Summer semester 2024

General remarks

General lecture period summer semester 2024: 15.04.2024 to 12.07.2024 (with winter semester 2023/2024, 2nd exam period: 02.04. - 13.04.2024 (link CAU) - In accordance with the CAU's examination procedure regulations, there are no courses in bachelor's and master's degree programs during the examination periods (few exceptions for first semester students)).

More information at M. Sc. Biological Oceanography - information for students on OLAT.

Exam dates summer semester 2024: here (OLAT)

There is no general registration for courses - only for the exams at the end of the semester during registration phases (s.b.).

Notes on how to use the online tool can be found here:

If you have questions about the examination administration procedures in general (registration periods, examination periods, etc.) you may find answers in the Examination procedures section. If you are still unclear about anything you can contact the relevant Examination Office at any time.

Complete examination schedule SS 2024 (link to CAU).


Typical examination procedure:     

  1. Examination registration: You register for the examinations that you would like to take in the next examination period or that are assigned to the next examination period (s.b. Examination Organisation Online (CAU)). In case of registration problems contact the Examination Office Biology.

    During the registration period for the 1st examination period please register for all the written or oral examinations you would like to take in the 1st examination period (or around and assigned to the 1st examination period), but also for the examinations that you have already taken or started (e.g. seminar papers) during the lecture period (including before the registration period), as well as for examinations (e.g. assignments) that are to be taken during the lecture-free period.

    Note: For examinations taken before the registration period, examination attendance is considered as binding registration. You must also register for these examinations during the registration period, however, so that your academic achievements can be recorded in the system at a later stage.

  2. Checking admission: Two days before the start of the examination period, you check whether you have been granted admission to the examinations you have registered for.
  3. Examination attendance: You take the examinations during the examination period.
  4. Checking results: You check the results entered by the examiners.

Examination Organisation Online (CAU)

Access to the online tool in the CAU-Portal:

The online tool has the following functions:

  • Registering for examinations / Cancelling registrations
  • Information on registered examinations (checking admissions. Information on examination dates, times and rooms)
  • Information on examination results

Notes on how to use the online tool can be found here:

You need your stu-ID to use the Studierenden-Online-Funktion online tool. Detailed information on the stu-ID and stu-e-mail address can be found at the Computing Centre StudiNet.

If you have questions about the examination administration procedures in general (registration periods, examination periods, etc.) you may find answers in the Examination procedures section. If you are still unclear about anything you can contact the Examination Office Biology at any time.

Registration period first exam phase summer semester: 03.06.2024 - 30.06.2024

First exam period summer semester: 15.07.2024 - 27.07.2024

Registration period second exam period summer semester: 26.08.2024 - 22.09.2024

Second exam period winter semester: 07.10.2024 - 19.10.2024 

Complete schedule see CAU website and here (link to CAU).

Keep in mind - it's your responsibility not to miss any fixed dates and/or deadlines.

Practical courses, practical exercises and some seminars have compulsory attendance (FPO).

Make sure that you sign the attendance list every course day!

Framework of courses:

  1. All of the five first semester modules are compulsory.
  2. Passed core modules of the first semester (MNF-bioc-101 and MNF-bioc-102) are important for the understanding for the advanced modules of the second semester in summer (e.g. MNF-bioc-201 and MNF-bioc-202).
  3. Passed exams of ALL compulsory modules of first and second semester are the  indispensable prerequisite for the exam of the core module of third semester in winter (MNF-bioc-301).
  4. A short presentation of your planned master's thesis ("proposal day") and a passed exam at the end of MNF-bioc-301 is the prerequisite to register your thesis (MNF-bioc-401) at the examination office.

For details concerning exams, prerequisites etc. look at the exam regulations in Biological Oceanography (p. 10-13).

Forms concerning exam withdrawal for good cause, medical certificate etc. (forms).

General regulations concerning examinations can be found here.

Considerations concerning using first or second exam phase (CAU).

Exams are generally scheduled only for the semester where the modules are taught.

  • There are no exams for winter semester modules MNF-bioc-1xx and MNF-bioc-3xx in summer semester.
  • There are no exams for summer semester modules MNF-bioc-2xx in winter semester.

Examination Schedule (lecturers and students tasks (link to CAU)

Timetables and course lists

General: Courses (lectures, seminars, practicals etc.) summer semester 2024

MSc. Biological Oceanography - second semester - lecture plan summer semester 2024 (click on "Stundenplan" for a complete time table).  All seven different possible practical parts in three blocks of MNF-bioc-202 are shown which looks heavily loaded - but you have to choose only two resp. three non overlapping parts.

