Contacts (GEOMAR)

Please note: We will select the successful candidates based on their abilities and not on a specific topic. For this reason particular emphasis by the evaluation will be placed on your academic performance and your Statement of Research Interests.



Participating Scientist at GEOMAR 

Departments/Research Interest

Achterberg, Prof. Dr. Eric


Berndt, Prof. Dr. Christian 

Marine Geochemistry - Chemical Oceanography


Dynamics of the Ocean Floor - Geodynamic


Devey, Prof. Dr.  Colin

Dynamics of the Ocean Floor - Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems

Dullo, Prof. Dr.  Wolf-Christian

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics - Paleoceanography

Eisenhauer, Prof. Dr.  Anton

Marine Geosystems - Marine Biocheochemistry

Frank, Prof. Dr.  Martin

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics - Paleoceanography

Greatbatch, Prof. Dr.  Richard 

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics, Theory and Modelling

Hannigton, Prof. Dr. Mark


Hansteen, PD Dr. Thor

Dynamics of the Ocean Floor -Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems

Dynamics of the Ocean Floor - Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems

Hoernle, Prof. Dr.  Kaj

Dynamics of the Ocean Floor - Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems



Kanzow, Prof. Dr.  Thorsten

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics - Physical Oceanography

Kopp, Prof. Dr.  Heidrun

Dynamics of the Ocean Floor - Geodynamics

Körtzinger, Prof. Dr.  Arne

Marine Biocheochemistry - Chemical Oceanography


Latif, Prof. Dr.  Mojib

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics - Maritime - Marine Meteorology

Nuernberg, Prof. Dr.  Dirk 

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics - Paleoceanography

Oschlies, Prof. Dr.  Andreas

Marine Biogeochemistry - Biogeochemical Modelling

Reusch, Prof. Dr.  Thorsten

Marine Ecology - Evolutionecology of Marine Fish

Rüpke, Prof. Dr. Lars

Dynamics of the Ocean Floor 

Tazdemir, Prof. Dr. Deniz

Visbeck, Prof. Dr.  Martin

Marine Ecology - Marine Microbiology

Ocean Circulation and Climate Dynamics - Physical Oceanography

Wallmann, Prof. Dr. Klaus

Marine Geosystems - Marine Biogeochemistry


    Helmholtz Research School for Ocean System Science and Technology (HOSST)
    Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel  (GEOMAR)
    Wischhofstr. 1-3
    D-24148 Kiel

    Prof. Dr. Wolf-Christian Dullo
    email: cdullo(at) 

    Co-Spokesperson GEOMAR
    Prof. Dr. Colin Devey
    email: cdevey(at) 

    Co-Spokesperson CAU
    Prof. Dr. Birgit Schneider
    email: bschneider(at) 

    Co-Spokesperson IORE
    Prof. Dr. Doug Wallace
    email: Douglas.Wallace(at) 

    Co-Spokesperson Dalhousie
    Prof. Dr. Markus Kienast
    email: markus.kienast(at) 

    Dr. Christel van den Bogaard
    Tel.: (49) 431-600-2647
    Tel.: (49) 431-600-2960
    email: hosst(at)