Informationssystem der Universität Kiel © Config eG 
Semester: SS 2024 

Benthic foraminifera in moderate polluted environment: a case study from Kiel Bight (SW Baltic Sea)

Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld
Beteiligte:Anna Nikulina, M.Sc., Dr. rer. nat. Irina Polovodova, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer
Otto Schmidt Labor Program "Dynamics of Northern Eurasian Environments"
Otto Schmidt Labor für Polar- und Meeresforschung, St. Petersburg
Fakultät für Geographie und Geoökologie, Staatliche Universität St.Petersburg
Laufzeit:1.10.2005 - 30.9.2008
Inhalt und Ziele:The project focuses on the recent and long-term foraminiferal response to environmental changes due to natural climatic and hydrographic variability and anthropogenic impact. We have monitored living benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the Kiel Bight (SW Baltic Sea) in 2005 - 2007 under moderate pollution from shipyards, harbours and intensive traffic. First results showed that the dominant environmental forcing of benthic foraminifera is the food supply in Kiel fjord and the salinity in Flensburg Fjord. A comparison with previous data from the 1930s and 1960s revealed apparent changes in species composition and population densities during the past decades. These changes and a significant increase of test abnormality frequencies indicates enforced environmental stress. In order to better constrain the reasons, boundary conditions, and baselines for such alterations in foraminiferal communities, surface sediment samples and short sediment cores are studied for tracing the historical environmental changes.
Kontakt:Schönfeld, Joachim
Telefon +49 431 600-2315, E-Mail: jschoenfeld@geomar.de
  1. Schönfeld, Joachim ; Numberger, Lea:
    Seasonal dynamics and decadal changes of benthic foraminiferal assemblages in the western Baltic Sea (NW Europe) .
    In: Journal of Micropalaeontology 26 (2007), S. 47-60
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; Foraminifera; assemblages; phytoplankton; environmental change; Baltic Sea
  2. Schönfeld, Joachim ; Numberger, Lea:
    The benthic foraminiferal response to the 2004 spring bloom in the western Baltic Sea .
    In: Marine Micropaleontology 65 (2007), S. 78-95
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; Baltic Sea; Spring bloom; Benthic foraminifera; Phytopigments; Stable isotopes

Changing habitats of calcareous plankton in the Greenhouse World

Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld
Beteiligte:Dipl.-Geol. Almuth Harbers, Prof. Dr. Frank Melzner, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Ulf Riebesell, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Anton Eisenhauer, Dr. rer. nat. Hanno Kinkel, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Kuhnt, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Michael Kucera
Förderer:Exzellenzcluster "Ozean der Zukunft"
Universität Kiel
Universität Tübingen
Laufzeit:1.9.2007 - 30.8.2009
Inhalt und Ziele:The objectives of our research project are to document historical changes in the assemblage composition and habitat depth of calcareous planktonic organisms in relation to changes in the physical and chemical parameters and stratification of the surface ocean due to recent global warming. Changes in the size, weight, chemical, and isotopic composition of carbonate shells are to be assessed. The main focus of the investigation is on planktonic foraminifers and pteropods.

Foraminiferal shell loss in the Flensburg Fjord (SW Baltic Sea). Living benthic communities under the risk due to acidification?

Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld
Beteiligte:Dr. rer. nat. Irina Polovodova, Prof. Dr. Michael Spindler, (pens.), Prof. Dr. Frank Melzner
Förderer:Exzellenzcluster "Ozean der Zukunft"
Universität Kiel, Institut für Polar Ökologie
Laufzeit:1.2.2009 - 30.11.2009
Inhalt und Ziele:This project aims to better constrain the factors influencing carbonate saturation and foraminiferal shell loss in sediments and to establish the reaction of the foraminifer Ammonia beccarii to different pCO2 in seawater. For these purposes seasonal changes in pH, total alkalinity and foraminiferal communities are to be monitored over the year 2009. Specimens of A. beccarii will be cultured to determine their growth rates under different pCO2, and to establish the critical thresholds for calcification, reproduction and growth.