Details: More detailed information concerning single courses and modules can be found on OLAT in general, resp. M. Sc. Biological Oceanography - information for students or via our module list, with links to the resp. module information on OLAT.

As you can take many optional modules outside of our curriculum (CAU-wide choices) these are not included in the example lists and timetables.

Block courses in summer 2024: 

  • MNF-bioc-264 (S. Garthe, Büsum): September/October 2024
  • MNF-bioc-271 (B. Schneider, Kiel): 21.05.2024 - 24.05.2024
  • MNF-bioc-280 (K. Heubel, FTZ): 26.08.2024 - 06.09.2024 at FTZ Büsum.
  • MNF-bioc-301 (F. Mittermayer, ALKOR cruise MNF-bioc-301): 18.08.2024 - 30.08.2024
  • MNF-bioc-368 (F. Weinberger, Aaland-Island (Finland) - Marine station Husö): 07.09.2024 - 22.09.2024

  • For optional modules within Biological Oceanography look at the module list.
  • Generally: for imported courses (e.g. Introduction to Physical Oceanography) and and courses outside of M. Sc. Biological Oceanography please always contact the person in charge of the module you are attending and the corresponding exam office.
  • For a selection of courses outside of our curriculum look here (optional courses outside of Biological Oceanography).


Summer semester 2024

Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 

Benthic foraminifera in moderate polluted environment: a case study from Kiel Bight (SW Baltic Sea)

Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld
Beteiligte:Anna Nikulina, M.Sc., Dr. rer. nat. Irina Polovodova, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer
Otto Schmidt Labor Program "Dynamics of Northern Eurasian Environments"
Otto Schmidt Labor für Polar- und Meeresforschung, St. Petersburg
Fakultät für Geographie und Geoökologie, Staatliche Universität St.Petersburg
Laufzeit:1.10.2005 - 30.9.2008
Inhalt und Ziele:The project focuses on the recent and long-term foraminiferal response to environmental changes due to natural climatic and hydrographic variability and anthropogenic impact. We have monitored living benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the Kiel Bight (SW Baltic Sea) in 2005 - 2007 under moderate pollution from shipyards, harbours and intensive traffic. First results showed that the dominant environmental forcing of benthic foraminifera is the food supply in Kiel fjord and the salinity in Flensburg Fjord. A comparison with previous data from the 1930s and 1960s revealed apparent changes in species composition and population densities during the past decades. These changes and a significant increase of test abnormality frequencies indicates enforced environmental stress. In order to better constrain the reasons, boundary conditions, and baselines for such alterations in foraminiferal communities, surface sediment samples and short sediment cores are studied for tracing the historical environmental changes.
Kontakt:Schönfeld, Joachim
Telefon +49 431 600-2315, E-Mail:
  1. Schönfeld, Joachim ; Numberger, Lea:
    Seasonal dynamics and decadal changes of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the western Baltic Sea (NW Europe) .
    In: Journal of Micropalaeontology 26 (2007), S. 47-60
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; Foraminifera; assemblages; phytoplankton; environmental change; Baltic Sea
  2. Schönfeld, Joachim ; Numberger, Lea:
    The benthic foraminiferal response to the 2004 spring bloom in the western Baltic Sea .
    In: Marine Micropaleontology 65 (2007), S. 78-95
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; Baltic Sea; Spring bloom; Benthic foraminifera; Phytopigments; Stable isotopes


Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer
Laufzeit:1.11.2005 - 31.10.2008

Changing habitats of calcareous plankton in the Greenhouse World

Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld
Beteiligte:Dipl.-Geol. Almuth Harbers, Prof. Dr. Frank Melzner, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulf Riebesell, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Dr. rer. nat. Hanno Kinkel, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Kuhnt, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kucera
Förderer:Exzellenzcluster "Ozean der Zukunft"
Universität Kiel
Universität Tübingen
Laufzeit:1.9.2007 - 30.8.2009
Inhalt und Ziele:The objectives of our research project are to document historical changes in the assemblage composition and habitat depth of calcareous planktonic organisms in relation to changes in the physical and chemical parameters and stratification of the surface ocean due to recent global warming. Changes in the size, weight, chemical, and isotopic composition of carbonate shells are to be assessed. The main focus of the investigation is on planktonic foraminifers and pteropods.


Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Peter Linke, Leiter Technik-und Logistikzentrum
Beteiligte:Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Pfannkuche, Dr. rer. nat. Gregor Rehder, Akad. Rat, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Dr. rer. nat. Robin Keir, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Wallmann
Förderer:Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung
Universität Göttingen
TU Hamburg-Harburg
Stichwörter:Kontrollfaktoren der Methanflüsse und ihre Klimarelevanz in marinen gashydrathaltigen Ökosystemen
Laufzeit:1.1.2005 - 28.2.2007
Inhalt und Ziele:Ziel des Verbundvorhabens COMET ist die Untersuchung der komplexen Steuerparameter, die einen entscheidenden Einfluss auf die Freisetzung und den Umsatz von Methan aus "cold seeps" und oberflächennahen Gashydraten in den Wasserkörper und die Atmosphäre haben, um Aussagen über die Klimawirksamkeit dieses wichtigen Treibhausgases heute und in der Vergangenheit vornehmen zu können.

ISOLDE: Isotope Signature of calcareous Organisms from upper and Lower carbonate mound sediments

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo
Beteiligte:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Dr. rer. nat. Volker Liebetrau, Dr. rer. nat. Andres Rüggeberg
Stichwörter:Geobiology, Geochemistry, Isotope Geology, Palaeoclimatology, Sclerochronology
Laufzeit:1.8.2007 - 31.7.2009
Inhalt und Ziele:The reconstruction of environmental parameters using well-developed paleoceanographic proxies on calcareous tests and skeletons of benthic organisms is the major aim of the proposed investigation. In particular, the variability and dynamic of the intermediate water masses is still little investigated in terms of high-resolution reconstructions. Therefore, we aim to investigate on Challenger Mound sediment cores recovered during IODP Expedition 307 stable isotopes (?13C, ?18O, ?88Sr) on cold-water corals and benthic foraminifers to reconstruct the variability of intermediate water temperatures on glacial-interglacial (forams) and seasonal (corals) timescales. The proposed study focuses on an extended high-resolution record of the Late Pleistocene (top 20 m) and the section of mound initiation and start-up phase of coral growth (144.5–149.5 m) of core 1317C. Age determinations and stable isotope studies on benthic foraminifera will be used to identify intervals of paleoceanographic relevance (glacial vs. interglacial, terminations, before and after hiatuses, etc.) in both sections of interest. At these intervals, high- resolution stable isotope analyses on well-preserved coral fragments will give evidence of intermediate water temperature variability on a seasonal scale. Additionally, these investigations will help to understand the role of intermediate water masses of southern origin (Mediterranean, Bay of Biscay) with their pole-ward transport and the colonization of cold-water corals during their first introduction to the Porcupine Seabight (mound base), and during the past glacial-interglacial cycles.
Kontakt:Dullo, Wolf-Christian

Paleo-records of El Nino variability in corals from Tahiti

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo
Beteiligte:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Sri Yudawati Cahyarini
Förderer:Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
Stichwörter:ENSO, corals, geochemistry
Laufzeit:15.10.2002 - 18.7.2006
Inhalt und Ziele:ENSO is one of the pronounced signals identified in the global climate variability. This phenomenon is most well understood in high  resolution time scale data such as annual and interannual. Corals will be useful to provide these data in longer time scales as their density banding carries isotopic and chemical tracers, that can be used for present and past reconstructions of climate parameter ( sea surface temperature, evaporation and precipitation).
We will use oxygen isotope data and Sr/Ca ratios in order to reconstruct past climate variability and ENSO dynamic from one of the most prominent ENSO instrument record site which is Tahiti. Our work is based on three coral cores. Finally we aimed for a comparative study  with Indonesian sites.
Kontakt:Dullo, Wolf-Christian

POET: Räumliche Verlagerung des Phasenversatzes zwischen oberflächennaher Ozeanerwärmung, Evaporation und Änderungen im kontinentalen Eisvolumen zu Beginn der interglazialen Isotopenstadien 1 und 5

