Maike Nicolai
Telefon: +49 431 600-2807
E-Mail: mnicolai(at)
Science-policy Dokumente am GEOMAR
Nicht-begutachtete Veröffentlichungen, die sich an Interessengruppen außerhalb der akademischen Wissenschaft richten.
Number of items: 96.
Carbon dioxide storage in geological formations below the German North Sea - Version 3.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.19_V3.
Kohlendioxid-Speicherung im tiefen Untergrund der deutschen Nordsee - Version 4.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.06_V4.
Policy Brief, Chancen und Hürden der marinen geologischen CO2-Speicherung.
CDRmare Research Mission, 14 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.15_V2.
Artificial upwelling: More power for the ocean’s biological carbon pump.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.31.
An assessment framework for marine carbon dioxide removal methods.
CDRmare Research Mission, 4 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.28.
A deep-sea experiment on carbon dioxide storage in oceanic crust - Version 2.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.21_V2.
The Earth’s natural carbon cycle – Carbon reservoir ocean: How the sea absorbs carbon dioxide - Version 2.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.24_V2.
Ein Bewertungsleitfaden für marine Kohlendioxid-Entnahme-Methoden - Version 2.
CDRmare Research Mission, 4 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.25_V2.
Ein Tiefsee-Experiment zur Kohlendioxid-Speicherung in ozeanischer Kruste - Version 3.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.10_V3.
Increased carbon storage through the expansion of marine meadows and forests.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.33.
Künstlicher Auftrieb: Mehr Power für die biologische Kohlenstoffpumpe des Meeres - Version 2.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.14_V2.
Minerale für eine verstärkte Kohlendioxid-Aufnahme
des Ozeans - Version 2.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.12_V2.
Minerals for enhanced carbon dioxide uptake by the ocean - Version 2.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.23_V2.
Verstärkte Kohlenstoff-Speicherung durch die Ausweitung der Wiesen und Wälder des Meeres - Version 2.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.08_V2.
Der natürliche Kohlenstoffkreislauf der Erde - Kohlenstoffspeicher Ozean: So nimmt das Meer Kohlendioxid auf - Version 2.
CDRmare Research Mission, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/CDRmare.04_V2.
Calado, H., Vergílio, M., Moniz, F., Grimmel, H., Monwar, M. M. and Papaioannou, E. A.
The Diverse Legal and Regulatory Framework for Marine Sustainability Policy in the North Atlantic – Horrendograms as Tools to Assist Circumnavigating Through a Sea of Different Maritime Policies.
In: Ocean Governance.
; 25
MARE Publication Series, 25
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 137-174.
ISBN 978-3-031-20740-2
DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-20740-2_7.
Partelow, S., Hadjimichael, M. and Hornidge, A. K., eds.
Ocean Governance - Knowledge Systems, Policy Foundations and Thematic Analyses.
MARE Publication Series, 25
Springer, Cham, Switzerland, 436 pp.
ISBN 978-3-031-20740-2
DOI 10.1007/978-3-031-20740-2.
Gregoire, M., Oschlies, A. , Canfield, D., Castro, C., Ciglenecki, I., Croot, P., Salin, K., Schneider, B., Serret, P., Slomp, C., Tesi, T. and Yücel, M.
Ocean Oxygen: the role of the Ocean in the oxygen we breathe and the threat of deoxygenation.
, ed. by
Rodriguez Perez, A., Kellett, P., Alexander, B., Muniz Piniella, A., Van Elslander, J. and Heymans, S. J. J..
Future Science Brief, 10
European Marine Board, Ostend, Belgium, 82 pp.
ISBN 9789464206180
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.7941157.
Ossing, F., Attinger, S., Jung, T., Visbeck, M. , Brune, S., Cotton, F. and Teichmann, C.
and Participants in the SynCom project "Digital Twins"
Synthesis paper Digital Twins of Planet Earth: First Draft for the General Assembly.
SynCom Helmholtz, 16 pp.
Chust, G., Corrales, X., Gonzáles, F., Villarino, E., Chifflet, M., Fernandes, J. A., Ibaibarriaga, L., Borja, Á., Arandu, M., Andonegui, E., González, M., Irigoien, X. and García, D., eds.
Marine biodiversity modelling study.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, 141 pp.
ISBN 978-92-76-58698-2
DOI 10.2777/213731.
