeam-Rückstreukarten und daran angepasste Vorverarbeitungsschritte (2017)

Corinne Melchior
HafenCity Universität Hamburg

Master thesis: Geologic Interpretation of Multibeam Echosounder Based Bathymetric and Backscatter Data in the Equatorial Eastern Pacific (2017)

Shashank Shekhar
Visiting Intern working on the processing of data from the Bubble Box.


Hauke Müller
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Master thesis: Multibeam echo sounder simulation and calibration (2015)

  • Prof. Dr. Jens Greinert
    DSM Gruppenleiter

    Raum: 8A-103
    Telefon: +49 431 600-2590
    E-Mail: jgreinert(at)geomar.de

    Dr. Inken-M. Preuss

    Raum: 8A-104
    Telefon: +49 431 600-2507
    E-mail: ipreuss(at)geomar.de

    Astrid Ulbrich

    Raum: 8A-104
    Telefon: +49 431 600-2507
    E-mail: aulbrich(at)geomar.de