Geochemische Charakterisierung von Planktonforaminiferen in der Karibik

Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Nürnberg
Förderer:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Stichwörter:Planktische Foraminiferen, Mg/Ca-Temperaturen, stabile Isotope
Laufzeit:1.12.2011 - 30.11.2014
Inhalt und Ziele:Frühere Studien von Mg/Ca Verhältnissen und stabilen Sauerstoffisotopen in Planktonforaminiferen aus karibischen Oberflächenproben zeigten eine hohe Datenvariabilität bei Jahresmittel-Temperaturen von über 26°C. Das führte zu einer substanziellen Unsicherheit bei Rekonstruktionen von Paläotemperaturen und Salzgehalten mit diesen Proxies. Plankton-Studien zeigten einen Einfluss der saisonalen Stratifizierung auf die Tiefenverbreitung flachlebender Arten in der südlichen Karibik. Daraus ergibt sich die Frage, ob wechselnde Habitate die große Streuung von Mg/Ca und stabilen d18O Werten bei hohen Temperaturen bewirken können. Um diese Hypothese zu prüfen, werden wir eine neue geochemische Charakterisierung von Planktonforaminiferen der Karibik vornehmen. Wir konzentrieren uns auf oberflächennahe, thermoklinen- und tieflebende Arten, die wir auf der Meteor-Reise M78/1 mit Pumpproben und Multinetzfängen zusammen direkten hydrographischen Messungen gesammelt haben. Die Untersuchungsziele sind Habitat- und Kalzifizierungstiefen einzugrenzen, die artspezifische Fraktionierung von d18O Werten und Spurenmetallkonzentrationen zu bestimmen, und den möglichen Einfluss kryptischer genetischer Diversitäten abzuschätzen. Der Einfluss von Sekundärkalzit auf die chemische Signatur der Gehäuse soll quantifiziert werden. Neue Temperaturkalibrierungen sollen mit Isotopen- und Spurenmetallmessungen an vormals lebenden Exemplaren und Wasserproben sowie mit ozeanographischen Messungen erstellt werden. Diese Kalibrierungen werden erheblich präzisere Paläorekonstruktionen von karibischen Oberflächenwasser-Temperaturen, Salinitäten und Dichtegradienten erlauben, als es mit bisherigen Eichkurven möglich war, die auf Jahresmittel-Temperaturen und Messungen an Oberflächensedimenten beruhen.
Kontakt:Schönfeld, Joachim
Telefon +49 431 600-2315, E-Mail: jschoenfeld@geomar.de

HERMES: Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas

Projektleitung:Dr. rer. nat. Olaf Pfannkuche
Beteiligte:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo, Dr. rer. nat. Peter Linke, Leiter Technik-und Logistikzentrum, Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld, Dr. rer. nat. Andres Rüggeberg
Förderer:Europäische Union
National Oceanography Centre Southampton
Stichwörter:Meeresbiologie, Paläozeanologie, Meeresgeologie
Laufzeit:1.4.2005 - 31.3.2009
Inhalt und Ziele:HERMES is designed to gain new insights into the biodiversity, structure, function and dynamics of ecosystems along Europe's deep-ocean margin to underpin the future development of a comprehensive European Ocean and Seas Integrated Governance Policy. It represents the first major attempt to understand European deep-water ecosystems and their environment in an integrated way (geosphere, hydrosphere, biospere and pan-European range), rather than at a specific site or in one region. HERMES aims to compare and contrast selected environments around the European margin from Norway to the Black Sea, which, by virtue of their geographical locations, have different environmental settings. In particular, HERMES will focus on hotspots that are strongly physically mediated and associated with dynamic geological and/or hydrogeological structures, such as unstable slope systems, canyons, deep-water corals, cold seeps and anoxic microbial systems. These important systems require  urgent study because of their possible biological fragility, global relevance to carbon cycling and/or susceptibility to catastrophic events and to global change. The pressure to improve understanding of the deep-water ecosystems is great because man's exploitation of the deep European margin is progressing rapidly. Hydrocarbons are flowing from deep-sea sediments, increasing numbers of communication cables are being laid and traditional fish stocks have declined severely causing increased bottom trawling to depths as great as 1500 m. To what extent do these activities interfere with ecosystems, how vulnerable are ecosystems to man's intrusions and how quickly are they able to recover? How can we mitigate man's activities and reach a sustainable balance in accord with international treaties? What is the likely effect of global change on a ecosystem's ability to provide 'goods and services' and on our attempts to manage them? HERMES will address five key questions. Specifically, the main objectives of HERMES are: 1. To understand better the natural drivers that control ecosystems 2. To understand better the biodiversity and ecosystem function of hotspot ecosystems 3. To forcast changes in biodiversity and ecosystem functioning linked to global change 4. To develop concepts and strategies for sustainable use of marine resources 5. To provide an integrated framework for data management, education and outreach

