
The Master of Science (M.Sc.) program “Biological Oceanography” is arranged in 4 semesters providing knowledge and skills in a number of disciplines that address various areas of the global ocean as a complex system. The curriculum is focused on biology and imparts knowledge in chemistry, geology, physics and mathematics.

First semester: The first semester covers the theoretical and practical fundamentals for the systemic analysis of the marine environment. All first semester modules are compulsory.

Second semester: Building on the first semester's knowledge, students begin to form their individual focus within the curriculum in compulsory/elective and elective modules. Students also take part in the theory and practice of running research projects.

Third semester: This semester is devoted to further specialization (including a 9 day research cruise), first contacts to the research group where the individual students plan to do their master's thesis and an introduction to cutting-edge research, instrumentation and literature.

Fourth semester: Here, students apply the knowledge they have gathered in the first three semesters toward work on the master's thesis as part of ongoing research projects (how to start your master thesis). Most students perform their thesis in one of the research groups within FB3 (marine ecology) or within FB2 (Marine Biogeochemistry). The master thesis comprises of the written master thesis and an oral defense.

Occupational fields/employments: Graduates are especially qualified for work in the fields of research and teaching, for example of marine science institutes, universities etc., but also in areas as:

  • Marine environmental monitoring for environmental authorities and fisheries research institutions
  • Environmental Management: Assessment and monitoring of existing biological, energy and mineral resources and their environmentally friendly use
  • Private sector: e.g. environmental analysis, marine consultants, maritime technology (shipping, pipeline projects, offshore wind farms, etc.) 
  • Food industry (marine food supplements) 
  • Pharmacy and medicine (biologically active substances from the sea) 
  • Science journalism, science publishers
  • etc.

Some of the optional modules are planned for second (summer) or third (winter) semester but are given in summer AND winter semesters. Have a look at the module description and ask the person in charge.

The most recent list of modules can be found here.

For information about actual official regulations click here "Prüfungsordnung(German only) - English version (not official) and "Prüfungsverfahrensordnung" (German only).

For further information, contact the study advisor.

Actual modules (current and previous semester)

List of all MNF-bioc-courses winter semester 2024/2025 (UnivIS)

List of modules in summer semester 2024 (CAU UnivIS).

List of modules in winter semester 2023/2024 (CAU UnivIS).

Designation of modules

First number: semester (first semester: MNF-bioc-1xx, second semester: MNF-bioc-2xx, third semester: MNF-bioc-3xx)

Second/third number: section (compulsory: MNF-bioc-x01-20, compulsory elective:MNF-bioc-x21-39, optional: MNF-bioc-x40-99)


MNF-bioc-10x: first semester (winter), compulsory

MNF-bioc-23x: second semester (summer), compulsory elective

MNF-bioc-36x: third semester (winter), optional

Complete module handbook M.Sc. Biological Oceanography (currently in revision process).

For optional modules within Biological Oceanography look at the module list and for courses outside of our curriculum look here (Optionals outside of Biological Oceanography).

Information regarding German research vessel fleet operations: Portal deutsche Forschungsschifffahrt

Foster Young Ocean Researcher Development (FYORD)

The FYORD program is a jointly organized interdisciplinary and inter-institutional program of the Kiel Marine Science Research Center at Kiel University and GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. As both institutions are committed to the promotion of young researchers and offer attractive opportunities for young scientists, they set up a joint program with FYORD. It is aimed at young scientists in marine research, from master's students to PhD students and postdocs, to build a cross-institutional scientific community within and outside Kiel.

FYORD provides permeability between training programs for each status group and at each institution, and also offers its own status group overarching courses and events. In this way, FYORD links two institutions and their youth development programs and fills any gaps in offerings. In addition to offering career guidance within and outside of academia for all status groups, the program offers needs-based courses focused on interdisciplinary scientific approaches to marine science and funding opportunities.

Master students are the first status group addressed by the FYORD program. For students in this phase, orientation is of utmost importance, both in scientific terms, which research topics are interesting for future studies and individual scientific development, and in terms of options on the labor market.

