Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 

Environmental Valuation (VWLerEnVa-02a) (030236)

Prof. Dr. Katrin Rehdanz

Vorlesung, 2 SWS, ECTS-Studium, ECTS-Credits: 6
Zeit und Ort: Di 12:15 - 13:45, WSP1 - R.505
vom 14.4.2024 bis zum 14.7.2024
1. Prüfungstermin (Klausur am Ende der Vorlesungszeit eines Semesters): 15.7.2024, 10:00 - 12:00 Uhr, Raum CAP2 - Hörsaal C

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Module Code: VVWLerEnVa-02a
Module Number: 3040202
Exam Number: 41730
Exam type according to FPO: Module Exam (Modulprüfung)
Specific exam type in summer term 2024:

The number of ECTS Credits as well as the admission to the examination for this module is determined by the information regarding this module in the FPO (Examination Regulations) of your program (possibly only in the Appendix of the German version). If this module is not explicitly listed in your FPO, please check at the beginning of the semester about admission options. Typically, admission to the examination of this module is not possible in this case. An overview for all programs which can choose modules of the Institute of Economics can also be found here: Nebenfach Volkswirtschaftslehre – Handbuch für Exportmodule (Minor in Economics - Handbook of Export Modules). You can also check in advance in QIS whether you can find this module listed there in the overview for exam registration, with the exam number mentioned in univis. Registration to the exam is only possible during the registration period. If you still have questions after reviewing these documents, please contact your student advisor (Studienfachberater).

DE: Weitere Informationen finden Sie auf OLAT: link folgt

ENG: More information can be found on OLAT: link folgt

Bitte beachten: Die Klausur dauert 60 Minuten.

Remember: The exam takes 60 minutes of time.

The course provides a rigorous treatment of the theory of monetising the value of environmental externalities, focusing on the neo-classical approach but also discussing its alternatives. The student will learn about the categories of economic value assigned to the natural environment, and the distinction between use and non-use values. We will work through the utility theory on which environmental valuation techniques are based and learn how the individual approaches infer use and/or non-use values.

1. Introduction; The nature of value
2. Demand and welfare theory
3. Hedonic pricing
4. Production function approaches
5. Contingent valuation
6. Choice modelling
7. Life-satisfaction approach
8. Benefit transfer and meta-analysis
9. Cost-Benefit-Analysis

Empfohlene Literatur
  • Phaneuf, D.J. and T. Requate (2016). A course in environmental economics: theory, policy, and practice. Cambridge University Press.
  • Perman,R., Ma, Y., Common, M., Maddison, D. and J. McGilvray(2011) Natural Resource and Environmental Economics, Pearson Education, Harlow, 4th edition
  • Champ, P.A., Boyle, K.J. and T.C. Brown (eds.) (2003) A Primer on Nonmarket Valuation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht
  • Freeman III, A.M. (2003) The Measurement of Environmental and Resource Values, Resources for the Future, Washington D.C.
  • Hanley, N. and E.B. Barbier (2009) Pricing nature: Cost-benefit analysis and environmental policy, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 28

Zugeordnete Lehrveranstaltungen
UE: Tutorial Environmental Valuation
Dozentinnen/Dozenten: Dr. Sonja Köke, Peer Lasse Hinrichsen, M.Sc.

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