LOOP: Die Variabilität des LOOP Stromsystems und seine Beziehung zur thermohalinen Zirkulation und zum Mississippi-Ausstrom

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Nürnberg
Beteiligte:Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld, Dr. rer. nat. Sascha Flögel, Priv.-Doz. Dr. Carsten Eden, Tiedemann, R., Dr. rer. nat. André Bahr, Dipl.-Geogr. Tanja C. Mildner
Förderer:DFG, Schwerpunktprogramm "INTERDYNAMIK"
Alfred-Wegener Institut für Polar und Meeresforschung, Bremerhaven
Laufzeit:1.10.2007 - 31.5.2010
Inhalt und Ziele:Unser Projekt hat zum Ziel, die Dynamik und Veränderlichkeit des LOOP Current im Golf von Mexiko (GOM) während der Interglazialstadien 1 und 5 zu untersuchen. Dazu werden wir die Veränderlichkeit des Mississippi Frischwasserausstromes während der Deglaziation und seine Beziehung zur thermohalinen Zirkulation im Atlantik abschätzen. Mit unserem interdisziplinären Ansatz, der paläozeanographische Arbeitsweisen mit numerischen Ozean/Klimamodellen vereinigt, wollen wir die regionale Veränderlichkeit in der Ausdehnung des LOOP Current sowie die zeitliche und räumliche Veränderlichkeit der Flußzufuhr und der hydrographischen Verhältnisse im Golf von Mexiko rekonstruieren. Dabei werden wir Übereinstimmungen bzw. Unterschiede zwischen den regionalen hydrographischen Ereignissen im Golf und dem umgebenden Kontinentalklima sowie der thermohalinen Zirkulation im Atlantik aufzeigen. Kernfragen sind, inwieweit ein Frischwassersignal die Oberflächenhydrographie des Golfes beeinflussen kann, innerhalb des Golf bzw. bis in den Atlantik zu verfolgen ist und inwieweit eine solche Frischwasseranomalie die großskalige Ozeanzirkulation beeinflussen kann. Wir werden moderne geochemisch-paläozeanographische Methoden (z.B. Mg/Ca und d18O in Foraminiferen) an verschiedenen Sedimentkernen anwenden, die im Einflußbereich des LOOP Current/Golfstrom-System liegen, um die oberflächennahe Ozeantemperatur, den Salzgehalt, Thermoklinen- und Pycnoklinen-Tiefen und deren Gradienten mit hoher zeitlicher Auflösung (> 100 Jahre) zu rekonstruieren. Ein bereits existierendes "Wirbel- auflösendes" Modell (FLAME) wird verwendet, um die Ausdehnung des LOOP Current und die Veränderlichkeit der Golf-Hydrographie für verschiedene klimatische Szenarien sowie Mississippi-Ausflußvarianten zu modellieren. Die Modelle sollen dann mit den paläozeanographischen Rekonstruktionen abgeglichen werden.
Kontakt:Nürnberg, Dirk
Telefon +49 431 600-2313, E-Mail: dnuernberg@geomar.de
  1. Nürnberg, Dirk ; Ziegler, M. ; Karas, Cyrus ; Tiedemann, R. ; Schmidt, M.:
    Interacting Loop Current variability and Mississippi discharge over the past 400 kyrs .
    Vortrag: European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2008,
    Wien, 13.4.2008
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]
  2. Nürnberg, Dirk ; Ziegler, Martin ; Karas, Cyrus ; Tiedemann, Ralf ; Schmidt, Matthew:
    Interacting loop current variability and Mississippi River discharge over the past 400 kyrs .
    In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (2008), Nr. 1/2, S. 278-289
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; Loop Current; Gulf of Mexico; Mississippi River discharge; ITCZ; thermohaline circulation; foraminiferal geochemistry
  3. Ziegler, Martin ; Nürnberg, Dirk ; Karas, Cyrus ; Tiedemann, Ralf ; Lourens, Lucas J.:
    Persistent summer expansion of the Atlantic Warm Pool during glacial abrupt cold events .
    In: Nature Geoscience 1 (2008), Nr. 9, S. 601-605
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]
  4. Bahr, André ; Nürnberg, Dirk ; Schönfeld, Joachim ; Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter:
    Hydrological variability in Florida Straits during Marine Isotope Stage 5 cold events .
    In: Paleoceanography 26 (2011),
    Stichwörter:  Florida Straits, foraminifereal Mg/Ca, AMOC
  5. Kujau, Ariane ; Nürnberg, Dirk ; Zielhofer, Christoph ; Bahr, André ; Röhl, Ursula:
    Mississippi River discharge over the last ~560,000 years - Indications from X-ray fluorescence core-scanning .
    In: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 298 (2010), S. 311-318
    Stichwörter:  Mississippi discharge, Pleistocene, XRF-scanning