Directorate-General for Environment (European Commission), Umweltbundesamt GmbH
Study on invasive alien species : Development of risk assessments to tackle priority species and enhance prevention : final report.
Publications Office of the European Union, 2097 pp.
ISBN 978-92-76-60195-1
DOI 10.2779/5726.
Böttcher, H., Schneider, L., Urrutia, C., Siemons, A. and Fallasch, F.
Land use as a sector for market mechanisms under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement : Final report.
Umweltbundesamt, Dessau-Roßlau, Deutschland, 130 pp.
Hamilton, D. S.
Building a broader Atlantic community.
Brookings Institute, Washington, D.C., 12 pp.
Ruiz, A., Nolasco, A., López-Portillo, V., Pereyra, S., García, E. and Hernández, J. J.
Incorporación de las acciones subnacionales para el fortalecimiento de la NDC de México en el sector transporte.
WRI Mexico, 29 pp.
Kristersson, U. and Roswall, J.
Riksrevisionens rapport om statens insatser mot invasiva främmande arter.
Regeringskansliet, Stockholm, Schweden, 102 pp.
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, World Wildlife Fund
Crimes that Affect the Environment and Climate Change.
World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Gland, Schweiz, 35 pp.
Azhgaliyeva, D. and Rahut, D. B., eds.
Climate Change Mitigation : Policies and Lessons for Asia.
Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokio, 356 pp.
DOI 10.56506/OJYG4210.
Daniels, S., Gluyas, J., Hartgill, D. and Jones, R.
and Environmental Agency
Specific environmental risks from repurposing oil and gas wells : Chief Scientist’s Group research report.
Environmental Agency, Bristol, England, 67 pp.
Collins, J., Boenish, R., Fujita, R., Rader, D. and Moore, L.
Natural climate solutions in the open ocean : scentific knowledge and opportunities surrounding four potential pathways for carbon dioxide removal or avoided emissions.
Environmental Defense Fund, New York, 40 pp.
Fujita, R., Collins, J., Kleisner, K., Rader, D., Mejaes, A., Augyte, S. and Brittingham, P.
Carbon sequestration by seaweed : background paper for the Bezos Earth Fund - EDF workshop on seaweed carbon sequestration.
Environmental Defense Fund, New York, USA, 29 pp.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Global Atmosphere Watch
The State of Greenhouse Gases in the Atmosphere Based on Global Observations through 2021.
WMO Greenhouse Gas Bulletin, 18
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Genf, Schweiz, 10 pp.
United Nations Environment Programme
Emissions Gap Report 2022 : The Closing Window : Climate Crisis Calls for Rapid Transformation of Societies.
United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, 132 pp.
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment
Environmental reporting, research and investment : Do we know if we’re making a difference?.
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment, Wellington, 106 pp.
ISBN 978-0-947517-33-5
Center for International Environmental Law
Fossils, fertilizers, and false solutions : how laundering fossil fuels in agrochemicals puts the climate and the planet at risk.
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), Washington D.C., 67 pp.
Keller, D. P. , Ketelhake, S., Meyer, J., Neumann, B., Oschlies, A. , Proelß, A. and Rickels, W.
Achieving Climate Neutrality and Paris Agreement Goals: Opportunities for Ocean-Based Methods of Carbon Dioxide Removal, Science Policy Brief.
CDRmare, Kiel, Germany, 8 pp.
DOI 10.3289/cdrmare.oceannets_1.
Council of the European Union
Commission staff working document evaluation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020.
SWD, 285 final
Europäische Kommission, Brüssel, 175 pp.
Larsen, L. H., Damsgaard Jensen, J., Bjørgesæter, A., Cochrane, S., Aaserød, M. I., Sagerup, K., Dyb, K. and Bondo Pedersen, K.
Virkninger for naturforhold, miljø og annen næringsvirksomhet relatert til konsekvensutredning for åpning av norsk sokkel for havbunnsmineralvirksomhet.
Akvaplan-niva Rapport, 63605
Oljedirektoratet, Stavanger, Norwegen, 87 pp.
Aryal, J. P.
Contribution of agriculture to climate change and low-emission egriculture development in Asia and the Pacific.
ADBI Working Paper Series, 1340
Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokio, 31 pp.
Kastoryano, S. and Vollaard, B.
Nautical patrol and illegal fishing practices.
