Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 

Segler, P. ; Vanselow, K.H., ; Schlachter, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Kaiser, Frederik ; Schulz, Carsten:
Dietary carbohyrates induce a higher SDA than lipids in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) basend on environmental temperature .
In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B (2023), S. 267

Hasenpusch, Philipp ; Seidel, Anita ; Hasler, Mario ; Thaller durch, Prof. Dr. G.:
Einfluss verschiedener Bodenbeläge auf die Aktivität von Milchkühen .
In: Züchtungskunde 95 (2023), Nr. 6, S. 400-411

Segler, P. ; Vanselow, K.H. ; Schlachter, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Schulz, Carsten:
SDA coeeficient is temperature dependent in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum 1792) in a practical approach using group respirometry .
In: Biochemistry and Physiology (2023), S. 265

Segler, P. ; Vanselow, K.H. ; Schlachter, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Kaiser, Frederik ; Schulz, Carsten:
The thermal dependence of the protein-sparing effect in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) .
In: Journal of Fish Biology (2023), Nr. 102, S. 32-43

GIEBICHENSTEIN. J., ; GIEBICHENSTEIN. J., ; Hasler, Mario ; Schulz, Carsten ; Ueberschär, Bernd:
Comparing the performance of four commercial microdiets in an early weaning protocol for European seabass larvae (Dicentrarchus labrax) .
In: Aquaculture Research (2022), Nr. 53, S. 2

Horst, A. ; Gertz, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Krieter, Joachim:
Pig Organ Lesions Recorded in Different Abattoirs: A Statistical Approach to Assess the Comparability of Prevalence. .
In: Agriculture (2020), Nr. 10(8), S. 319

MICHL., S.C. ; RATTEN, J-M. ; BEYER, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; LAROCHE, J. ; Schulz, Carsten:
A diet-change modulates the previously established bacterial gut community in juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta). .
In: Scientific Reports (2019), Nr. 9, S. 2339

FICKLER, A. ; STAATS, S. ; Hasler, Mario ; MICHL, C., ; Rimbach, Gerald ; Schulz, Carsten:
Combination of dietary Ahiflower oil and equol enhances LC-PUFA levels in rainbow trout tissues. .
In: Lipids (2019), Nr. 53, S. 1069-1083

FICKLER, A ; STAATS, S ; Hasler, Mario ; Rimbach, Gerald ; Schulz, Carsten:
Dietary Buglossoides arvensis oil as a potential candidate to substitute fish oil in rainbow trout diets .
In: Lipids (2018), Nr. 53(8), S. 809-823

Naya, A. ; Traulsen, Imke ; Gertz, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Burfeind, O. ; Grossebeilage, E., ; Krieter, Joachim:
Is tail biting in growing pigs reduced by a prolonged suckling period?
In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science (2018),

Hasler, Mario ; Hothorn, Ludwig A.:
Multi-arm trials with multiple primary endpoints and missing values .
In: Statistics in Medicine 37 (2018), Nr. 5, S. 710-721
Stichwörter:  correlated endpoints; missing values; multiple contrast tests; multiplicity adjustment; multivariate t distribution

Veit, C. ; Büttner, K. ; Traulsen, Imke ; Gertz, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; Burfeind, O. ; große Beilage, E. ; Krieter, Joachim:
The effect of mixing piglets after weaning on the occurrence of tail-biting during rearing .
In: Livestock Science (2017), Nr. 201, S. 70-73

Michl, S.C. ; Ratten, J-M. ; Beyer, M. ; Hasler, Mario ; LaRoche, J. ; Schulz, Carsten:
The Malleable Gut Microbiome of Juvenile Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Diet-Dependent Shifts of Bacterial Community Structures. .
In: PLOS ONE (2017),

Hasler, Mario:
An illustration to assist in comparing and remembering several multiplicity adjustment methods .
In: Teaching Statistics 39 (2016), Nr. 1, S. 14-15
Stichwörter:  Teaching statistics; Multiple comparisons; Family-wise error type I; Multiplicity adjustment

Hasler, Mario:
Heteroscedasticity: multiple degrees of freedom vs. sandwich estimation .
In: Statistical Papers 57 (2016), S. 55-68
Stichwörter:  Family wise error type I; Heteroscedasticity; Multiple contrast tests; Multivariate t-distribution; Sandwich estimation

Veit, C. ; Traulsen, Imke ; Hasler, Mario ; Tölle, KH. ; Burfeind, O. ; Große-Beilage, E. ; Krieter, Joachim:
Influence of raw material on the occurrence of tail-biting in undocked pigs. .
In: Livestock Science (2016), Nr. 191, S. 125-131

Hasler, Mario:
Comment on multiple comparisons with a control under heteroscedasticity .
In: Journal of Applied Statistics 42 (2015), Nr. 8, S. 1757–1758
Stichwörter:  Multiple comparisons; Heteroscedasticity; Multivariate t-distribution