Pleistozäne Zwischenwasser und Tiefenwasserzirkulation im SW-Pazifik

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. Thiedemann, Ralf, Dr. rer. nat. Sturm, Arne, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Nürnberg, Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld
Beteiligte:Steph, Silke, Nadine Gehre
Stichwörter:SPP IMAGES
Laufzeit:1.1.2006 - 31.12.2007
Inhalt und Ziele:Summary We intend to investigate the glacial/interglacial variability of intermediate- and deep-water circulation in the SW PaciÞc. This study will focus on the role of glacial deep- and bottom-waters formed in the vicinity of the Ross Sea. Own previous results from the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean depict the Ross Sea as a major glacial source for deep-waters that ventilated the deep PaciÞc. To verify this hypothesis, we propose to take Þve new IMAGES cores on an intermediate to deep-water transect between 900 and 4,000 m water depth in the SW PaciÞc sector of the Southern Ocean. The setting provides an excellent opportunity to assess the causal relationships between upper-ocean stratiÞcation (temperature, salinity and nutrient gradients) and changes in intermediate- to deep-water formation, circulation and carbonate chemistry. These reconstructions will be based on planktonic (shallow- and deep-dwelling) and benthic Mg/Ca, d18O and d13C records indicative of changes in temperature, salinity, nutrients and the degree of ventilation.
Kontakt:Nürnberg, Dirk
Telefon +49 431 600-2313, E-Mail: dnuernberg@geomar.de

RASTA: Rapid Climate Changes in the Western Tropical Atlantic - Assessment of the biogenous and sedimentary record

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolf-Christian Dullo, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Nürnberg, Prof. Dr. Gerold Wefer
Beteiligte:Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld, Dr. rer. nat. Marcus Regenberg
Förderer:Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF)
University Bremen, Geosciences
University Kiel, Inst. for Geosciences
Stichwörter:Paläoklima, Paläoozeanologie
Laufzeit:1.3.2002 - 30.6.2004
Inhalt und Ziele:The Caribbean is an ideal place to study the sensitive and delicate Ocean/Climate System and its response to rapid climate variations during the last, early Glacial (Dansgaard/Oeschger-Cycles) as well as the resulting environmental changes at low latitudes. The scope of the project proposed comprises studies on the interrelated processes of global climate variations, sea level changes, sea surface temperature variations, deep and intermediate water hydrography, and the resulting fluctuations in the assemblage composition of marine biota in a confined marginal sea. Emphasis is given to the paleoceanographical processes during the late Quaternary, in particular during the highly dynamic Oxygen Isotope Stages 2 and 3, and their comparison with the Holocene to recent situation. Two largely interrelated sub-projects, and an accompanied pilot study contribute to the achievement of theses goals from different perspectives with innovative methods. The basis for the studies is a 37 days research cruise with R/V Sonne (SO-164, 22nd Mai - 28th June 2002) to the Caribbean. The marine-geological expedition comprises hydroacoustic surveys, sampling of bottom sediments, and long piston coring. The deployment of the submersible JAGO will allow a detailed mapping of sea bottom structures, reef morphology and well-defined sampling at shallow depth around the Windward Islands. Hydrocasts, water sampling and plankton tows will accomplish the sedimento-logical studies with ground- trouth data on the recent oceanography.