IZA Discussion Paper, 15543
IZA Institute of Labor Economics, Bonn, Germany, 53 pp.
Laumonier, Y., Azzu, N., Adzan, G., Narulita, S., Khikmah, F., Meybeck, A., Pingault, N. and Gitz, V.
Asia-Pacific roadmap for primary forest conservation : Working paper.
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), CGIAR Research Program on Forests, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA), Rom, 189 pp.
DOI 10.17528/cifor/008540.
Morgan, P. J., Huang, M. C., Voyer, M., Benzaken, D. and Watanabe, A., eds.
Blue economy and blue finance : Toward sustainable development and ocean governance.
Asian Development Bank Institute, Tokio, 380 pp.
ISBN 978-4-89974-252-4
DOI 10.56506/HDLZ1912.
Collins, J., Boenish, R., Kleisner, K., Rader, D., Fujita, R. and Moritsch, M.
Coastal natural climate solution : an assessment of scientific knowledge surrounding pathways for carbon dioxide removal & avoided emissions in nearshore blue carbon ecosystems.
Environmental Defense Fund, New York, 30 pp.
World Meteorological Organization
The 2022 GCOS ECVs requirements.
GCOS, 245
World Meteorological Organization, Genf, 244 pp.
World Meteorological Organization
The 2022 GCOS Implementation Plan.
GCOS, 244
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Genf, 98 pp.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP)
The changing acidity of the global atmosphere and ocean and its impact on air/sea chemical exchange.
GESAMP Reports & Studies, 109
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Genf, Schweiz, 59 pp.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Climate change 2022 : mitigation of climate change.
IPCC assessment reports
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Genf, Schweiz, 2913 pp.
European Environment Agency
Climate change as a threat to health and well-being in Europe: focus on heat and infectious diseases.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, 73 pp.
ISBN 978-92-9480-508-9
DOI 10.2800/67519.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Climate Tipping Points : Insights for Effective Policy Action.
OECD Publishing, Paris, 89 pp.
ISBN 978-92-64-35465-4
DOI 10.1787/abc5a69e-en.
European Food Safety Authority
The European food risk assessment fellowship programme : Series 4, 2020-2021.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, 232 pp.
ISBN 978-92-9499-419-6
DOI 10.2805/20496.
World Intellectual Property Organization
Green Technology Book: Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation.
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Genf, Schweiz, 192 pp.
ISBN 9789280534771
DOI 10.34667/tind.47093.
Vivekananda International Foundation
India’s Energy Transition in a Carbon-Constrained World - Final Report.
Vivekananda International Foundation, 265 pp.
Ada Lovelace Institute
Looking before we leap : Case studies.
Ada Lovelace Institute, London, England, 55 pp.
Center for Global Environmental Research
NIES Supercomputer Annual Report 2021.
CGER-Report, 3 (I161)
Center for Global Environmental Research (CGER), Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan, 120 pp.
World Meteorological Organization WMO)
State of the Global Climate 2021.
WMO, 1290
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Genf, Schweiz, 57 pp.
ISBN 978-92-63-11290-3
World Bank
Supporting resilient coastal economies in Vietnam : informing the operationalization of Vietnam’s Marine Strategy with international experiences.
World Bank, Washington, D.C., 180 pp.
Babiker, M., Berndes, G., Blok, K., Cohen, B., Cowie, A., Geden, O., Ginzburg, V., Leip, A., Smith, P., Sugiyama, M., Yamba, F., Al Khourdajie, A., Arneth, A., Lima de Azevedo, I. M., Bataille, C., Beerling, D., Bezner Kerr, R., Bradley, J., Buck, H. J., Cabeza, L. F., Calvin, K., Campbell, D., Cols, J. C., Daioglou, V., Harmsen, M., Höglund-Isaksson, L., House, J. I., Keller, D. P. , Kleijne, K. d., Kugelberg, S., Makarov, I., Meza, F., Minx, J. C., Morecroft, M., Nabuurs, G. J., Neufeldt, H., Novikova, A., Nugroho, S. B., Oschlies, A. , Parmesan, C., Peters, G. P., Poore, J., Portugal-Pereira, J., Postigo, J. C., Pradhan, P., Renforth, P., Rivera-Ferre, M. G., Roe, S., Singh, P. K., Slade, R., Smith, S. M., Tirado von der Pahlen, M. C. and Toribio Ramirez, D.
