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Semester: SS 2023 

Seminar in International Economics – Geopolitics and International Economics (VWL-IntEc-Sem / VWLieInEcSem-02a) (030103)

Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch

Seminar, 2 SWS, benoteter Schein
Praesenzveranstaltung, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Zeit und Ort: Einzeltermin am 9.6.2023, Raum n.V.
Bemerkung zu Zeit und Ort: Orientation Meeting: 05.04.2023 (Mittwochg) von 10-12 Uhr (IfW Common-Room A-111) Seminartermin/Präsentationen: 09.06.2023 (Freitag), ganzer Tag (IfW Paul Nortz Saal)

Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches
Modulcode: VWL-IntEc-Sem / VWLieInEcSem-02a
Modulnummer: 3069100 / 3069101
Prüfungsnummer: 41440
Exam type according to FPO: Seminar contribution (Seminarbeitrag)
Specific exam type in summer term 2023:

The number of ECTS Credits as well as the admission to the examination for this module is determined by the information regarding this module in the FPO (Examination Regulations) of your program (possibly only in the Appendix of the German version). If this module is not explicitly listed in your FPO, please check at the beginning of the semester about admission options. Typically, admission to the examination of this module is not possible in this case. An overview for all programs which can choose modules of the Institute of Economics can also be found here: Nebenfach Volkswirtschaftslehre – Handbuch für Exportmodule (Minor in Economics - Handbook of Export Modules). You can also check in advance in QIS whether you can find this module listed there in the overview for exam registration, with the exam number mentioned in univis. Registration to the exam is only possible during the registration period. If you still have questions after reviewing these documents, please contact your student advisor (Studienfachberater).

The registration for seminars of the Institute of Economics takes place in the previous semester via the Olat course "Seminar Registration MA-VWL" . Before the start of the seminar you either take part in the Seminar Preparation Course (4 hours, offered by the ZBW) or in the Module "Research and Scientific Writing" (VWLswScWr-02a). This prepares you for scientific work in economics and is therefore a prerequisite for a successful participation in the seminar.

Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)

The rise of China is reshaping the global political and economic order and creates growing tensions with the established global power – the United States. How will the US-Sino conflict play out in the coming years and decades? While a major global conflict is not unthinkable, a more likely scenario is a dispute through non-military means, in particular via “economic warfare” or “geo-economics”, which can be defined as the use of economic tools to advance geopolitical objectives. Such warfare has now taken place, on a major scale, in the context of the Russia-Ukraine war. This course will focus on fascinating questions at the intersection of geopolitics and international economics. Students taking this course will learn how to search for and critically discuss the academic literature in this field. Moreover, students will train how to debate economic and political questions in a professional manner.
We will focus on the following tentative set of questions, but are also open for student suggestions (for example, if there is more demand for China-related questions

Guiding questions
Geopolitics and international goods and asset flows
1. Does geopolitics shape international trade?
2. Does geopolitics shape international investments?
Aid and international institutions
3. Are international organizations such as the IMF or the UN politically biased?
4. Is foreign aid politically biased?
The political economy of sanctions and conflict
5. Do economic sanctions significantly impact the targeted economy?
6. Do economic sanctions destabilize the targeted country’s government?
7. Can trade promote peace?
8. Does foreign military intervention foster local conflict?
China’s rise and geopolitics
9. Is China pursuing “debt trap diplomacy”?

Term paper
The term papers (10-15 pages) will focus on one of the 9 research questions above and we plan to assign each topic to two students. The paper should discuss evidence both for and against the question at hand, by drawing on the most relevant research on the topic. Specifically, the paper should focus on the most central contributions and discuss these in detail, i.e., the theoretical framing, the data, the identification strategy, and potential flaws. Good papers provide a well-founded overview of the literature and show an understanding of the models and empirical techniques.

The presentation will take the form of an academic debate between students. Each student should take a strong position in favor or against the question by describing the most relevant insights/evidence for that position. The idea of the debate is to make the presentation livelier and more interesting, and to train students to use good academic research for an informed policy discussion.

Replication exercise
In addition to the term paper, students will be expected to replicate and possibly extend and criticize an influential empirical contribution in this field of research (using readily available datasets and standard software like Stata or R). To keep the workload low, the econometric replication exercise should be done in teams of three or four and need not be written down (showing the results during the presentation suffices).

The course language is English. The paper and the presentation should be in English as well. The formal course requirements are a written paper and an oral presentation.

Timeline and dates
The orientation meeting will take place at the start of the semester (in April) and the main seminar will take place on 2 full days in mid-June. You will thus have ample time to write the paper and prepare the replication exercise and we will finish well ahead of the exam period. All details will be discussed at the orientation meeting in April 2023 (tentatively on April 6th, 2023, we may offer a hybrid meeting).

All details will be discussed at the orientation meeting, on April 5th, 2023 - 10-12h (IfW Common-Room A-111)
Seminar will take place on 09.06.2023 at Seminartermin/Präsentationen: 09.06.2023 whole day (IfW Paul Nortz Saal(HWC))

Prof. Dr. Christoph Trebesch mailto:christoph.trebesch@ifw-kiel.de Website: https://www.ifw-kiel.de/de/experten/ifw/christoph-trebesch/
Johannes Marzian mailto:johannes.marzian@ifw-kiel.de Website: https://www.ifw-kiel.de/de/experten/ifw/johannes-marzian/

Zusätzliche Informationen
Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 15

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