The three sub-projects concentrate on the following topics: Sub-project 1 (Dullo): Sea-level variability and carbonate export around the Lesser Antilles

Subproject 2 (Wefer, Nürnberg): Variability of paleo-sea surface temperatures and variations in thermocline depths in the Caribbean

Pilot study (Kuhnt, Schönfeld): Impact of the Gulf-Stream on sedimentary environments and benthic communities in the southern Florida Straits (GOLDFLOS)
Kontakt:Nürnberg, Dirk
Telefon +49 431 600-2313, E-Mail: dnuernberg@geomar.de
  1. Regenberg, Marcus ; Nürnberg, Dirk ; Steph, Silke ; Groeneveld, Jeroen ; Garbe-Schönberg, C.-Dieter ; Tiedemann, Ralf ; Dullo, Wolf-Christian:
    Assessing the effect of dissolution on planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca ratios: Evidence from Caribbean core tops .
    In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (2006), Nr. 7, S. Q07P15
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]
  2. Nürnberg, Dirk ; Schönfeld, Joachim ; Dullo, Wolf-Christian ; Rühlemann, C.:
    RASTA Rapid climate changes in the western tropical Atlantic - Assessment of the biogenous and sedimentary record. R/V SONNE cruise report SO164 .
    Kiel : GEOMAR Forschungszentrum, 2003
    (GEOMAR Report Bd. 109)
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/POZ]
  3. Steph, Silke ; Regenberg, Marcus ; Tiedemann, Ralf ; Mulitza, Stefan ; Nürnberg, Dirk:
    Stable isotopes of planktonic foraminifera from tropical Atlantic/Caribbean coretops: implications for reconstructing upper ocean stratification .
    In: Marine Micropaleontology 71 (2009), S. 1-19
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; stable isotopes; planktonic foraminifera; thermocline depth; tropical Atlantic/Caribbean core top samples
  4. Regenberg, Marcus ; Steph, Silke ; Nürnberg, Dirk ; Tiedemann, Ralf ; Garbe-Schönberg, Dieter:
    Calibrating Mg/Ca ratios of multiple planktonic foraminiferal species with δ18O-calcification temperatures: paleothermometry for the upper water column .
    In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 278 (2009), S. 324-336
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; Mg/Ca; stable oxygen isotope; planktonic foraminifera; calcification-temperature calibration; core-top sample; tropical Atlantic

Short-term changes in sea surface temperature in the Atlantic Warm Water Pool - Gulf of Mexico

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Nürnberg, Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld
Förderer:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Schwerpunktprogramm "IMAGES"
Tethys Geoconsulting GmbH
Stichwörter:Paläozeanologie, Paläoklimatologie, Meeresgeologie
Laufzeit:29.6.2002 - 30.7.2002
Inhalt und Ziele:Recent work on icecores from Greenland and Antarctica (e.g., Bender et al., 1994; Blunier et al., 1998) proved the correlation between short-term climatic events between the northern and southern hemisphere. Such interhemispheric teleconnections are closely linked to rapid changes of the oceans’s thermohaline circulation (e.g., Stocker, 1994). In this respect, the origin of the 200–2000 years lasting warm events during the glacials (Dansgaard/Oeschger events) and the role of the Atlantic circulation is not well understood (Bond et al. 1993, Cortijo et al. 1995; Fronval et al. 1995; Bond and Lotti, 1995; Rasmussen et al. 1996). The Carribean and the Gulf of Mexico are at key positions to document the paleoceanographic/climatic history of the tropical Atlantic and associated changes of cross-equatorial heat transport to the North Atlantic. In the framework of the IMAGES VII circum-Pacific initiative, we propose to take long piston cores in the DeSoto Canyon at the northern Florida Slope, and in the central part of the southern Strait of Florida. The primary objectives are to trace the paleoceanographic variability within the source area of the Gulf Stream system and associated changes in northward heat transport over the last two major glacial/interglacial cycles. Applied methods include the reconstruc-tion of sea-surface temperatures (SST) with planktic foraminiferal assemblages and geochemical proxy data (e.g., stable isotopes and trace metals in planktic foraminifers), and the documentation of varying water mass exchange through the Florida Strait using benthic foraminiferal assemblages.
Kontakt:Nürnberg, Dirk
Telefon +49 431 600-2313, E-Mail: dnuernberg@geomar.de
  1. Nürnberg, Dirk ; Ziegler, M. ; Karas, Cyrus ; Tiedemann, R. ; Schmidt, M.:
    Interacting Loop Current variability and Mississippi discharge over the past 400 kyrs .
    Vortrag: European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2008,
    Wien, 13.4.2008
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]
  2. Ziegler, Martin ; Nürnberg, Dirk ; Karas, Cyrus ; Tiedemann, Ralf ; Lourens, Lucas J.:
    Persistent summer expansion of the Atlantic Warm Pool during glacial abrupt cold events .
    In: Nature Geoscience 1 (2008), Nr. 9, S. 601-605
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]
  3. Nürnberg, Dirk ; Ziegler, Martin ; Karas, Cyrus ; Tiedemann, Ralf ; Schmidt, Matthew:
    Interacting loop current variability and Mississippi River discharge over the past 400 kyrs .
    In: Earth and Planetary Science Letters 272 (2008), Nr. 1/2, S. 278-289
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]; Loop Current; Gulf of Mexico; Mississippi River discharge; ITCZ; thermohaline circulation; foraminiferal geochemistry