Beteiligte:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Nürnberg, Blanz, Th., Christian Horn
Förderer:DFG, Schwerpunktprogramm "INTERDYNAMIK"
Institut für Geowissenschaften Kiel
Laufzeit:1.10.2007 - 30.9.2009
Inhalt und Ziele:Das vorgeschlagene Projekt wird die oberflächennahe Ozeanerwärmung während des Beginns der interglazialen Isotopenstadien 1 und 5 untersuchen. Dabei ist die Überprüfung der Hypothese, inwieweit der tropische Ozean oder der nördliche Nordatlantik den Klimawandel zu Beginn von Interglazialen steuert, ein wichtiges Ziel der Untersuchungen. Die Änderungen der oberflächennahen Ozeantemperaturen und ihre Beziehung zur oberflächennahen Salinität und zu Änderungen im globalen Eisvolumen sollen durch den bisher einzigartigen Ansatz der kombinierten Messung von d44/40Ca, Mg/Ca and d18O in derselben planktischen Foraminiferenart im direkten Vergleich zu Alkenon- Temperaturen erfolgen. Die zeitlich hochauflösenden Multi-Proxy- Datenserien sollen an Sedimentkernen erstellt werden, die entlang eines Profilschnittes vom tropischen Atlantik/Karibik bis in hohe nördliche Breiten liegen und damit den nordwärtsgerichteten ozeanischen Wärmetransfer über das Golfstrom-System reflektieren und Gebiete ganz unterschiedlicher Evaporations-/Präzipitationsbilanzen repräsentieren. Wir werden die hydrographischen Parameter für den oberflächennahen Ozean mittels flachsiedelnder Foraminiferenarten und für tiefere Bereiche mittels tiefersiedelnder Arten rekonstruieren. Um die Interpretation der Paläodaten zu überprüfen, sollen Modellsimulationen des atmosphärischen hydrologischen Kreislaufes durchgeführt werden, die über Evaporation, Präzipitation und Rückkopplungen mit der Atmosphäre während des Beginns von Intergalzialen Aufschluß geben.
Kontakt:Nürnberg, Dirk
Telefon +49 431 600-2313, E-Mail:
  1. Kozdon, Reinhard ; Eisenhauer, Anton ; Weinelt, Mara ; Meland, Marius Y. ; Nürnberg, Dirk:
    Reassessing Mg/Ca temperature calibrations of Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) using paired δ44/40 and Mg/Ca measurements .
    In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 10 (2009), Nr. 3, S. Q03005
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; [FB2/MG]; Ca isotopes; pachyderma; Nordic seas; Mg/Ca; multiproxy; calibration

SFB754 - B6: Redox-sensitive Stickstoffflüsse in der Bodengrenzschicht

Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Pfannkuche, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Sommer
Förderer:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Laufzeit:1.1.2008 - 31.12.2011
Inhalt und Ziele:In Kontinentalrand-Sedimenten, die einer Sauerstoff-Minimum-Zone unterliegen, wird Teilprojekt B6 die Bildung verschiedener Stickstoffkomponenten (N2, NO3-, NO2-, NH4+) und deren Stoffflüsse entlang der Sediment-Wasser Grenzschicht in situ untersuchen. Die Auswirkung von variablen Sauerstoffgehalten des Bodenwassers ("Schwellenwerte") auf die Bildung der verschiedenen Stickstoffverbindungen und deren Flüsse wird durch zusätzliche in situ Experimente erfasst werden. Ein Lander System, das dem gegenwärtigen Stand der in situ Technologie entspricht, wird zum Erreichen dieser Ziele in den Auftriebsgebieten vor Peru/Chile als auch vor den Kapverdischen Inseln (Atlantik) eingesetzt werden.

SFB754 - B7: Biogeochemische und mikropläontologische Rekonstruktion des Sauerstoffgehalts und der Redoxbedingungen der Vergangenheit in Küstenauftriebsgebieten

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Frank, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer
Förderer:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Laufzeit:1.1.2008 - 31.12.2011
Inhalt und Ziele:Das Ziel dieses Teilprojekts ist die quantitative Rekonstruktion des Sauerstoffgehalts und dessen steuernde Prozessen in der peruanischen Auftriebszelle während der letzten 20,000 Jahre. Hierzu wird eine innovative Kombination geochemischer und mikropaläontologischer Proxies für Sauerstoffgehalte und Redoxbedingungen der Vergangenheit in Boden- und Porenwässern der Sedimente eingesetzt werden. Diese werden mit isotopischen Proxies für Silikatnutzung im Oberflächenwasser (der Auftriebsintensität) und Wassermassenmischung aus den gleichen Proben kombiniert.