For many students, the career path is not clear during their studies. FYORD aims not only to help clarify this with career guidance events, but also to connect Master's students with other young marine scientists, i.e. PhD students and postdocs. Through contact with senior and advanced colleagues, Master's students can benefit from their experience in finding the right research topic or in successfully applying to the (scientific) job market. In addition, PhD students and postdocs can share their expertise on what a PhD and research mean for a career and what master students should expect in these early stages of an academic career.

interdisciplinary Master School of Marine Sciences (iMSMS)

The interdisciplinary Master School of Marine Sciences (iMSMS) is a model concept for cross-faculty and cross-institutional collaboration in research-based, interdisciplinary marine science education. In cooperation with all faculties of Kiel University, with associated institutes such as GEOMAR Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel, the Research and Technology Center West Coast (FTZ Büsum), the Kiel Marine Science research priority area (KMS), and the Center for Ocean and Society (CeOS), the iMSMS pools, initiates, develops and provides access to a wide range of educational offers on ocean-related topics from the natural and social sciences, law, ethics, informatics, theology, economics as well as transdisciplinary research. 


The key objective of the iMSMS is to promote ocean literacy and to foster an integrated approach in marine science education and training; to promote knowledge about modern inter- and transdisciplinary research approaches in ocean science, encourage international learning and mobility and to support career orientation in the marine sciences. 


Students from all disciplinary backgrounds can join. For them, the iMSMS has on offer:

  •  Open elective modules on marine topics from different disciplines (e.g., Ocean Economics, International Law of the Sea, Environmental Ethics, Computer Science in Ocean & Climate Research, Introduction to Aquaculture, etc.)
  • Open places in excursions and field studies (announced via mailing list)
  • Spring or summer courses on ocean-related topics (announced via mailing list)
  • An Erasmus Exchange Program with the University of Gothenburg, Sweden in the field of "Interdisciplinary Marine Sciences"
  •  International (online/hybrid) Open Elective Modules on marine or maritime topics co-organized with the SEA-EU partner universities of Brest/France, Cadiz/Spain, Malta, Split/Croatia, Gdansk/Poland, Bodo/Norway, Naples/Italy, Faro/Portugal
  •  Career Talks addressing the question "what can you do with a marine science degree?"
  • And Ocean-Education-News mailing list, which keeps you updated about the offers listed above as well as open calls and potentially interesting events within the Kiel Marine Science community.


You need to register (free of charge) in order to participate in iMSMS offers and to be added to the mailing list! You can unsubscribe at any time via email (info(at)


Generally, the ECTS earned in the open elective modules offered via the iMSMS can be recognized in the electives section of your curriculum. However, to be sure, please consult your study advisor before enrolling in an open module.


Visit the iMSMS website for further info and contact the iMSMS coordination Dr. Franziska J. Werner (werner(at) in case of questions.


Optional courses outside of Biological Oceanography

Within the optional courses or free choice section you can choose either one of the modules within your M.Sc. Biological Oceanography curriculum - have a look on the module list - or any other module out of B.Sc.- or M.Sc.-curricula at the CAU.

Read instructions below! 

Here you find a list - (incomplete and not regularly updated) - of ideas of study programs, modules, courses etc. outside of the M.Sc. Biological Oceanography which might be of interest for you to include into the optionals sector.

Before attending contact the person in charge of the respective course, module etc. AND the M.Sc. Biol. Oceanogr. study advisor AS WELL AS "our" Office Examination Board (Prüfungsamt Biologie, Tel. 0431-880-3724; -4157) AND the external Office Examination Board!



All of those courses, lectures, seminars etc. you want to attend have to be organized and classified as modules with assigned credit points. A number of lectures etc. e.g. within the old programs (like diploma programmes) are not yet modularized - which means you can't get any credit points!


Single courses, lectures, seminars etc. as part of a module will not be used for calculation of your workload and will not be used for your final marks!


Make sure in advance!

As the links below are external, they might be outdated. In this case use the data to search within UnivIS.

 List of curricula with English as general language of instruction