SOCOZA: Dynamics of the Subtropical Convergence Zone off southern Australia

Projektleitung:Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Dirk Nürnberg, Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wolfgang Kuhnt, Dr. rer. nat. Ralf Tiedemann, Dr. rer. nat. Joachim Schönfeld
Förderer:Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
Institut für Geowissenschaften der Universität Kiel
Stichwörter:Paleoceanography, micropalaeontology, sedimentology, geochemistry
Laufzeit:17.2.2003 - 16.2.2004
Inhalt und Ziele:The main scientific objective of SOCOZA is to reconstruct the surface oceanography and the dynamics of deep water masses during late Pleistocene glacial/interglacial cycles in the northern Australian sector of the Southern Ocean. We focus on the position, extent and strengths of the Subtropical Convergence Zone and the Leeuwin Current, and attempt to describe their Late Pleistocene variations in higher resolution and greater detail than it has been possible before. Emphasis is likewise given to ”Atlantic” and ”Pacific-type” carbonate preservation cycles, the varying influence of different deep water masses on glacial/interglacial timescales, and the flux of organic matter to the sea floor as link to surface ocean production history. We propose four new IMAGES cores to be collected on a forthcoming R/V”Marion Dufresne” cruise to attain the goals of this project. Two cores to the west of Tasmania and Tasman Rise shall combine ODP Sites 1168 and 1170 to a north-south transect and will enable to monitor the variations of the Subtropical Convergence Zone. The other two cores shall be retrieved to the south of Cape Pasley in the centre and at the southern limit of today’s Leeuwin Current. They will allow to describe the dynamics of the warm-water current and glacial incursions of the Subtropical Convergence into this area. The sites will cover a depth range from 2500 to 4200 m to ensure that glacial-interglacial carbonate preservation cycles can be monitored.
Kontakt:Nürnberg, Dirk
Telefon +49 431 600-2313, E-Mail: dnuernberg@geomar.de
  1. Nürnberg, Dirk ; Brughmans, Natasja ; Schönfeld, Joachim ; Ninnemann, U. ; Dullo, Wolf-Christian:
    Paleo-export production, terrigenous flux and sea surface temperatures around Tasmania - implications for glacial/interglacial changes in the subtropical convergence Zone .
    In: Exon, N. ; Kennett, J. ; Malone, M. (Hrsg.) : The cenozoic southern ocean: tectonics, sedimentation and climate change between Australia and Antarctica.
    Washington, DC, USA : American Geophysical Union, 2004, (Geophysical Monograph Series Bd. 151), S. 291-318. - ISBN 0-87590-416-5
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/POZ]; [FB1/P-OZ]
  2. Nürnberg, Dirk ; Groeneveld, Jeroen:
    Pleistocene variability of the Subtropical Convergence at East Tasman Plateau - Evidence from planktonic foraminiferal Mg/Ca (ODP Site 1172A) .
    In: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 7 (2006), Nr. 4, S. Q04P11
    Stichwörter:  [FB1/P-OZ]

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