Svoboda, Nikolai ; Taube, Friedhelm ; Kluß, Christof ; Wienforth, Babette ; Sieling, Klaus ; Hasler, Mario ; Kage, Henning ; Ohl, Susanne ; Hartung, Eberhard ; Herrmann, Antje:
Ecological Efficiency of Maize-Based Cropping Systems for Biogas Production .
In: BioEnergy Research (2015),

Geilfus, Christoph-Martin ; Niehaus, Karsten ; Gödde, Victoria ; Hasler, Mario ; Zörb, Christian ; Gorzolka, Karin ; Jezek, Mareike ; Senbayram, Mehmet ; Ludwig-Müller, Jutta ; Mühling, Karl H.:
Fast responses of metabolites in Vicia faba L. to moderate NaCl stress .
In: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 92 (2015), S. 19-29

Geilfus, C.-M. ; Niehaus, K. ; Gödde, V. ; Hasler, Mario ; Zörb, C. ; Gorzolka, K. ; Jezek, M. ; Senbayram, M. ; Ludwig-Müller, J. ; Mühling, Karl H.:
Fast responses of metabolites in Vicia faba L. to moderate NaCl stress. .
In: Plant Physiology and Biochemnistry (2015), Nr. 92, S. 19-29

Hasler, Mario:
Multiple Contrast Tests for Multiple Endpoints in the Presence of Heteroscedasticity .
In: The International Journal of Biostatistics 10 (2014), Nr. 1, S. 17-28
Stichwörter:  multiple contrast tests; multiple endpoints; heteroscedasticity; multivariate t-distribution; simultaneous confidence intervals

Zörb, Christian ; Mühling, Karl H. ; Hasler, Mario ; Gödde, Victoria ; Niehaus, Karsten ; Becker, Dirk ; Geilfus, Christoph-Martin:
Metabolomic responses in grain, ear, and straw of winter wheat under increasing sulfur treatment .
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science 176 (2013), Nr. 6, S. 964–970

Zörb, C. ; Mühling, Karl H. ; Hasler, Mario ; Gödde, V. ; Niehaus, K. ; Becker, D. ; Geilfus, C.-M. :
Metabolomic responses in grain, ear, and straw of winter wheat under increasing sulphur fertilization rates. .
In: Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science (2013), Nr. 176, S. 964-970

Hasler, Mario ; Böhlendorf, Kathrin :
Multiple comparisons for multiple endpoints in agricultural experiments .
In: Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 18 (2013), Nr. 4, S. 578–593
Stichwörter:  Correlated endpoints; Multiple contrast tests; Multiplicity adjustment; Simultaneous confidence intervals

Hasler, Mario:
Multiple contrasts for repeated measures .
In: The International Journal of Biostatistics 9 (2013), Nr. 1, S. 49-61
Stichwörter:  repeated measures; multiple contrasts; sandwich estimator; multivariate t-distribution; familywise error type I

Zörb, Christian ; Becker, Dirk ; Hasler, Mario ; Mühling, Karl H. ; Gödde, Victoria ; Niehaus, Karsten ; Geilfus, Christoph-Martin:
Silencing of the sulfur rich a-gliadin storage protein family in wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L.) causes no unintended side-effects on other metabolites .
In: Frontiers in Plant Science 4 (2013), Nr. 369, S. 1-7

Zörb, C. ; Becker, D. ; Hasler, Mario ; Mühling, Karl H. ; Gödde, V. ; Niehaus, K. ; Geilfus, C.-M. :
Silencing of the sulphur rich a-gliadin storage protein family in wheat grains (Triticum aestivum L.) causes no unintended side-effects on other metabolites. .
In: Frontiers in Plant Science (2013), Nr. 4, S. 369

Hasler, Mario ; Hothorn, Ludwig A.:
Simultaneous confidence intervals on multivariate non-inferiority .
In: Statistics in Medicine 32 (2013), Nr. 10, S. 1720–1729

Hasler, Mario ; Hothorn, Ludwig A.:
A multivariate Williams-type trend procedure .
In: Statistics in Biopharmaceutical Research 4 (2012), S. 57-65

Hasler, Mario:
Multiple comparisons to both a negative and a positive control .
In: Pharmaceutical Statistics 11 (2012), S. 74-81

Hasler, Mario ; Hothorn, Ludwig A.:
A Dunnett-type procedure for multiple endpoints .
In: The International Journal of Biostatistics 7 (2011), Nr. 1, S. Article 3

Hasler, Mario:
Multiple contrast tests for multiple endpoints .
Kiel : CAU. 2010
(01). - Interner Bericht. 16 Seiten

Bohne, Heike ; Hasler, Mario:
Relation between growth and nutrient content of field-grown tree nursery crops .
In: European Journal of Horticulture Science 74 (2009), Nr. 5, S. 227–233

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