Cross-sectoral Perspectives.
In: IPCC, 2022: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change. Contribution
of Working Group III to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
, ed. by
Shukla, P. R., Skea, J., Slade, R., Al Khourdajie, A., van Diemen, R., McCollum, D., Pathak, M., Some, S., Vyas, P., Fradera, R., Belkacemi, M., Hasija, A., Lisboa, G., Luz, S. and Malley, J..
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 1245-1354.
DOI 10.1017/9781009157926.005.
Baigún, C., Minotti, P. and Lamizana, B., eds.
Wetlands and people at risk.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland, Schweiz, 266 pp.
ISBN 978-2-8317-2218-4
DOI 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2022.09.en.
Biber, A., Knodt, S. and Visbeck, M.
Sustainable Blue Economy - Transformation, Value and the Potential of Marine Ecosystems.
Erkenntnisse der Cognitive Finance
FERI Cognitive Finance Institute, Bad Homburg v.d.H., 71 pp.
DOI 10.24406/publica-1603.
Busby, J., Eklöw, K., Hegazi, F., Krampe, F., Lanteigne, M., Michel, D., Pattison, C., Ray, C. and Smith, E.
Security Risks of Environmental Crises: Environment of Peace (Part 2).
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Stockholm, Schweden, 61 pp.
DOI 10.55163/VZIQ7863.
Enevoldsen, H., Isensee, K. and Yoon, I., eds.
and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission
State of the ocean report 2022 : pilot edition.
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Paris, Frankreich, 75 pp.
Garrido Gamarro, E. and Constanzo, V.
Microplastics in food commodities : A food safety review on human exposure through dietary sources.
Food Safety and Quality Series, 18
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rom, Italy, 124 pp.
ISBN 978-92-5-136982-1
DOI 10.4060/cc2392en.
Gustafsson, M., Watne, Å. and Fridén, H.
Hållbar datadriven kustzonsplanering och förvaltning : En syntes av dagens möjligheter och utmaningar.
Rapport / Naturvårdsverket, 7085
Naturvårdsverket, Stockholm, Schweden, 63 pp.
ISBN 978-91-620-7085-4
Hallding, K., Suljada, T., Axelsson, K., Swartling, Å. G., Kemp-Benedict, E., Laubacher, R., Dahlin, J. E., Skånberg, K., Blidh, H. and Davis, M.
The Agenda 2030 Compass.
SEI report
Stockholm Environment Institute, Stockholm, Schweden, 38 pp.
Mengis, N.
and IdeenLauf: Citizen Panel, IdeenLauf: Science Panel, IdeenLauf: Jury
Ideenlauf: Gesellschaftliche Impulse für Wissenschaft und Forschungspolitik - Ergebnispapier.
BMBF, 104 pp.
Pedersen, R. B., Rydland Olsen, B., Barreyre, T., Bjerga, A., Denny, A., Heggernes Eilertsen, M., Fer, I., Haflidson, H., Thomassen Hestetun, J., Jørgensen, S., Ribeiro, P. A., Steen, I. H., Stubseid, H., Tandberg, A. H. S. and Thorseth, I.
Fagutredning mineralressurser i norskehavet landskapstrekk, naturtyper og bentiske økosystemer.
Senter for dyphavsforskning, Universitet Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 128 pp.
Pörtner, H. O., Roberts, D. C., Tignor, M. M. B., Poloczanska, E., Mintenbeck, K., Alegría, A., Craig, M., Langsdorf, S., Löschke, S., Möller, V., Okem, A. and Rama, B., eds.
and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
IPPC 2022: Climate Change 2022 : impacts, adaptation and vulnerability : working group II contribution to the sith assessment report of the intergovernmental panel on climate change.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 3056 pp.
DOI 10.1017/9781009325844.
Samaniego, J., Lorenzo, S., Toro, E. R., Krieger Merico, L. F., Herrera Jiménez, J., Rouse, P. and Harrison, N.
Soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y remoción de dióxido de carbono.
United Nations CEPAL, Santiago, Chile, 84 pp.
Shiiba, N., Maekawa, M., Vegh, T. and Virdin, J.
Tracking international aid projects for ocean conservation and climate action.
ADBI Working Paper Series, 1308
Asian Development Bank Institute (ADBI), Tokio, Japan, 25 pp.
Stuart, L., Lüterbacher, J., Paterson, L., Deviller, R. and Castonguay, S., eds.