Tracing continental weathering and water mass mixing in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean with neodymium and hafnium isotopes

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Martin Frank
Beteiligte:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Dipl.-Geol. Torben Stichel
Förderer:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft im Rahmen des SPP 1158: Antarktisforschung mit vergleichenden Untersuchungen in arktischen Eisgebieten
Stichwörter:Chemical Oceanography, Radiogenic Isotopes, Water Masses
Laufzeit:17.10.2007 - 16.10.2009
Inhalt und Ziele:The subject of our proposed study is a detailed investigation of the distribution of neodymium (Nd) and hafnium (Hf) isotopes in dissolved and particulate form in the water column of the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. Nd isotopes have been shown to be a powerful geochemical tracer for present and past water masses in the ocean. The combination with Hf isotopes was applied for the characterization of continental weathering regimes. Both isotope systems have been used for the reconstruction of water masses in the Southern Ocean on various time scales in the past from marine sediments. So far there are, however, nearly no data for the water column of the Southern Ocean, which severely restricts the reliable application of this combination of tracers for present day studies and reconstructions of the past. We propose to collect large volume water samples at high resolution during Polarstern Expedition ANT XXIV/3 along the Zero meridian and further across Drake Passage. We will determine the isotope composition of Nd and for the first time Hf in dissolved and particulate form to characterize the isotope composition of the different Southern Ocean water masses and their sources and to gain new insight into the influence of Antarctic weathering processes on the geochemical composition of the Southern Ocean.
Kontakt:Frank, Martin
Telefon +49 431 600-2218, E-Mail:

TRISTAN: Temperatur-Rekonstruktion aus der Isotopen-Signatur von Tiefwasserkorallen des Atlantik und der Nordsee

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo
Beteiligte:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Dr. rer. nat. Andres Rüggeberg
Stichwörter:Geobiologie, Geochemie, Paläoklimatologie, Isotopengeologie, Sklerochronologie
Laufzeit:1.6.2005 - 31.12.2008
Inhalt und Ziele:Die Rekonstruktion der Temperatur für intermediäre Wassermassen erfolgte bislang nur aus Untersuchungen an Organismen in Sedimentkernen, die eine Kalkschale bilden. Diese Analysen erlauben jedoch keine hochauflösende Zeitreihen, da die Sedimentationsrate nur wenige Zentimeter pro tausend Jahre beträgt und die Bioturbation zusätzlich einen limitierenden Faktor darstellt. Mit Hilfe der Tiefwasserkorallenart 'Lophelia pertusa' sollen im Rahmen der geplanten Forschungsarbeiten geochemische Untersuchungen dazu beitragen, diese Korallenart als hochauflösendes Klimaarchiv zu etablieren, da diese eine hohe Wachstumsrate von bis zu 2,5 cm pro Jahr aufweist. Die geochemischen Analysen konzentrieren sich dabei auf die Bestimmung der Sauerstoff- und Kalzium-Isotopenfraktionierung (?18O, ?44Ca), sowie des Strontium zu Kalzium Verhältnisses (Sr/ Ca). Daneben soll der neu entwickelte geochemische und paläozeanologische Proxie ?88Sr weiter entwckelt werden und die Temperaturrekonstruktion einer rezenten und fossilen Messreihe unterstützen.
Kontakt:Dullo, Wolf-Christian

UnivIS ist ein Produkt der Config eG, Röttenbach
  • PD Dr. Frank Melzner
    Curriculum Coordinator
    Hohenbergstrasse 2
    Room 13
    Phone: +49 (0)431 600-4274
    E-mail: fmelzner(at)

    Dr. Jörg Süling
    Study Coordinator
    Hohenbergstr. 2
    Room 006
    Phone: +49 (0)431 600-4454 / -4508
    E-mail: jsueling(at)
    Consultation Tuesday 2-3 pm and Thursday 8-9 am - currently via zoom

    Annegret Stuhr
    Room 323
    Phone: +49 431 600-4028
    Email: astuhr(at)

  • OLAT is the central online learning platform of CAU. On OLAT you always find recent material for lectures, seminars etc. 

  • Exam registration: If you encounter exam registration problems please contact exam office biology (Office Examination Board (web)).

    Generally: for imported courses and courses outside of M. Sc. Biological Oceanography please always contact the person in charge of the module you are attending and the corresponding exam office.


    Students service

  • Chairman of Examination Board

    Prof. Dr. Thorsten Reusch
    Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel
    Düsternbrooker Weg 20
    24105 Kiel
    Room: A 31
    Phone: +49 431 600-4550
    E-Mail: treusch(at)

    Office Examination Board (web)

    Marianne Lange  Tel. 0431/880-3724 (Raum E 50)
    Ines Wetzel   Tel. 0431/880-4157 (Raum E 51)

    Prüfungsamt Biologie
    Am Botanischen Garten 7
    24118 Kiel
    FAX 0431/880-5704


  • Next application period: March 1 to April 15, 2025!

    More information at "how to aply"