United In Science 2022 : A multi-organization high-level compilation of the most recent science related to climate change, impacts and responses.
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Genf, Schweiz, 40 pp.
van Aerts, L., de Morais, J., Evans-Brown, M., Jorge, R., Gallegos, A., Christie, R., Néfau, T., Planchuelo, G. and Sedefov, R.
and European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction
Recreational use of nitrous oxide : a growing concern for Europe.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, 86 pp.
Vargas Rojas, R., Taboada, M., Saynes Santillán, V., Cardoso Lisboa, C. and Olivera, C., eds.
and Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO)
Soils for nutrition : state of the art.
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Rom, 96 pp.
ISBN 978-92-5-136610-3
DOI 10.4060/cc0900en.
Teknologirapport havbunnsmineraler.
DNV AS Energy Systems, Høvik, 128 pp.
Rhoden, I., Vögele, S., Ball, C., Kuckshinrichs, W., Simon, S., Mengis, N. , Baetcke, L., Yeates, C., Steuri, B., Manske, D. and Thrän, D.
Spatial heterogeneity - challenge and opportunity for NET-ZERO Germany.
FZJ, Jülich, Germany, 19 pp.
Magliozzi, C., Druon, J. N., Palialexis, A., Artigas, L., Boicenco, L., González-Quirós, R., Gorokhova, E., Heyden, B., McQuatters-Gollop, A. and Varkitzi, I.
Pelagic habitats under MSFD D1: current approaches and priorities : An overview of approaches towards D1C6 assessment.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, 45 pp.
ISBN 978-92-76-30988-8
DOI 10.2760/942589.
United Nations
The Second World Ocean Assessment.
, Volume I
United Nations publication, New York, 543 pp.
ISBN 978-92-1-1-604006-2
United Nations
The Second World Ocean Assessment.
, Volume II
United Nations publication, New York, 520 pp.
ISBN 978-92-1-1-604006-2
Garcia-Soto, C., Caesar, L., Cazenave, A., Cheng, L., Cheripka, A., Durack, P., Evans, K., Halpern, D., Jewett, L., Kim, S. Y., Li, G., Rigor, I., Schmidtko, S. , Wang, J. and Zielinski, T.
Trends in the physical and chamical state of the ocean.
In: The Second World Ocean Assessment.
; Volume I
United Nations publication, New York, USA, pp. 83-110.
ISBN 978-92-1-1-604006-2
Kettunen, M., Dudley, N., Gorricho, J., Hickey, V., Krueger, L., MacKinnon, K., Oglethrope, J., Paxton, M., Robinson, J. G. and Sekhran, N.
Building on Nature : Area-based conservation as a key tool for delivering SDGs.
Institute for European Environmental Policy, Brüssel, Belgien, 236 pp.
Masson-Delmotte, V., Zhai, P., Pirani, A., Connors, S. L., Pean, C., Berger, S., Caud, N., Chen, Y., Goldfarb, L., Gomis, M. I., Huang, M., Leitzell, K., Lonnoy, E., Matthews, J. B. R., Maycock, T. K., Waterfield, T., Yelekci, O., Yu, R. and Zhou, B., eds.
and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
IPCC, 2021: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2391 pp.
DOI 10.1017/9781009157896.
Matthews, H. D., Rogelj, J., Redman, A., Mengis, N. , Hebden, S., Nolan, R., Hepach, H. , Donges, J. F., Martin, M. A., Büchs, M., Edwards, C., Lorek, S., Redman, A., Green, J. F., Pihl, E., Fuss, S., Gärtner, J., Lotze, H., Bowen, K., Sioen, G. B., Woodcock, J., Alcaraz Sedra, O., Bastos, A., Bauer, N., Bertram, C., Blenckner, T., Brando, P. M., Brodie Rudolph, T., Dasgupta, P., Donkor, F. K., Duan, H., Duarte, C. M., Engel, A. , Gettelman, A., Girardin, C. A. J., Golledge, N. R., Grose, M. R., Hashizume, M., Hirota, M., Kojima, S., Lele, S., McCauley, D., M'ebratu, D., Rahmstorf, S., Reid, C. E., Saunois, M., Spangenberg, J. H., Sterner, T. N. S., Stevens, N., Thonicke, K., Tian, H. and Winkelmann, R.
and Future Earth, The Earth League, WCRP
10 New Insights in Climate Science 2021.
UNSPECIFIED, Stockholm, Sweden, 53 pp.
DOI 10.5281/zenodo.5639539.
Wells, M. L., Burford, M., Kremp, A., Montresor, M. and Pitcher, G. C., eds.
and Global Harmful Algal Blooms (GlobalHAB)
Guidelines for the Study of Climate Change Effects on HABs.
IOC Manuals and Guidelines, 88
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO-IOC/SCOR), 119 pp.
DOI 10.25607/OBP-1692.
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)
Arctic Marine Biodiversity Monitoring Plan : 2020 - 2021 Work Plan and Status Report.
CAFF Monitoring Series
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna International Secretariat, Akureyri, Iceland, 11 pp.
Siegmund, P., Abermann, J., Baddour, O., Sparrow, M., Nitu, R., Tarasova, O., Canadell, P., Cazenave, A., Derksen, C., Mudryk, L., Howell, S., Garreau, A., Huss, M., Isensee, K., Schoo, K., Kennedy, J., Mottram, R., Ramasamy, S., Trewin, B. and Ziese, M.
The Global Climate in 2015-2019.
WMO, 1249
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Genf, Schweiz, 26 pp.
Graham, B. and Bury, S.
Marine isoscapes for trophic and animal movement studies in the southwest Pacific Ocean.
New Zealand Aquatic Environment and Biodiversity Report, 218
New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries, Wellington, Neuseeland, 35 pp.
ISBN 978-0-9951269-2-3
Stern, N.
Sustainability and internationalism: driving development in the 21st century.
Grantham Institute, London, UK, 21 pp.
Laffoley, D. and Baxter, J. M., eds.
Ocean deoxygenation: Everyone’s problem: Causes, impacts, consequences and solutions: Summary for Policy Makers.
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland, 28 pp.
ISBN 978-2-8317-2015-9
DOI 10.2305/IUCN.CH.2019.14.en.
Science Advisory Council
Recommendations to inform a UK ocean acidification monitoring strategy.
UK Government, 36 pp.
Tavoni, M., Bosetti, V., Shayegh, S., Drouet, L., Emmerling, J., Fuss, S., Goeschl, T., Guivarch, C., Lontzek, T. S., Manoussi, V., Moreno-Cruz, J., Muri, H., Quaas, M. and Rickels, W.
Challenges and Opportunities for Integrated Modeling of Climate Engineering.
, ed. by
Tavoni, M..
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Mailand, Italy, 38 pp.
SAPEA, Science Advice for Policy by European Academies
Food from the Oceans: How can more food and biomass be obtained from the oceans in a way that does not deprive future generations of their benefits?.
Evidence Review Report, 1
SAPEA, Berlin, Germany, 154 pp.
ISBN 978-3-9819415-1-7
DOI 10.26356/foodfromtheoceans.
Miladinova, S., Stips, A., Macias Moy, D. and Garcia-Gorriz, E.
Revised Black Sea ecosystem model.
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, 30 pp.
ISBN 978-92-79-77212-2
DOI 10.2760/220233.
Neil Craik, A. and Burns, W. C. G.
Climate Engineering under the Paris Agreement: A Legal and Policy Primer.
Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), Waterloo, Canada, 24 pp.
Burns, W. C. G.
The Paris Agreement and Climate Geoengineering Governance: The Need For a Human-rights Based Component.
Centre for International Governance Innovation, Waterloo, Canada, 44 pp.
Kniebes, C., Merk, C., Pönitzsch, G., Rehdanz, K. and Schmidt, U.
Informed and Uninformed Opinions on New Measures to Address Climate Change.
Kiel Working Papers, 1936
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, Germany, 31 pp.
Coughlan, C.
Modelling the carbonate system to adequately quantify ocean acidification.
, ed. by
Hoepffner, N. and Stips, A..
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxemburg, 34 pp.
ISBN 978-92-79-35105-1
DOI 10.2788/57998.
Heitmann, N. and Peterson, S.
The Potential Contribution of the Shipping Sector to an Efficient Reduction of Global Carbon Dioxide Emissions.
Kiel Working Papers, 1813
Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Kiel, Germany, 36 pp.
World Meteorological Organization
The Atmospheric Input of Chemicals to the Ocean.
GAW Report, 84
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Genf, Schweiz, 69 pp.